Biquge, the fastest update of farm gate happy events: Husband, come to plow the fields!

After receiving Zhang Zheng's instructions, the group of troublemakers turned their horses around and arrived at the entrance of Li Haitang's house.

Everyone went alone and was alone, so they specially called the servants at home, and they made do with each other. There were hundreds of people, and the momentum was like a rainbow.

Mr. Zhang gave them the idea that even if something went wrong, his own people would be the ones to take care of it. So a few people discussed that they had to make a big fuss. It would be best to beat up the people in the village to vent their anger, and the part of the money that was deceived would be used as medicine. It’s all paid.

In the shop, Li Haitang was discussing the renovation of the shop with Li Duanjie. She drew a sketch and she wanted to choose a place to build a ladder on the street.

Including the shape of the stairs, handrails, and load-bearing, Li Haitang had requirements for everything.

Back then in Beidi, when the German class was opening the stage, someone fell from the high platform. Although no one was killed, the fall was still unbearable.

If your business is particularly good and there are many people, it is easy for the stairs to collapse.

"Madam, madam, it's bad, there are many people coming to the door, they want to give us some color to see!"

Wufu ran into the yard like a gust of wind, whistling, and she was not surprised. In the North, his wife was known as a miracle doctor, and she was king and hegemon. Who would have the guts to come and cause trouble?

I don’t know where these more than a hundred people come from.

"Really? Close the door to Zhuangzi."

Li Haitang ignored him and continued to lower his head and explain the structure of the shop to Li Duanjie.

According to her expectation, within two days, Lin Wan would come to her door with a deed to change her shop. She would build a house for herself and the Lin family would build a shop. In this way, her house would be less conspicuous. The only goal to attract hatred is her!

"But they won't leave..."

Wufu didn't understand. The other party was coming. At this time, shouldn't he just go out with a hatchet and a stick and fight with the other party with his sleeves rolled up?

"The legs are on them, how can you care so much?"

Li Haitang frowned. It was almost time for dinner, and he had to start dinner at home. How could he have time to face those monsters and monsters?

"Yeah, eating comes first."

Wufu thought thoughtfully, and it turned out that his wife was smart. Those people were willing to bask in the sun at the entrance of Zhuangzi, and no one else could stop them.

Zhuangzi was too big, and the courtyard was far from the door. Even if the other party yelled and cursed, they couldn't hear him.

So Wufu happily went to the kitchen and cooked with Mrs. Wang.

There were more than a hundred people at the door. After waiting for half an hour and still no one came out, they became anxious and several homeowners got together to discuss.

"Let's just wait. She, Mrs. Li, can run away but the monk can't run away from the temple!"

If they forced their way in, it would be equivalent to breaking into a private house, which would be a serious crime.

But if the other party comes out to fight with them, then they can't be blamed. There is a rift between the two families, and it is normal for some conflicts to occur.

So, when everyone thought that this was the case, they waited at the door honestly. Once they waited, the moon was in the sky.

One by one, they have gone from the initial momentum to now, like deflated rubber balls, and their stomachs are also growling. They are hungry!

At this moment, Li Haitang had already had dinner, put her bean buns to sleep, and soaked in the hot springs with her savage husband, talking about today's harvest.

"Husband, luck has come and I can't resist it. No, the two adjacent shops are either rented or bought. They will belong to our family from now on."

Li Haitang was very pleased with himself and was very confident in his entry into the food industry.

If you want to open a shop, it's not enough to have Mrs. Wang alone, you have to hire several servants.

"It's better to buy it reliably, otherwise, it will be poached by the surrounding shops, the food will not have the original taste, and the customer base will be lost."

Li Haitang muttered that in the future, Zhuangzi will need people, and the house will also need maids to serve. The ones she brought from the north, such as Wufu, are too wild-tempered and cannot be taken out on big occasions.

There are many people with good reputations in Kyoto. The girls and boys they buy have been trained since they were young. Some of them are literate, well-educated, and good-tempered.

In order to prevent the family from having too many ambitious bed-crawling girls, Li Haitang decided that it was necessary to buy some little girls to keep in front of him, or an older grandma.

"Husband, do you know who the murderer is?"

Li Haitang hugged her savage husband's arm, trying to use a honey trap to get words out of Xiao Lingchuan.

"I know, but there is no evidence yet."

Xiao Lingchuan went out early and came back late. He was not distracted by the case. His speculations were all from before.

In fact, it's much simpler when you think about it. There is always a reason to kill, and to kill someone and cut the body into pieces. It is nothing more than a vendetta, a love killing, or a murder for money.

The Yang family is so-so and not considered a wealthy family. In Songhe Academy, they belong to the lower class and do not stand out at all.

A person who couldn't attract others' attention, didn't have much money, and had to be brutally quartered when he was killed. This shows that he had a big grudge against Yang Xu.

The case started from the very beginning, when the identity was confirmed, to when Zhuang Mu handed over the booklet and revealed Du Ruohe's secrets, to when the Du family asked the maid to hold the vat in order to calm the matter, every link was linked.

The question arises, how could Zhuang Ke be pregnant? Whose child is it? If it was Yang Xu's, why were the two of them so imprudent?

Even in modern times, when we are so open and developed, people who get pregnant before marriage are still ridiculed.

The Zhuang family comes from a scholarly family with strict family rules. Zhuang Ke should not be too proactive, and the two of them exchange letters, mostly discussing knowledge and studying poetry, which is not too out of the ordinary.

"Du Ruohe said that she was not the murderer. I believe this. However, Chen Chun still had a motive for the murder and the time when he committed the crime."

Regarding Chen Chun's blood-sickness, Li Haitang decided to give it a try tomorrow and could not listen to one-sided words.

"Okay, then continue."

Xiao Lingchuan smiled slightly, his wife was just trying to tell a story, he just held her in his arms, caressed her a few times, and she told her everything she knew.

Who betrayed Hue?

The next morning, Wufu came again to deliver news. Yesterday's group waited until midnight, so hungry that their chests pressed against their backs, and then they went back. Before leaving, they promised that they would not let them go.

"Madam, they won't do anything wrong, right?"

Wufu touched his nose, looking suspicious.

"No, they don't have the brains."

Li Haitang sandwiched slices of steamed buns and drank red dates and millet porridge. He said comfortably, "If you had any brains, you should have thrown in a torch last night and deliberately set the fire to lure us out."

It's a pity that those people knew nothing except waiting stupidly, and they were stupider than she thought.


I have to go out today, and I have a few things to do. First I will find Chen Chun, and then I will go to the village where Zhuang Ke is to find out information. Hearing that there was a man named Yazi who had a good reputation living in the village, Li Haitang did not miss out on this trip and tried to buy a few servants back to make reserves for his shop.

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