Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills

Chapter 999: 999. Exchange conditions

   Chapter 999 999. Exchange Conditions

  Zeng or couldn't help but said, "Look, these little girls are scared when they see you."

   "It's good to have a little deterrent effect." Xuan Louze didn't like the feeling of being bullied. He took the chopsticks in his hand and ate slowly.

   "By the way, why did the young master of Sanfang bring me food?" After eating for a long time, Xuan Louze thought of asking the Lord.

   "Xuan Louze's only warmth in this mansion is given by the third-bedroom and third young master. The relationship between the two is the best. It is said that Xuan Louze saved the third young master's life." Zeng said.

   "I'm going to meet this third-bedroom and third young master in a while, and I'm afraid there are other meanings in bringing me food at this time." Xuan Louze said.

   "You can go and have a look." Zeng or agreed.


  The third young master named Xuan Xibing, in his twenties, was originally an outstanding young talent, but when he was young, a horse fell and he fell into paraplegia and could only sit in a wheelchair.

  Xuan Xibing was reading a book in his room at this time, it was already dark, and he was unable to move. At this time, he was always reading in the study.

  Suddenly the door was opened, and a handsome figure appeared at the door, "Cousin."

  Xuan Xibing saw that it was Xuan Louze, and his expression was a little excited, "You finally came to see me, I thought you wouldn't come."

  Xuan Louze evoked a shallow smile, "Too many things during the day, sorry."

   "The family is sorry for you, don't be as knowledgeable as them." Xuan Xibing asked Xuan Louze to sit by his bed, but Xuan Louze refused and sat on a stool beside him.

  Xuan Xibing's eyes darkened for a moment, but he returned to normal immediately, "Are you okay with that leader now?"

   "He is dead." Xuan Lou Ze said truthfully.

   "Dead?" Xuan Xibing was very happy, but felt that it was wrong to appear happy, so he restrained himself.

   Xuan Lou Ze, "…"

  What does this mean?

  Xuan Xibing quickly changed the subject, "How long are you going to stay when you come back like this?"

   "Leave until the succession ceremony." Xuan Louze secretly said, wondering if the Xuan family can last until the succession ceremony, this family sounds quite powerful, but everyone is wonderful, he is too speechless.

   "Is it so fast?" Xuan Xibing was visibly depressed.

  Xuan Louze deliberately made a very embarrassed look, "You know my situation in the mansion."

   "Yes." Xuan Xibing nodded.

"Cousin, you shouldn't have brought me food today. Now everyone in the house is against me, but you treat me well, which will cause public outrage." Xuan Louze doesn't need people from the Xuan family to treat him well, so come see him today Xuan Xibing also wanted to repay the favor of the dinner.

   "I don't bring you food, why did you come to see me." Xuan Xibing seemed to have something to say.

   "Are you going to tell me something?" Xuan Louze sensitively felt that something was wrong.

   "I hope you can prevent the succession ceremony." Xuan Xibing said in a tone of entrusting a heavy responsibility.

   "Why?" Sure enough, there is a story.

  Xuan Xibing said solemnly, "If the family is given to Xuan Dongsheng, it means that the Xuan family is about to join Xia Sangguo."

   "What do you mean?" Xuan Louze's expression turned serious.

"Xuan Dongsheng has already taken refuge in Xia Sangguo's third prince, and grandpa also has this intention, so he is in a hurry to pass on the position of Patriarch to Xuan Dongsheng. Tonight, at midnight, someone from Xia Sangguo will come to the mansion. Stay until the succession ceremony is over." Xuan Xibing trusted Xuan Louze very much and told him everything.

   "How do you know these things?" Xuan Louze sized up Xuan Xibing, a young master who never leaves home knows so many inside stories, I'm afraid it's not as simple as it appears on the surface.

   "My father is in charge of the Xuan family's news, and I sometimes help to deal with it." Xuan Xibing also told the truth, because he needed Xuan Louze to prevent this succession.

   It turned out to be like this, "If you take refuge, you will take refuge, what are you in a hurry for?" Xuan Louze said disapprovingly.

   "Tang Jinghong is now in Liangcheng. If he finds out that the Xuan family has defected to Xia Sangguo, he will definitely not let us go in the future." After all, the homeland is here, and there is no way to escape.

   "Why do you have to seek refuge in Xia Sang Kingdom?" Xuan Louze was puzzled.

   "I don't know, and I'm also looking for the answer to this question." Xuan Xibing said.

  The whole family took refuge in Xia Sangguo, which is puzzling, "Cousin, you continue to investigate, I will go back first."

   "Okay, you go slowly." Xuan Xibing nodded.

  There are no stars or moon in the sky today, it is dark, only the surrounding lights bring a little bit of light.

  Xuan Louze walked to the corridor, thinking about what Xuan Xibing told him just now.

   This Xuan family really has a secret.


  In the firewood room, Zeng was or was standing behind Fifth Master Xuan, lowering his head slightly, "Master Fifth, please tell me if you have anything to say."

  Master Xuan Wu didn't look back, but said, "How did you do what I asked you to do?"

"Originally I was going to get the key, but Xuan Louze gave it to the person he likes. The person he likes is comparable to me in martial arts. I didn't get the item. The person behind was killed by Chu Qingzhi. The item It fell into Chu Qingzhi's hands." Zeng Yu said helplessly.

   "Isn't Chu Qingzhi already dead?" Fifth Master Xuan's face changed and he turned around.

   "She got the key first, and then she died. The things should be in Tang Jinghong's hands now."

   "Can you go to Tang Jinghong and steal something?" Xuan Wuye was so anxious, why did it get into Tang Jinghong's hands? !

   "Fifth Master, you asked me to go to Tang Jinghong's to get something, it's like asking me to die, sorry, I can't agree." Do you think he is a fool? If you draw a big cake, he will die.

"This is serious. You are very skilled in martial arts. What if you succeed? Think about it, as long as you bring me the things, I will give you the book "Shadow". ?”

   Fart, only you win, okay?

  Have you ever felt or felt that your brain must have been kicked by a donkey before, otherwise how could you agree to such an unfair condition?

   "Fifth Master, I'm sorry, I can't agree anymore, and I plan to wash my hands in the golden basin, you can find someone else." Zeng You clearly refused.

  A long sword fell out of Wuye Xuan's hand, and pointed at Zeng Or's neck, "Don't forget, who helped you back then."

"Yes, you helped me, but you don't remember how many things I have done for you these years?" Zeng Yu was not afraid of Xuan Wuye, "If you kill me, your scandals will not be covered. Living!"

   "You..." Xuan Wuye was furious.

   "Fifth Master, we are so happy to get together and part ways, the cooperation will end here." Zeng You gently put the sword aside, and then left the room.

  Master Xuan Wu let out a low voice, "Stop!"

   "What else?" Zeng was a little annoyed.

   "If I tell Xuan Louze about our cooperation, do you think he will let you go?" Xuan Wuye threatened.

  This matter should not be known by too many people, otherwise he would not be able to get the item, but it would be known to everyone, and his chances of getting the item would be reduced again.

  (end of this chapter)

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