Biquge, the fastest update of farm gate happy events: Husband, come to plow the fields!

When Li Haitang left Fuyun Lai, she felt a strange look. She turned around and found that the look came from the shopkeeper and the clerks.

At this moment, she finally understood the important role of the curtain hat, which could also hide her ugliness at critical moments.

"Madam, it was all my fault. I just went to the toilet..."

Li Duanzu mentally scolded that crazy woman for not being able to control her man, yet she had the nerve to come and say that he didn't understand the logic.

Under normal circumstances, if you don't like your husband, you shouldn't eat fast, chant Buddha's name, act calm, or be sad all day long, how can you have the nerve to come to your door?

This undoubtedly lets people know how incompetent they are.

Sure enough, in a wealthy family, everyone could be found. When Li Duanji thought about it, he was not surprised.

"Even if you don't go to the toilet, you still can't resist these women. You must dodge, otherwise what if you are molested?"

Li Haitang was still in the mood to joke. She had to thank Li Short Legs for her curtain hat. At least when she came in and out, the shopkeeper and the waiters couldn't see her appearance. She could also deceive herself and others that she hadn't been here today.

The vixen's hand was too strong, and a huge slap mark appeared on the side of Xiangli's face. Even the joints of the hand on the slap mark were particularly obvious, which showed that the other party had used the strength of sucking milk to strike hard.

"Xiangli, I didn't stop you because..."

Li Haitang did not hide anything and talked about his thoughts.

"Sister Haitang, you are worried about me, and you have to beg for help. Not only that, but you are also humiliated. I know that, how can I blame you?"

Xiangli shook her head desperately, distracted. Mr. Zhang's meaning just now was clear. This case was not dead, but it could be overturned unless a miracle happened.

Her arms couldn't twist her thighs, and she wanted to give up.

"No one knows how things will turn out until the end. Yang Xu has a spirit in heaven, and he doesn't want his murderer to go unpunished."

Li Haitang didn't have much hope in his heart. He took it one step at a time and looked at the present first. He couldn't imagine the long-term future.

Before parting, Zhang Zheng told the location of the private house. If Xiangli wanted to visit Yang Xu's parents, he would tell the servants in advance.

But it’s best to go after dark so that you don’t attract attention.

"Forget it for now, I will arrange for you to meet Yang Xu's parents tomorrow night."

Xiangli was distraught, and Li Haitang completely understood. According to Zhang Zheng, after the old couple was hit hard, they lived in a haze, sometimes being confused and unable to recognize people.

"Xiao Lizi, is there a bookstore in front of you? Stop for a moment."

Li Haitang thought of Doubao and decided to take time to educate him. Even if he sang a ditty, he had to sing well. If Doubao was really out of tune, it could only be due to genetic factors.

"Madam, do you want to buy a storybook?"

The scorching sun was high in the sky, and Li Duanji wiped some sweat. When he first came to Kyoto, he was not used to it, but a caravan came from the north to bring some home soil. He soaked it in water and drank it. Not to mention, it really worked. .

The summer season in Kyoto is extremely long, and it rains in winter. It is different from the cold in the north. The ground is wet, and I feel a chill coming from the soles of my feet and entering my body.

Fu Yunlai was surrounded by big merchants, and the books he bought at the bookstore were all the Four Books and Five Classics. If he didn't know the shopkeeper or had no acquaintance with the clerk, he couldn't buy story books. After all, those things were all market works and were not on the market.

"Buy some stories for Beanbag."

Li Haitang wanted to buy some novel and interesting knick-knacks, specifically to coax Little Baozi.

"There is a shop in front that sells toys and ornaments for children."

Li Duanjie introduced that businessmen in Kyoto have money because they are shrewd and use all possible methods to do business. They sell children's clothes, toys, story books, walkers, and all kinds of things, as well as big ones. Grocery stores are similar, and the prices are also expensive.

Rich people are not short of money and are happy to spend money to buy. He visited the shop once and still gave people gifts and asked for information.

"Is there such a place?"

Li Haitang raised his eyebrows. Beidi didn't pay attention to it. The baby basically grew up freely and only had a few toys. He didn't expect that Kyoto would have a special classification for this.

"Things are not cheap."

Li Duanzu sighed. The last time he went there, he picked out a puzzle piece of a large ship, which cost five taels of silver, but he couldn't be too stingy about giving it as a gift, which would cause him great pain.

In Kyoto, there must be many relationships that need to be maintained. There is a saying that goes well. Not everyone can be a third-rank official in front of the prime minister. There are many servants in the house.

"Puzzle piece?"

Li Haitang became even more interested when he heard Li Duanjie's description.

"Yes, it's made of wood. It's very thin. If it's polished smooth, it won't hurt your hands."

The puzzles are divided into large, medium and small sizes. Li Duanjiu bought a small size, and the medium size cost ten taels of silver, which is half the difference, but it requires a child of at least five or six years old to play it.

The baby he gave him as a gift was three years old, and the smaller version was just right.

In addition, there are the Nine Links and the Rubik's Cube from the outer sea. The girl also has toys and dolls, but there are more missing.

It is not surprising that most families in Daqi favor boys over girls.

"Then let's go over and choose."

Li Haitang urged Li Duanjie, and the group went straight to the shop. After entering, Li Haitang was shocked.

There are two floors upstairs and downstairs, with small items downstairs and large items upstairs, traditional, new, and overseas.

According to the overseas music box industry, Daqi craftsmen with good hands also imitated some, but some only have music, which requires manual tightening and twisting the spring to rotate continuously.

There were many people, including ladies and ladies from wealthy families, as well as a few gentlemen dressed as scholars. They were all walking around, choosing what they liked.

After entering the door, no one has a bamboo basket and can choose their own mode, while the waiter is on the side, responsible for explaining.

There were too many people on the first floor, so Li Haitang went directly to the second floor.

There were also beds for babies on the second floor. She looked around and finally attracted her attention by the wooden horse that could swing left and right.

"Madam, this wooden horse is good. Sitting on it and rocking it is just like riding a horse."

The bottom one is curved, similar to a tumbler. Children can play on it, as long as an adult follows them.

The wooden horse is not only a toy, it can also exercise the children's legs and feet, so that they will grow up in the future.

"Do you deliver?"

Li Haitang asked casually. The wooden horse was a bit big and would not be easy to carry back in the carriage.

"If you spend more than twenty taels of silver, we will deliver the goods for free."

As soon as the clerk saw that there was a door, he stepped up the sales. There was also a swing with a safety lock. If the baby had the safety buckle on him, he would not fly out. The small swing is beautiful and can be placed in the courtyard in the summer. You can also sit on it and watch the stars at night.

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