A moment later, Ji Shuangshuang seemed to have figured it out. He calmly stared at the sacrificial Lord, "what do you want me to do?"

Her voice was so low that it seemed as if she had accepted her fate.

The sacrificial Lord said with a smile, "you should know that you have body fragrance. My request is for you to cut yourself off. "

"Method?" Ji Shuang's dark eyes were fixed on him, ignoring his words. He asked only one question, that is, the method of self-determination of body fragrance.

She stares at the sacrificial Lord, and she feels that the other party can't cut off her body fragrance. Or she won't be able to cut off her body odor.

However, she had no other ideas.

If she had to cut herself off, she would.

When this person appeared and said so many words, she thought that she should not be implicated in Yan qianxu because of her affairs. But it seems a little late. Listen to this man, Yan qianxu has done something he shouldn't have done.

He agreed to the other party's request only to let her leave here safely.

Judging from Yan qianxu's promise to the other party, this man must be extremely powerful. And what the man was thinking about was her body odor. She had almost guessed his identity.

"Eat the fragrant flowers." See Ji frost did not say much of the mind, sacrifice to the main nature is not concerned.

What's more, he looked at Ji Shuangshuang's attitude and felt that this man should agree with his request. Then he has nothing to hide, just say it.

Listen to him say so, Ji frost look at him directly: "sacrifice Lord, want to come, with your identity, promise people, should be not faking?"

She asked only one question.

After all, if she listened to each other's words, she would cut off her body fragrance. But the other party did not do what she promised her, then she did it for nothing?

"Of course not. As long as you cut off your body fragrance, I promise you will do it. I'm sure I won't embarrass the people you care about. And Yan qianxu will return to the general's palace in safety. What do you think? " The sacrificial Lord asked with a smile.

He didn't care, Ji Shuangshuang said his identity.

Now that he's here, he's not worried about what's going on.

Ji Shuang stares at him and says, "put down the fragrance free flowers and you leave here. When I think about it, I will eat it

She's not stupid. She doesn't trust the Lord. But if the sacrificial Lord promised not to involve the people she cared about, she could only gamble.

Of course, she would not be silly to eat the fragrant flowers given by the Lord. Who can know if what he gave is true?

Let the sacrificial Lord put the flowers down. She must ask Xiaobai whether the flowers are real or not.

Xiaobai knows more about lingcao and lingcao than she does.

The sacrificial Lord looked at her, took out a small box from the sleeve and handed it to her.

He thought for a while and then said, "this fragrant flower can be put here. But you don't want to destroy it. If you do destroy it, I will find it. But if you do, I feel in trouble. I can't guarantee the safety of the people around you

Ji Shuangshuang just dropped her eyes and didn't talk again.

She naturally knows that the other party can give her flowers, but will not see her destroy.

But now she is really not in the mood to pay attention to each other.

Looking at her attitude, the sacrificial Lord didn't want to say anything more and turned and walked out.

She raised her hand to open the box and began to communicate with Xiaobai: Xiaobai, do you think this is really a fragrant flower?

Xiaobai passed such an idea, Ji Frost's line of sight is still falling on the fragrance free flowers. As she is drooping her eyes, anyone who sees her like this will feel that she is thinking deeply.

After Xiaobai and frost record are in common, they naturally see the things in the box, and they convey an idea to the frost record: This is really a fragrant flower.

Ji Shuangshuang then asked: is its function what the sacrificial Lord said?

Xiaobai is still passing the idea to her, and now it knows that Ji Shuangshuang is not willing to let it come out. After all, this is a cell, and she doesn't want anyone to find it.

People born with body fragrance are hard to meet in a thousand years. But when such a person is born in this world, there will be a flower without fragrance, which is the only one in the world. After taking the fragrance free flowers, the body fragrance will be removed naturally. However, you will no longer be able to control snakes and lose the ability to communicate with snakes.

When Xiaobai passed on this idea, she almost wanted to cry and beg her.

It hopes that Ji frost will not be eaten.

Ji frost, you don't want to be so stupid, you don't want to eat, OK? If you eat this flower, you will feel very sad. It makes you burn like a flame, and it's painful. After all, you have a body odor. But you eat this flower, is equivalent to the body fragrance from your body to drive out. This pain can not be sustained by anyone.

Xiaobai then accepted her to pass on the idea. It was in tears. It was wrapped around Ji Frost's wrist, and she could feel tears running through her wrist. Ji Shuang felt that his wrist was scalded by something.

She naturally knew that with Xiaobai's temperament, she would not easily shed tears.It's just that she's destined to live up to its expectations.

Of course, she has to pay what she wants to get.

After taking the fragrance free flowers, the body odor can be removed.

But this body fragrance can be divided into four words, but it is not so simple. Doomed to suffer.

But what can she do? She had to do it for Yan qianxu and Xiaoqiu.

Today, the God of sacrifice can threaten her with Yan qianxu, then the God of sacrifice will threaten her with Xiao Qiu tomorrow.

Don't say that there is only one fragrant flower. If she is destroyed, there will be no way for the sacrifice Lord to get it. But as long as he knew that the fragrance free flower was destroyed by her, he would surely retaliate.

And can she bear his revenge?

The answer is obvious.

She couldn't bear the consequences, so she had to.

Even though he knew that he couldn't persuade Ji Shuang, Xiaobai watched Ji Shuang eat the fragrance free flowers. He just felt that he was too incompetent.

It felt that when the frost needed its help most, it could not help her except watching.

From the spirit, pain, submerged Xiaobai. And it, also helplessly watching the frost record rolling, pain to death.

Xiaobai looks at Ji Shuang's painful rolling from the beginning, and then he has no strength to roll. He just lies in a cold sweat and has no strength to move a finger. It's just crying. It is watching each other helplessly, from intact, into such a life hanging on the line.

I don't know how long it took, maybe for a moment or a night. The door was opened from the outside, and a man in black left the cell with Ji Shuang in his arms. Xiaobai doesn't move. It can feel that this person has no malice. It did not make a sound to remind each other.

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