Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 983: 983. Idle Clouds and Wild Cranes

   Chapter 983 983. Idle Cloud Wild Crane

  Tang Jinghong was riding a fast horse, and when he saw Chu Tang chasing him, he stopped quickly, stretched out his hand to her, pulled her behind him, and continued on his way.

   "Why are you here?"

  Chu Tang hugged Tang Jinghong's waist with both hands, "I'm worried about being charming."

  Tang Jinghong laughed, "There is no charm."

  Chu Tang relaxed and leaned behind Tang Jinghong, "Let's go, let's go see the number one beauty in Liangcheng."

  Tang Jinghong drove forward, and then asked suspiciously, "What is the number one beauty in Liangcheng?"

   "Don't you know?" Chu Tang was surprised, "Miss Mu Er is the number one beauty in Liangcheng, you go and save her, maybe she will have other ideas about you."

  Tang Jinghong smiled slightly, "Are you jealous?"

  Chu Tang asked back, "Can't fairies be jealous?"

   Tang Jinghong laughed, Qing Zhi was jealous of him, he was very happy, "I don't like anyone except you, I only like you in my life."

  With the bright pearl in front, how could other people see it.

  Chu Tang smiled lightly, he believed that Tang Jinghong would not betray him, he still had some confidence in this.

   It took two days to ride a fast horse, and the two arrived at Liangcheng together.

  The bandits nest in a valley toward the south gate of Liangcheng. It is said that there are many traps, and many officers and soldiers who tried to enter the valley were killed here.

Tang Jinghong took Chu Tang back to the barracks, and then rushed to the foot of the mountain outside the bandit's den. A group of officers and soldiers surrounded the foot of the mountain. They had tried many times to enter the valley, but the trap was too strong, and they were all forced to retreat. return.

  Xia Lanfeng saw Tang Jinghong coming, and quickly stepped forward to salute, "General."

  Tang Jinghong observed the mountain peak, "How is it?"

  Xia Lanfeng shook his head, and said helplessly, "I have tried all the methods I can think of, but they all failed. General, the last general is incompetent."

  Tang Jinghong said, "Have you investigated why there is such a strong organization in a bandit den?"

  Xia Lanfeng was taken aback, "General, the general will go to investigate immediately."

  At the same time, in the bandit den, several people were arguing fiercely.

   "Look at the good deed you have done, you have attracted Tang Jinghong here, what should you do now?"

   "How do I know that Tang Jinghong will take care of this matter."

   "Can you change your lustful temper? Call Shashen here now, think about it, how to solve it!"

   After a heated argument for a while, they suddenly calmed down again.

  Now they are all prosperous and the other is damaged. It is meaningless to shirk responsibility from each other.

  The boss tentatively said, "Why don't you send Miss Muer back, and then secretly threaten Xi Zhaoping, so that he can settle the matter!"

  The second child said, "Now that Tang Jinghong has taken over the matter, it is not something Xi Zhaoping can calm down."

The third child agreed with the second child, "It is Tang Jinghong who should be settled now. Tang Jinghong is notoriously impartial. It is almost impossible to settle him. The most important thing is that the secrets in the valley cannot be revealed, otherwise we will die even worse. awful."

  The boss slapped the back of the fourth brother's head, "It's all your fault, now find a way to calm it down, otherwise even if you escape Tang Jinghong's arrest, the superiors will not give you good fruit."

  The fourth child was already frightened, "I don't know. At that time, I was obsessed with ghosts. When I saw Mu Er's beauty, I kidnapped her back. I didn't expect to cause such disasters."

  The second child said, "Now is not the time to pursue responsibility, let's find a way to get Tang Jinghong to withdraw his troops."

  The fourth child hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, let Tang Jinghong withdraw his troops."

  The third child said, "Why don't we take the initiative to send Miss Mu Er out, and offer some things to appease Tang Jinghong's anger?"

  The second child thought for a while and said, "How about we talk to Tang Jinghong about the conditions?"

  The boss said, "Go out and die, do you believe it or not?"

   "You can't go left, you can't go right, so what should I do?" The fourth child regretted it very much. If he knew that this would happen, he would never kidnap Miss Mu Er.

   There was silence in the hall.


  Chu Tang looked around, pointed to a verdant peak nearby, and said to Tang Jinghong, "Shall we go up and have a look?"

  Tang Jinghong nodded, "OK."

  The two flew towards the mountain peak one after the other, and the people below couldn't help but look up when they saw it. Looking at it this way, the two of them were flying fast and mighty like falcons.

  After landing on the mountain peak, Chu Tang and Tang Jinghong looked into the valley. Standing at a very high position and a low mountain position, they could see everything clearly.

  In their eyes, a large valley surrounded by mountains was occupied by a group of bandits. Many new houses were built here, which felt like a small hermit village.

  The mountain bandits sent people to stand guard everywhere, and they also sent people to patrol, and the defense was very tight.

   "Jing Hong, if you were a bandit, would you choose to set up a cottage in such a place?" Chu Tang felt something was wrong, and frowned slightly.

  Tang Jinghong said, "No, this place is easy to attack and difficult to defend. It is not a good place to hide, but it has a powerful mechanism, which makes up for this shortcoming."

   "This is the strange thing. As a bandit, do you have the money to hire someone to build a powerful institution?" Chu Tang felt that there was a lot to be said for this copycat.

   Tang Jinghong shook his head, "They're all bandits, of course not."

  Chu Tang smiled and sat down cross-legged, "Look first, let's fly down directly at night."

  Tang Jinghong handed the water to Chu Tang, "Drink some water and take a rest. I'll get you something to eat."

  Chu Tang raised his eyebrows, "Then I will trouble the general."

   Tang Jinghong cooperated, "I'm so happy."

   Tang Jinghong brought Chu Tang a lot of things, everything, food and drink, as if he was out for an outing.

  Tang Jinghong sat next to Chu Tang, "If you want to rely on someone, I am also happy."

   It was a date. He and Jing Hong hadn’t dated for a long time. Chu Tang relaxed and leaned against Tang Jinghong’s chest, eating snacks in his hand, looking into the valley.

   "This is quite comfortable."

   "It's been a long time since I stayed with you like this." Tang Jinghong stretched out his hand to straighten Chu Tang's forehead hair, cherishing the time when he was taking a break from his busy schedule.

   "Then we will stay here this afternoon, and monitor the valley by the way." Chu Tang said.

   "Everything is up to you." Tang Jinghong said.

  The officers and soldiers at the foot of the mountain looked at the looming figure on the mountain peak, wondering what was going on, and felt a sense of envy in their hearts.

  On the mountain peak, Chu Tang suddenly asked, "By the way, Jing Hong, what do you want to do with Xia Yuncheng?"

  Tang Jinghong didn't think about this question, "Leave it alone and see if it's useful in the future."

   Chu Tang said, "He is a prince, why should he guard the imperial tomb?"

   "It may be in the way of some people." The battle for crown prince has always been cruel and bloody.

"I think he went there by himself." Chu Tang thought to himself, he didn't see any ambition in Xia Yuncheng's eyes, he didn't seem like someone who likes to fight for power, "Actually, I don't think it's good to be an emperor. Good morning, great responsibility, no freedom, if you give me a choice, I will choose Xianyun Yehe..."

  (end of this chapter)

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