"What little girl, how ugly are you talking? Grandma, I'm not married yet!"

Wufu became more energetic and continued to say to the officer and soldier who was spraying water, "But I won't marry someone like you when I get married. You can't even drink water. It shows that there is something wrong with your body."

So, the officers and soldiers behind who were about to take a sip of water squirted again.

On the carriage, Xiangli and Mrs. Wang, who were originally worried about being caught, laughed together. Xiangli wiped her tears and pointed at the five blessings, unable to say a word.

Fortunately, Wufu was not a brainless person. After being angry with those people for a while, he got into the carriage, said nothing, closed his eyes and rested.

I have run away for my life many times, so I need to conserve my strength now. After all, we are driving the car.

Sure enough, after a while, the carriage accelerated until it flew up, turned around a few times, and then came out. There was darkness behind it, and the officers and soldiers had already disappeared.

The people in the inner city of Kyoto were unlucky. They didn't sleep well all night. They kept hearing the sound of horse hooves and thought something big had happened.

Back at Zhuangzi, it was already late at night, Li Haitang was covered in sweat, and she took her savage husband to soak in the hot spring. She was not sleepy at all.

"Madam, where is the reward?"

Xiao Lingchuan shamelessly asked for a reward, and then he was pinched again on the waist. The couple started a hand-to-hand fight in the hot spring pool.

There was a huge disparity in physical strength between the two. In the end, Li Haitang lay on the ground panting, and was shamelessly pressed down by her savage husband...

At three o'clock in the morning, the light outside the window passed through the window lattice and shone on the gauze curtain of the bed. Only then did Li Haitang slowly wake up.

Here, as soon as she made some movement, Wufu asked at the door, "Madam, have you gotten up?"

Before the master went out, he told them not to disturb his wife, but just now, servants from the Fang family came, gave them a lot of things, and told them that in an hour, Mrs. Fang Shaoyao, the minister of Dali Temple, would come to visit with her children.

This was agreed upon a day in advance, so Wu Fu was hanging around the door, fearing that his wife would wake up late and be rude to guests.

"Get up!"

Li Haitang turned her waist and cursed in her heart, her husband was a savage, he was so savage last night, but she enjoyed it so much that in the end she was confused and didn't know anything.

"Madam, Mrs. Fang is coming to visit today."

Wufu called Chunmei to help his wife comb her hair. After Li Haitang washed up, Chunmei helped put on makeup.

Not to mention, Chunmei is very good at it. Just applying balm on her and lightly drawing her eyebrows can make her look better.

"Madam, your icy skin doesn't need rouge or gouache at all. If you sweat a lot in summer, it will make you look greasy."

Chunmei felt that her new owner's house was very nice, and she began to talk more. While combing her hair, she talked about the rouge and gouache in Beijing.

Madams from wealthy families have to go to the main street to buy some. There are several fragrance powders made from flowers and pearls. They are light and translucent, waterproof, and do not smudge. The best effect is to cover blemishes.

"Huh? Can you still cover the spots on your face?"

Ging Guo stood aside and touched his cheek.

Women all love beauty, and she is no exception. Ever since she came out of Heishui Village and seen the world, and then arrived in Kyoto, she has been in heaven and earth.

Not all women's faces are the same as my wife's, white and pink without any modification. Most of them have small freckles, which affects their appearance.

"Of course!"

When Chunmei mentioned this, she thought of the jokes circulating in the market.

There is a young lady from a family who specializes in using Yaohuazhai's rouge and gouache, and she looks particularly beautiful.

Therefore, the young lady married into an official family and became an official's wife.

But she has a hobby, that is, except when sleeping, she has to put on makeup to appear in front of everyone.

Once, her husband invited a colleague to have a drink in a restaurant and sent someone to tell her that he would go home tonight and spend the night in the study.

The young lady took off her makeup and went to bed by herself.

In the middle of the night, after her husband came back, he suddenly felt a little interested, so he went to the main room, lit a red candle, and wanted to have some fun.

"The result was that when I saw the young lady's face, which was densely covered with spots and black scabs, she screamed in fear!"

While Chunmei was talking, she also promoted how magical Yaohuazhai's fragrant powder was. Li Haitang twitched the corners of his mouth, "Well, the copywriting was good, but the poor lady was so hacked."

"Is Yaohua Zhai one of the places selling fragrant powder?"

Li Haitang came here for the first time and was not very familiar with the shops in Kyoto. She still couldn't find time to go shopping.

"Isn't that right? Yaohuazhai's fragrant powder is very expensive. It is said that a box costs hundreds of taels!"

Chunmei said, then remembered a more interesting rumor, and smiled, "It is said that two families arranged to see each other. The young master of that family bluntly asked the young lady if she used the fragrant powder from Yaohua Zhai..."

"Haha, if you use it, do you have to wash your face first before looking at each other?"

Ging Guo also joined in the fun, and everyone laughed when they heard it.

From then on, Yaohuazhai became famous, the supply of fragrant powder exceeded the demand, and the price soared again and again.

Li Haitang nodded frequently, feeling that the boss behind the scenes was a wonderful man. In order to make money, he would not only find ways to promote himself, but he would also blackmail himself. No, if he blackmailed himself, not only would the business not be bad, but it would be even more prosperous than before.

Human spirit, absolutely human spirit!

In Jingzhaoyi Yamen, Zhang Zheng sneezed twice heavily and muttered to himself, "I think about it, curse at me, and talk about it!"

"Sir, someone scolded you!"

The master shrank his nose and reminded.

"Using your nonsense?"

Zhang Zheng lined up the desks, became angry and defended himself, "On a hot day, the Yamen placed a few ice basins. The temperature difference between the inside and outside is so big that it just makes me feel hot!"

"Yes, sir, what you are saying is that the little man moved the ice basin away, so as not to harm your health..."

When the master heard this, he moved the ice basin away with a bang.

Zhang Zheng:......

It's so hot today, why don't we let people live? It's really heartbreaking to find such a subordinate.

But it doesn't matter, these are all trivial matters, making money is the top priority. He sent someone to call his followers and warned, "It's time to close the net, so as to avoid long nights and dreams."

The entourage nodded. The master's business experience is something most people would never imagine. Who can tell that the serious Jing Zhaoyi is actually a profiteer?

In order to make money, I have no conscience and will do anything.

An hour later, the attendant came back with a serious face.

"How's it going?"

Thinking of the money that was about to enter his pocket, Old God Zhang Zheng was drinking tea on the ground with a calm expression. Well, as a human being, you must be indifferent to fame and fortune, and you will live happily.

"Sir, the night is long, so I have many dreams..." The attendant answered very tactfully. Following the master, he became more and more educated. No, he could speak with such knowledge. He really wanted to give himself a thumbs up, awesome. clatter!

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