The meal cost more than ten taels of silver. Li Haitang doubted whether the scholar's appetite was similar to that of a cat. The plate was exquisite, but the portion was pitifully small, not as much as a plate in Beidi.

Wu Fu'an added two large steamed buns, the largest one, which was about the size of her fist, and a bowl of noodles, which was only the size of a small bowl, with some chopped green onion sprinkled on top.

Li Haitang:......

The final result was that no one had enough to eat.

The carriage circled around Songhe Academy. There was a village not far away. I heard that the Yang family had bought a house in the village before, so that Yang Xu could go to the academy. Xiangli wanted to inquire, but was stopped by Li Haitang.

"You can't go."

After a little thought, Li Haitang felt that it was better to be cautious.

The Du family is also very concerned about this case. The scandal has already caused them a lot of trouble. For the sake of face, the Du family must ensure that Du Ruohe is foolproof.

Xiangli and the others were all strangers, so they stepped forward rashly and were targeted by the eyeliners left by the Du family, which would be very detrimental to them.

In order to scare the snake away, if the Du family makes some plans and kills the culprit, then it will be a death without evidence.

This is not good for reversing the case and makes it even more difficult.

"Sister Haitang, it's because I'm ignorant and too abrupt."

Xiangli looked apologetic after listening to Li Haitang's analysis. She felt that she was just a laggard, unable to help at all, and still looking for trouble.

Thinking of this, her eyes turned red again, and she actually felt like giving up.

The Du family is a high-ranking family, and she is just an ordinary citizen. She is not afraid of anything, except that she is afraid of hurting Li Haitang, which she really cannot bear with her life. What is the difference between her and a white-eyed wolf who repays kindness with revenge?

Death is like a lamp going out. Xiangli just wants to find Yang Xu's parents, stay with them, and fulfill her filial piety for Yang Xu.

"There must be no justice in this world."

Li Haitang shook her head and looked into the distance very profoundly. She was not absolutely sure about this case. Everything depended on Zhang Zheng's wishes.

If Zhang Zheng says there is nothing he can do, then there really is nothing he can do.

Dali Temple sentenced the maid Qiu Hou to be executed, and there was still a month of operation time. Whether the verdict could be reversed also depended on luck.

I hope that Yang Xu’s wronged soul will know something and wish everything goes smoothly, so that Chen Chun and Du Ruo can be harmonious!

Back at the village, Bai Guo came to report back and talked about going to Jingzhaoyi Yamen today.

Bai Guo had heard some things about the Zhang family. Although she grew up in Heishui Village in the northwest, she couldn't help but be smart. She figured it out after thinking about it for herself.

The madam asked her to deliver the letter. If it was delivered to the backyard, the letter might be detained. I heard that the prefect’s wife loved being sour and jealous, and she didn’t get along well with Miss Zhang, Zhang Ruyi, so she might intercept the letter secretly.

Bai Guo thought about it and spent more than a dozen copper coins to find the official on duty to deliver the letter, and also mentioned Zhang Ruyi.

After the official learned about it, he did not shirk and quickly went to the Yamen to deliver the letter. About a quarter of an hour later, she was called in by Mr. Zhang Zheng.

Bai Guo thought Mr. Zhang was a bad old man, but when he saw him, he was almost speechless. He never thought that Mr. Zhang was so good-looking. At this age, he had the maturity of a man, coupled with the natural authority and nobility. It's fascinating.

Master Zhang was overjoyed at first when he saw her, and then looked behind her and felt a little disappointed.

Bai Guo didn't know why, but she had a question. Is Zhang Ruyi, the eldest daughter of the Zhang family, really her biological child?

"What did Master Zhang say?"

Li Haitang waited for a long time, and when he saw that Ging Guo was still wandering, he couldn't help coughing twice as a reminder.

"Master Zhang will take a rest tomorrow. If you have time, I will ask you to meet at Fuyun."

After Bai Guo finished speaking, he took out a note with Fu Yunlai's address on it.

"Madam, Fuyunlai is a famous teahouse in Kyoto."

Mr. Zhang Zheng had booked a private room in Fuyunlai Neilanxiangju. The soundproofing there was good, and officials often gathered inside to discuss matters.

Li Haitang nodded. It was probably inconvenient, so Zhang Zheng didn't say much.

After a night of silence, Li Haitang got up early the next day and went to the appointment with Xiangli, Mrs. Wang, Wufu, and her subordinate Li Duanjie.

On the surface, she is Zhang Zheng's junior, but after all, there are differences between men and women. If it is a private meeting alone, it is easy for people to misunderstand.

For the sake of caution, Li Haitang specifically asked Li Duanjie to go with him and move the pastry shop to the back while waiting for the cash.

The atmosphere was solemn all the way. When the good luck arrived, he gave the note to the clerk. The clerk politely led the person upstairs, but Zhang Zheng's face darkened when he saw so many people there.

"Master Zhang, how are you these days?"

Li Haitang and Zhang Zheng were quite familiar with each other, so they greeted each other politely and sat down.

Lan Xiang lives inside and is divided into inner and outer rooms. Xiang Li and Mrs. Wang know each other and sit in the outer room, while Li Duanjie stands at the door.

Ginkgo and Wufu looked at their noses with their eyes and their hearts with their noses, standing behind their wives.

Li Haitang nodded with satisfaction. In this way, she looked more powerful. If Zhang Zheng dissatisfied her, she could move her fingers and let Wufu go up and beat him!

"Couldn't sleep at night."

Zhang Zheng just received a letter from Lan Yi a few days ago and learned that Li Haitang and his party were coming to Kyoto. At the same time, he also learned that his daughter Zhang Ruyi was living a miserable life.

The dignified daughter of the Zhang family, born into a noble family, was bullied by a poor scholar?

Zhang Zheng was so angry that he threw the tea bowl and couldn't eat any more.

He has a younger daughter, but naturally she cannot compare with her eldest daughter. After all, he has wasted so much effort over the years.

He had opposed the marriage between the two back then, but as a result, the female student was not allowed to stay in the university, but used dishonorable means to keep Lu Yuanqing.

Man, it doesn't mean he is not romantic, it means he is good. He was raised by his widowed mother, and Lu Yuanqing valued his mother more than anything else. When Lu's mother was alive, everything could be in peace. Now that he is gone, Lu Yuanqing was so sad that he shied away all the responsibilities. Ruyi's ugly face is really disgusting!

Lan Yi's letter said that the incident happened after Li Haitang left, so Li Haitang didn't know about it yet.

"You asked your maid to deliver a message to me yesterday. It wasn't just a matter of reminiscing about old times, right?"

Zhang Zheng touched his beard and looked in the direction of the door with some suspicion. Li Haitang was bringing a young woman with him. What does this mean? Did he know there was a fire in his backyard, so he came to pimp him?

Those people were dressed like unmarried young ladies. Zhang Zheng thought about it and found out that this was very possible.

"Indeed. It has something to do with Xiangli."

Li Haitang pointed to Xiangli outside and wanted to call her to introduce her. Unexpectedly, Zhang Zheng waved his hand and stopped her.

Now he has no desires and feels that women are too troublesome. Moreover, for more than a year, he has been dreaming about the person in front of him, which makes him extremely melancholy.

Those thoughts cannot be told to outsiders, they can only be hidden, and they drink wine to admire the moon by themselves, feeling lonely and empty. One can imagine Zhang Zheng's mood when his sweetheart pimps him.

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