Li Haitang thought that Chen Chun's maid was just talking. Unexpectedly, she was very courageous. Without waiting for the grandmother next to her to answer, she returned to the house, fetched the ice basin, and poured water on it.

Although the weather is hot now, the bitter ice water topping is not pleasant.

Li Haitang narrowed his eyes, waiting for Chen Chun to turn into a drowned rat.

When the maid was about to splash the water, Chen Chun's body moved. When he opened his eyes, he saw the maid and shouted, "Hurry up and splash the water, hurry up!"

There was blood. Not only did he feel dizzy when he saw the blood, he couldn't even smell the fishy smell.

When the maid received a positive reply, she poured a basin of ice water down immediately. The blood splattered on Chen Chun's feet and clothes was immediately diluted. Seeing this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Haitang apologized for seeing the other party in such a panic. It was an unexpected situation that allowed him to test whether a person was bleeding, because there was no time to think or perform.

"It doesn't matter."

After wiping his hair with a large cloth, Chen Chun shook his head, just like a drowned dog shaking its hair, which was very funny.

"Ruoruo tell me that you can help her and Shuxiang clear their grievances."

Chen Chun waved his hand, and in order not to be rude, he went to the inner room to change his clothes and combed his hair. He looked like a human and a dog, and looked quite pretty.

The Chen family is an official, but it is a wealthy family with plenty of money. Looking at the Chen family's village, it is full of low-key luxury. Even the steps in the courtyard are carved from marble.

There are pavilions, rockeries and flowing water, and the scenery is quiet.

Next to the rockery, there was a small waterfall and a stone table placed next to it. Chen Chun invited Li Haitang to sit down and asked the maid to place some fruits and snacks.

"Madam, Ruoruo and I did not kill anyone."

Killing people and dismembering their bodies, even if he was cruel, he couldn't do such a thing.

Yang Xu accidentally discovered that he was close to Du Ruohe. The three of them were classmates, so there was no deep hatred.

Shuxiang was arrested and taken to Dali Temple. Chen Chun wanted to file a complaint, but was grounded by his family. He was detained on Zhuangzi and grounded. He could only communicate with Du Ruohe and could not get out at all.

The Chen family didn't want to wade into troubled waters, especially at the cusp of the storm. It was impossible to marry Du Ruohe.

His mother said that although the two families were related, they were not that close. Moreover, Du Ruohe often visited the academy, gained a bad reputation, and was involved in life-threatening lawsuits. The Chen family would be ridiculed in the future if they found such a daughter-in-law.

Chen Chun was helpless and wanted to resist, but found that he had no strength. Even if he wanted to clear the two of them, he had no ability to restore the truth.

"Yang Xu was killed two days after discovering your secret. Don't you think it's a coincidence?"

Li Haitang took out his small notebook again and continued to record.

She asked some questions to Du Ruohe again, and there was not much difference in their answers.

"I have the intention of killing Yang Xu, but it is obviously unrealistic."

Chen Chun analyzed that because she and Du Ruohe did not take action immediately, that is, to give Yang Xu a chance, Yang Xu might have leaked their secrets during this period of time.

Once Yang Xu dies, the two of them become suspects in the murder.

The truth was as he thought, and it was worse than he thought. Yang Xu's parents refused to let him go and went to kneel down at the Jingzhaoyi Yamen. Mr. Zhang was an upright official, so naturally he couldn't stand it.

"I want to resist, but is resistance useful? Ruoruo's grandfather has been holding back. He just wants to tell others that she and I are the murderers, but we have a backer and are not afraid to sue. It doesn't matter."

Yang Xu was helpless when he met a pig teammate. The pig teammate wanted fame and just wanted to settle the matter quickly.

If he and Du Ruohe want to clear their suspicions, they have to find the real culprit. It's too difficult for one to be grounded and the other to be struggling in the house.

"Then who do you think the murderer is?"

Li Haitang nodded, feeling helpless to face this tragic misfortune.

"Zhuang Mu."

Chen Chun mentioned this person almost without hesitation.

This surprised Li Haitang, because when she mentioned it to Du Ruohe, Du Ruohe was surprised and didn't expect that he recognized Zhuang Mu.


The truth is getting closer and closer, and its mysterious veil will soon be unveiled.

"I'm not sure he is the murderer. I didn't see him kill anyone, but this man is very strange."

After Chen Chun finished speaking, he shivered and got goosebumps on a hot day.

The reason why he suspected that the murderer was Zhuang Mu was because of one thing.

At the beginning of the year, Songhe Academy organized an event. They did not just study in the academy, but learned the Six Arts of a Gentleman, including riding and shooting.

At that time, the classmates went hunting together at the official hunting ground. Chen Chun didn't want to go, but Du Ruohe especially liked to watch the fun. Because she was afraid that her secret would be exposed, he could only follow her to cover up.

The hunting representative saw blood, so Chen Chun gritted his teeth and went there tremblingly.

He and Du Ruohe went to the mountains and found several fat rabbits. Du Ruohe ran to chase the rabbits, and the two got separated.

"I've been looking for Ruoruo for a long time, and I just want to wait where she is, waiting for her to come back to me."

There were various signs in the mountains and forests of the hunting ground, so the possibility of getting lost was very small. Chen Chun felt that Du Ruohe would come back, so he decided to sit there and wait patiently.

While he was waiting in confusion, Zhuang Mu and Yang Xu appeared.

The two had a dispute, but the specific reason is unknown. "I found that Yang Xu looked ferocious and punched Zhuang Mu."

Zhuang Mu spurted blood from his nose and unexpectedly did not fight back, but looked at Yang Xu coldly.

Out of morality as a classmate, Chen Chun planned to persuade him, because he and Yang Xu lived in the same place and got along fairly well, so he didn't want Yang Xu to have any conflicts with others.

"I wanted to break up the fight, but...I didn't stand up."

Chen Chun was very ashamed. Because of that punch, Yang Xu had a nosebleed. Chen Chun himself did not faint at the time, but after seeing the blood, his limbs became weak and he collapsed on the ground, unable to speak at all.

Therefore, the attempt to persuade them to fight was shelved.

Chen Chun remembered that before Yang Xu left, he once shouted, "I will make sure people know your true face!"

Then, the two broke up unhappy.

Next, Zhuang Mu sat there without saying a word. It took about a quarter of an hour before he made any move.

"Zhuang Mu took out his dagger and skinned the rabbit while it was still alive."

Thinking of the rabbit's screams and that scene, Chen Chun almost fainted, but for some reason, he didn't faint for the first time.

Then, Zhuang Mu's slender hands began to dismember the rabbit with a dagger, separating the head and thighs and cutting them into pieces. His hands were stained with blood but his expression remained unchanged.

At that time, the sky had darkened, and the golden light of the setting sun shone on Zhuang Mu's body. His face was blurry and unclear, but his movements were very skillful.

As soon as the others left, Chen Chun stood up shakily and went over to take a look. The rabbit was still dying with its eyes open. He didn't see Yang Xu's head, so he didn't know if that was the case.

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