After Earth Dragon turned over, Yucheng was in chaos. If the officials can't control it, we can only rely on the people to find ways to save themselves.

Fortunately, many people followed suit and set up tents outside and moved food and some important belongings out of their homes. Apart from the collapse of the house, there was no big loss.

With money and food, almost every household has strong laborers. The next step is to start renovating the house.

Fortunately, it is summer now and no one can live in the house, so I can continue to sleep in the yard or on the street. Poor people all have houses with thatched roofs. The ground dragon turns over, the thatch falls, and people can still crawl out from under the haystacks. However, the ones who suffer the most are those who can afford to live in brick houses.

There are also some newly renovated houses. Because the foundations are strong, only a few tiles fell off and were slightly damaged. This was the case with the teahouse opposite the inn.

Li Haitang discussed with the teahouse owner to use this place as a temporary medical center. People who were injured and bleeding during the earthquake could come here to get bandaged without any payment.

I heard that there was no money required, so there was a long queue in front of the teahouse, and there were quite a few people seeking treatment from Li Haitang.

With Gingguo helping and Wufu delivering the things, the efficiency was quite high. Xiangli and Mrs. Wang watched and quickly got started. They were busy from morning to night and lived a fulfilling life.

When a natural disaster occurred, no one was in the mood to listen to books, so the storyteller stayed idle every day and worked with the group.

During the conversation, Li Haitang became familiar with the storyteller, and for this reason, he also learned that he was a storyteller.

The storyteller's surname is Xie Mingwu, and his family lives in the suburbs of Kyoto in Daqi. He passed the examination as a scholar in his prime years, but he himself could not bring himself to take the exam, and he preferred some strange news and strange things. He was different from others, who were like Listen to it, irresponsible, regardless of the truth of the matter.

But Xie Wu was different. He liked to go back to the source and understand the truth of the matter. After that, he started to write down what he knew in a booklet.

Many things were very weird, and he wanted others to know about them. For this reason, he ignored the opposition of his family and became a storyteller.

"Yucheng is only three days away from Yangshu Village. My neighbor passed by and just came back from Yangshu Village. He went to the Yamen to listen to the trial and knew everything about it. Otherwise, no one would believe this matter if I told others about it."

Xie Wu talked about the relationship between the village chief and the Liu family. The only two sons died tragically.

In response to that sentence, karma is not due to the unethical nature of the parents. The fundamental reason is that they did not educate their sons well.

The mistake was that he didn't take his stupid son seriously. In fact, no matter how stupid he was, he still understood some instincts. He neglected to discipline his younger son and let him become a bully in the village, which eventually led to tragedy.

Li Haitang strongly agreed. Even if the village chief and the Liu family had an affair, which was not allowed by common sense, after all, it was their own family's business. Behind closed doors, who would want to meddle in other people's family's business?

It doesn't bother others and no one cares about them. The fault lies in the character of these two people. They shamelessly plotted against the Hua family for their own selfishness.

"By the way, brother Xie, is there any latest progress in Yang Xu's case in Kyoto?"

During the break, Li Haitang asked Xie Wu again. I am afraid that he knows the most clearly.

Xiangli put down the tea cup, her eyes empty. She tried her best to find something to do for herself these two times so as not to think about anything else. As long as Yang Xu was mentioned, she would lose her mind.


There is a caravan in Kyoto that goes to Lucheng in the North to carry goods every month and passes by Yucheng.

Everyone in the caravan is very fond of listening to books. As long as they come here, they will definitely sit in the teahouse, and it is the other party who inquires about Yang Xu's case for him.

The escorts in the caravan knew Xie Wu's temper, and one of them was an acquaintance of him, so they couldn't help but be more attentive when asking about him.

The case of Yang Xu was causing quite a stir. Lord Jing Zhaoyi and Zhang Zheng insisted on getting an explanation from Dali Temple and submitted the case to the Ministry of Punishment.

However, the court was in chaos, officials were protecting each other, and the Du family was powerful, so no one dared to go against the Du family.

But Du Ruo and a woman disguised themselves as men, went to Songhe Academy, and mingled with many scholars. Their reputation was definitely gone.

"She killed people and dismembered her bodies. She was so cruel. She still wants fame?"

Xiangli was so excited that she bit her lips until they turned white. Although she had thought of these things before, it felt different to have someone say them to her face.

Her chest heaved and she felt resentful.

"No one dares to be a witness, so she just needs to pass everything on to her servants."

For example, Du Ruohe told his personal maid that the maid was loyal and feared that her young lady's secret would be exposed, so she took it upon herself to find someone to kill Yang Xu.

In this way, from the beginning to the end, she was not next to Du Ruohe. She didn't know that the maid could get away with doing such things.

Xie Wu shook his head. Some time ago, when the caravan came here, the case was not understood yet, but they were well-informed and learned that Chen Chun and Du Ruohe were sent to Zhuangzi to hide from the limelight. They waited until the people forgot about the matter and then brought them back. .

Songhe Academy was not affected. Several scholars who complained about Yang Xu were beaten for no reason, and some had their faces disfigured.

In Daqi, one of the most important requirements for officials is that they have good facial features and good health.

If one's appearance is destroyed, even if one wins the first prize in the examination, he will not be able to become an official, and his official career will come to an abrupt end.

This is equivalent to severing the throats of scholars. They study hard in a cold window, so that after passing the Jinshi examination, they will be awarded official positions and then honor their ancestors?

After this incident, Songhe Academy became extremely quiet, and no one talked about this topic again.

Xiangli was very depressed. When Li Haitang was carrying someone on his back, he whispered, "It's useless if you keep doing this. Yang Xu is gone, and the people who are most worried about him are his parents. You two are childhood sweethearts, so you still have to Hold on."

Xiangli nodded, yes, she had to cheer up, hold on until Kyoto, and settle the uncles and aunts of the Yang family first before making other plans.

After the earth dragon turned over, there was a landslide and the official road was blocked by huge rocks. Unless he had wings to fly over, he would be trapped in Yucheng.

Taking advantage of these few days, Li Haitang began to pay attention to the homeless children. She and the official said that she was willing to pay to adopt all the children, and later teach them various skills and make a living, which would not be a problem.

"That's not possible. How do you prove that you are not a human trafficker?"

The officer looked Li Haitang up and down with suspicious eyes. Could this lady be crazy?

If you are not from Yucheng, you don’t have a house or a title deed in Yucheng. How will you place these little children in the future?

Li Haitang touched his cheek and couldn't answer the officer's question. Indeed, if she takes people away and carries so many tow bottles along the way, she will definitely not be able to increase her speed. If she stays in Yucheng, she will have no fixed place and no people, so she really has no place to settle.

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