That's right, scholars are arty, and growing vegetables on the farm is very vulgar to them, just like the mud legs of farmers. In their eyes, it is unbearably vulgar.

Li Haitang did not make any comments, but wandered around Zhuangzi under the bright sun.

Fang Shaoyao was shocked when Nanny Fang entered the house just now. It was obvious that something terrible had happened. However, when she attended a gathering of ladies, she still stayed away from the incident to avoid being burned by the fire.

"Ging Guo, are you homesick?"

Li Haitang found a shady place and chatted with Ging Guo. The past of Blackwater Village slowly became blurry to her.

From Blackwater Village to Beidi, and then to Kyoto, Bai Guo followed her and traveled most of Qi, except for the south.

Fortunately for her, she has Doubao, her savage husband, and her little brother Jin Hu beside her, but Bai Guo is alone, which shows how confused she is.

"I've thought about it too, but I don't think much about it."

Bai Guo nodded first, then shook her head. Before she left, she left a sum of money for her family, all given by her wife.

With that money, the family can live a good life. Even if they can't get out of Heishui Village, they can still have someone buy things from outside.

Moreover, the separation was for the next reunion, Bai Guo thought, sooner or later he would go back.

As for marriage and relationships, she has never thought about these.

Li Haitang was about to say something when he heard a faint whimper coming from deep within the flowers.

"Who's crying there?"

In the blue sky and in the white sun, Li Haitang cried so miserably, trembling, holding his shoulders with his hands, and asked loudly.

The man paused for a moment, then couldn't help it anymore and continued to cry uncontrollably. This time he wasn't holding it back at all, as if he wanted to release all the grievances in his heart.

Li Haitang looked for the sound and walked deeper into the flowers. After a moment, he saw a girl in a pink dress squatting on the ground, holding her knees with her hands, sobbing.

Hearing the footsteps, the girl raised her head and looked at Li Haitang.

The girl looks good, with slender eyes and is relatively thin. Her eyes are red at the moment, as pitiful as a rabbit.

"Who are you?"

The other party wiped his tears with a handkerchief, and then asked in a hoarse voice.

Li Haitang blinked. She couldn't answer this because she also wanted to ask the girl the same question.

"Our wife was invited by Mrs. Fang's family to be a guest at Zhuangzi."

Ging Guo greeted the other party, and then said calmly.

Du Ruohe looked at Li Haitang and found that the other person looked at him with strange eyes. He probably didn't recognize her.

She is now famous in Kyoto, no, it should be said that she is notorious. She disguised herself as a man and went to the academy, and she was under the same roof as Chen Chun and Yang Xu. The charges cannot be cleared away at all.

The more Du Ruohe thought about it, the sadder she became. Her personal maid Shuxiang was still in the prison of Dali Temple, waiting for the queen to be executed.

Shuxiang stood up for her, but why let Shuxiang bear the responsibility? She and Chen Chun didn't kill anyone!

Indeed, that night, Yang Xu saw her and Chen Chun being gentle, but after the two discussed, they quietly found Yang Xu and gave him a sum of money to leave Kyoto.

Just leaving Beijing will not affect the scientific examination!

It was impossible to say that she had no murderous intentions. Du Ruohe was hiding a big secret of the Du family. If anyone found out, her grandparents had been deceived for many years and they would not let her mother go.

If her mother was divorced, she would also be ruined. Du Ruohe would hate it, why he was not a man, so that she and her mother would not have to bear so much pressure.

"I didn't kill anyone, I didn't kill Yang Xu, do you believe it?"

Rubbing her eyes, Du Ruohe sat down on the ground, pitifully. She just wanted to find someone to talk to. She had been greatly wronged.

The Du family wanted to send the maid Shuxiang out to convict her and take the opportunity to settle the matter.

Du Ruohe found his grandfather, who kicked the table over and said angrily, "You don't think it's embarrassing enough? You and your mother have lost all the face of the Du family!"

Li Haitang raised his eyebrows, looked at Du Ruohe, confirmed her identity, and then said, "You didn't kill anyone, Chen Chun did it."

"It's not him either, not Brother Chun!"

Du Ruohe retorted loudly, and then realized that he had lost his composure, and his head drooped like a deflated rubber ball.

She didn't stand up and defend herself immediately, and no one believes her now.

The scorching sun was in the sky and the sunlight was deflected. Li Haitang put his hand in front of his forehead to block the dazzling sunlight. He thought to himself that it seemed that he would need to prepare an oil-paper umbrella when going out to visit in the future.

The sun in Kyoto is so hot that it can make people feel dizzy in just a moment.

"How are you sure that the murderer was not Chen Chun?"

Li Haitang glanced enviously at Du Ruohe, who looked like a normal person, and realized that Miss Du was completely different from what she thought.

Sure enough, without investigation, you have no right to speak. Whatever you hear in the future should not be taken too seriously.

"Of course I am sure..."

Du Ruohe stood up and stamped his feet, trying to act like a young lady, but found that there was no maid around him.

She was now like a venomous snake, everyone was shouting and beating her, and everyone in the house saw the look in her eyes with fear, and they hid whenever they could.

In the past few months, Du Ruohe has transformed from the aloof young master of the Du family to Miss Du, a street rat. Her sisters have been renounced by her husband's family. She looks at her with resentment in her eyes and secretly curses her to die soon. How thick is that? Only by keeping your face can you continue to live.

Du Ruohe wanted to die, but if she died, what would her mother do? Isolated and helpless in the Du family, and Chen Chun, will he be regarded as a murderer for the rest of his life?

Her maid's bookishness can no longer wash away her grievances.

"Chen Chun doesn't know how to kill. We are together almost every day and are inseparable. He and I didn't know about the days when Yang Xu disappeared."

Du Ruohe's eyes stung and she couldn't see the light. She covered it with a handkerchief, and then said quietly, "Chen Chun is afraid of blood. I fainted in the room when I was a child. Chen Chun didn't know I was a woman at that time. He also fainted."

Chen Chun had a problem with fainting from blood. Even if he was not unconscious, he would look pale and tremble.

Neither of them dared to think about such a cruel thing as murder and dismemberment, so when they learned that Yang Xu was killed, they both had nightmares one after another. Unexpectedly, they would be considered guilty of this.

"Then why did your maid take the initiative to confess?"

What Du Ruohe said was reasonable. Li Haitang had long suspected that there was something fishy in the case. She reorganized the clues in her mind and found that there were many doubts in the case.

"The book is for me."

Du Ruohe felt even more uncomfortable when he mentioned his maid. Because her secret was exposed, once the murderer was found, the topic about her would never subside. For the sake of face, the Du family wanted to suppress the matter and send away a maid. To the Du family, it was not a big deal. What.

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