When Yan qianxu left, Princess Huilan also knew that there was an end to some things today.

Even though she didn't want Yan qianxu to leave, she couldn't change his decision.

She sat here all night in silence until the next morning.

And all this, Yan qianxu did not know.

He went back to his own yard, and he left until he came back, and everything here remained intact. And the yard is clean. Obviously, after he left, it was cleaned up day by day.

But what about that?

He knew from his return that he would eventually leave.

The general's office is not a place where he would like to stay for a long time. Because he was in the general's house, he had no worries.

Yan qianxu's eyes fell in the yard and swept around. He only felt that although he had long thought of leaving, he was still somewhat disappointed. Maybe it's because of Princess Huilan.

He is not totally insensible. He knows what Princess Huilan has done.

However, some things can not go back.

No matter what, we can't go back to the past. They will not know what happened to him when he left the capital at the age of five.

He had expected that the princess would send someone to take him back.

But he was chased and killed for life. If he had not been saved by Ji Shuangshuang's mother, he would have died at the age of five. Where is he now?

If he stayed in the general's house without any resentment, what was his previous suffering?

Is it true that those are all in vain?

At the end of the day, he was resentful. It's not that the heart has no root. He was able to come back because he was easy to handle affairs through the general's office.

What's more, he also benefited from the good fortune and misfortune of his dream. At that time, Meng Qingliu said that if he died outside, he would be a disaster star. But if he comes back safely after 20 years, he will be a lucky star.

Since it's good for him to come back, why can't he use it?

Yan qianxu turned these thoughts in his mind, but felt that he was blocked. After such a long time, he still cares, which shows that he still hasn't put it down.

"Now that I'm back, why don't you come in?" The clear and pleasant female voice brought back his thoughts of drifting far away.

Yan qianxu's eyes moved to the source of the sound, "just thinking about something."

Ji frost didn't ask, just went to him and took people to go in.

"You have to worry about summer moon." Ji Shuang sat down on the chair and spoke.

Yan qianxu looked at her suspiciously, "what's the matter?" Why should he worry about Xia Yue?

Ji Shuang said with gnashing teeth, "nature is a life-long event. You can't let someone else's little girl follow you all her life and never get married She was really angry with Yan qianxu's attitude.

What else did he ask her? Don't he care about his own people?

Is there a point in his mind?

Yan qianxu looked at her in silence, with him in charge of one, but also in charge of the second?

He didn't refuse them to marry. They took good care of them, even though they were. Will he remember to give them dowries? Why should he worry about it? Yan qianxu has some imbalance in his mind.

Yan qianxu felt that he did not worry about himself, but now he has to worry about others.

He thinks that's not the way it should be.

"They can find the people they like. Isn't it enough for me to give them a dowry? You want me to show them? It's not necessary. " If Yan qianxu didn't want to think about it, he said it.

That's what he thinks. He says what he thinks.

As a frost record in front of, very honest people. Of course, Yan qianxu said anything.

Ji Shuang looks at him expressionless, and she thinks that he should take back what he said.

"I'll give you a chance to take back what you said. Do you want it?" Looking at Yan qianxu's indifferent appearance, Ji Shuangshuang decides to give him a hint.

However, in this case, Yan qianxu's desire for survival is not strong.

He shook his head. "I don't want it. Of course, their life is to find the people they like. I'll step in, like something

"You don't let them marry, they don't marry, what do you say?" Ji Shuang glanced at him and asked. She had wanted to pour him a glass of water, to see what he looked like now, or forget it.

Yan qianxu was stunned, "I didn't let them marry."

"I mean, if you let them marry, they will marry!" Ji Shuang can't help but wonder if Yan qianxu can't understand people.

She felt that he might have read little and understood little.

"It's their freedom to marry or not. I can't interfere." Yan qianxu said seriously, "because you want Chunhua to marry, I will tell her."

Ji Shuangshuang rolled his eyes at him and said, "the maid under your command is mostly to repay you? They may want to be with you, serve you for a lifetime, do not want to marry. But if you let them marry, they will naturally think about themselves. "What can she say? She could only explain what she should have said. In case Yan qianxu still doesn't understand anything.

After meeting Yan qianxu, she felt that he did not understand the world. It turned out that he didn't want to deal with that. But he is also slow to some things.

Part of the reason why the maid around him could follow him was to repay his kindness. They thought and followed him all his life. If he doesn't speak, they won't marry.

Yan qianxu stares at her, feeling unable to understand, "why do they have this idea?"

In order to repay his gratitude, he followed him all his life and did not marry. He could not understand.

He thinks he's open-minded. If there are people he likes, he will marry them. But now it seems that they didn't mention it because they didn't ask for his permission.

It made it impossible for him to understand how his staff could have such an idea.

Ji Shuangshuang held out his hand and said, "you can't ask me this question. Shouldn't you ask them? Maybe it's your fault. You are so good at resisting that they are willing to live for you, die for you, and die alone for you. "

"I'll make it clear to them." Yan qianxu was silent for a moment before he spoke softly.

After hearing Ji Shuangshuang's reply, he only felt that the veins on his forehead jumped. He didn't want to pay attention to her if it wasn't for her more unreliable words.

Ji Shuangshuang glanced at him, he said so, and she didn't want to say more. It must be appropriate for him to say so.

Yan qianxu prepared his brush, ink, paper and inkstone, sat down at the table and began to grind ink.

Looking at his actions, Ji Shuangshuang is a little curious. She especially wants to know what he wants to write.

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