Back in the modern era, Li Haitang had already experienced that, not to mention commodity prices, ordinary people who had worked hard all their lives could not afford housing prices for an inch of land, so various terms such as house slaves and car slaves emerged.

Not only are land prices high in Daqi and Kyoto, but commodity prices have also risen sharply compared to those in the North.

She was okay, and she could be considered a person who had seen the world, but Li Haitang had a headache when faced with the whirring Wufu.

"Five blessings!"

Li Haitang worked up his emotions. The stupid maid was embarrassed, and in the end she was embarrassed. If she wasn't irritable, she must be educated calmly.

Wufu blinked. Listening to his wife's tone, it seemed that she had done something wrong again. It seemed that she had committed a crime. What should she do?

Wufu lowered his head and tapped the ground with his toes to change circles, showing a good attitude towards admitting his mistake.

Li Haitang choked, as if there was a lump in his throat, and suddenly didn't know what to say.

After brewing for a long time, the enthusiasm of being a maid could not be dampened. It is really not easy to be a good leader. Li Haitang thought so and decided to use an encouraging tone, "Five blessings, I first came to Kyoto. This is not the Northland. If you look like you are making a fuss, His appearance will make people look down upon him.”

"You are the first maid next to my wife. You have to accompany me to attend important occasions, and you meet all the ladies of high families. Are you saying that you are not slapping me in the face?"

Something worth only a hundred dollars, but you thought it was expensive in front of the shopkeeper, and didn't you notice the darkened face of the shopkeeper? If you don't kick people out, that's considered polite.

Even if you have thoughts in your heart, you can't say it on the surface. People in Kyoto are all brittle coals and have too many evil thoughts!

"So madam, are you going to give me a salary increase?"

Wu Fu changed from a confused look to starry eyes and quickly grasped the key point.

Li Haitang:......

Rubbing her forehead, she almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. The maid next to her was so difficult to deal with, and she had no other choice.

It is said that prices in Kyoto are high, which is different from that in the North. Li Haitang really needs to think about how to improve the treatment of his subordinates.

If you want the horse to run, you have to let it eat grass. She still understands this truth.

Huh? Wait a minute, she was trying to teach Wufu to be steady, why did she go astray again?

As a result, the education failed and he had to pay an extra sum of money. Li Haitang was so heartbroken that he didn't want to talk anymore.

Anyway, she is the master of Wufu. In the future, when dealing with someone you dislike, let this girl take action first. She will definitely choke the person to death and make that person so angry that they will rise to the sky.

Because Wufu couldn’t understand your various hints and pretended to be serious...

"Madam, you see, the grocery store next door has been taken over by several owners."

Li Duanzu pointed to the shop next to the wine shop. It was also crowded. It was not yet noon, the scholars had not come out yet, and few people came to buy.

Because it is next to the academy, the location is good, but it is not as good as the main street in the city. It is only lively at noon and evening every day.

The merchants are just waiting to make money now. The rest of the time, they clean the tables, sweep the floors, look at the ledgers, and then just rest.

Li Haitang made another note in his notebook. The target group was very specific and the time was strict. The only thing that seemed to waste no time was catering.

As we all know, most restaurants are also busy at that time, and they spend the rest of the time preparing.

After investigation, Li Haitang felt that the concept of opening a restaurant was correct and that it could expand in the surrounding area.

"What a wonderful idea you have!"

Li Duanji repeatedly gave thumbs up and flattered Li Haitang. He knew from the beginning that Divine Doctor Li was not an ordinary person. He not only had excellent medical skills, but also knew how to make money. He had meat to eat with his wife, immediately married a beautiful girl, and reached the pinnacle of his life. He felt that he Really discerning people.

If you start a food delivery business, it is impossible for ordinary people to do it. Delivering food for free will require human efforts and increase costs. Then the wool comes from the sheep and the things themselves will be expensive.

This is not cost-effective at all for the people who are eager to break a penny in half and spend it.

If it is opened on a main street where wealthy families gather, the cost will be even higher. Just renting the shop for a year will cost tens of thousands of taels. This is not the main thing. Rich people have no shortage of servants, and running errands is not a big deal. It is impossible to let food delivery people into the yard.

For example, if some soup noodles are delivered to the concierge, if they are delayed there and the taste is affected, who will be responsible for the final loss?

To sum up, the difference is only in the academies. Some nearby academies do not allow tutors. Those scholars are pampered and some can tolerate the unpalatable cafeteria. A large part of the reason is because of laziness.

"Madam, but there is one thing. If we invite people to deliver food and expand this, wouldn't the surrounding businesses follow suit?"

Li Duanzu touched his nose. No one is stupid. They can definitely see the potential value in it and they will definitely imitate it.

"No, food delivery is only one of our businesses. Our shop mainly sells unlimited signboards."

At a gathering of scholars, after ordering food, no one can order all the food they like. At least they have to consider others. Here, there is no such worry. You can take whatever you like and eat whatever you like. The premise is that there is no waste. take away.

In a buffet, there is bound to be some confusion, but Li Haitang is not too worried.

Taking away an apple, being seen by people in the same college, spreading the word, how shameless is it?

Hot pot may be off-season in summer, but it becomes popular in winter.

There are more students in the surrounding academies than imagined, and the hundreds of actions they have set up may not be enough.

"The first floor will definitely be a bit messy, so if you want to eat hot pot on the second floor, we'd better build a separate staircase outside."

Li Haitang thought about it. The handrails on both sides of the stairs were planted with some climbing flowers and plants to grow into a corridor. This way, it looks more profound.

In order to cater to this group of scholars, you must be careful.

"Then we need to expand!"

Li Duanzu opened the door of the wine shop, and the three of them went in and saw that the lighting was good. There was limited space upstairs and downstairs. It would be great if the two sides could be opened up and turned into a dining table.

"It all depends on your ability. You can rent or sell it, but there is one thing. If you want to rent it, give us at least five years."

This is also for protection. You can't just do it for a year and it becomes popular. If the other party wants to take back the house, you will suffer heavy losses.

From Li Haitang's point of view, there is no long-term business. In five years, she can make enough money, and she doesn't want to spend all her money on the food shop.

"Oh madam, if you leave it to the villain, it will be done properly!"

Li Duanjiao chuckled and took the opportunity to make a deal with Li Haitang, but he was so busy that he couldn't take care of his life-long affairs.

"I'll help match Chunmei." Li Haitang reciprocated the favor and agreed very readily.

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