Biquge, the fastest update of farm gate happy events: Husband, come to plow the fields!

Xiao Lingchuan was silent. In fact, he didn't know anything about business.

Getting up early is a life and death dart, making money is making money, but usually after delivering something, very few people can survive.

He has several brothers who all changed careers and started other businesses after accumulating wealth.

Back then, he lent money to a brother to build a ship. As a result, the man actually went to the sea and gave him a large sum of money every year when he sold goods.

For opening a shop, you need to buy a place and estimate the location of the shop. You have to invest a lot of costs, manpower and material resources in the early stage, which is quite cumbersome.

But he couldn't say anything else, otherwise the wife would like to build her own cottage and do some business of robbing families and homes. This would cost nothing and would be a waste of money.

Let's open a restaurant and let Li Haitang cook what he likes.

"In our shop, there are chandeliers on every tabletop."

The wrought iron chandelier is very beautiful, but the lampshade cannot be used to consider the degree of illumination.

Li Haitang has another idea for this. She wants to customize candles, thick candles that can illuminate. It is lit when the guests come in, and the burning is completed, which is exactly one hour of meal time.

"What a wonderful idea, madam!"

Xiao Lingchuan flattered him calmly. He felt that he had bowed to the evil forces and that his backbone, which he would rather break than bend in the past, had been tempered...

"I am very sure of that!"

The private rooms in the shop were separated by wooden boards. Li Haitang could notice that there were people on both sides of her. Here, too secretive topics could not be discussed.

She lowered her head and touched the tea cup with the edge of the lid. On a hot day, a pot of hot tea was served to her. She suddenly wanted to drink iced sour plum soup.

Thinking about it, if a woman is young and cannot be exposed to the cold, to avoid mistakes, it is safest to serve hot tea.

Not long after the couple sat down, the previous waiter stumbled and knocked on the door, "Master, madam, I am so sorry for you!"

"What's wrong?"

Li Haitang put down his tea cup and asked doubtfully, "Is there something wrong with Doubao?"


The boy's scalp was numb and he was extremely depressed. When he ran to the toilet, the little buns started fighting over the toys.

"Beanbag was bullied?"

Li Haitang corrected himself. It was normal for children to play rough and they were not sensible. They all relied on their parents' education.

I remember a colleague in modern times said something similar. My child was bullied by classmates in kindergarten. The colleague was very angry when he was bullied repeatedly. Once was by chance, she didn’t care. But if he happened several times, he had to find the parents. This is definitely the upbringing of the child. not good.

You have developed a dandy temperament at a young age. If the sapling is crooked, it will be difficult to straighten it out in the future!

"Yes and no."

The waiter broke out in sweat when he saw the man in front of him stand up. The tall figure almost covered him. The sudden pressure made him tremble and almost cry.

"Don't worry, you two, it was your young master who bullied others..."

The boy covered his face. Didn't such a little baby grow up with milk? His hands and feet were really strong. He pushed a three-and-a-half-year-old baby down, and then slapped him twice.

Acting like this, it's really... It would be fine if he was an ordinary rich man. The one who was pushed down was the little bully in the shop. The maid and the mother-in-law brought him. The little bully was his father. Only middle-aged people have such a son. It's extremely strange. Favored by him, and the other party is still an official in the Sixth Ministry, and I am a second-rank minister. Looking at Kyoto, he is more prominent than the Ruan family.

, not many.

The boy was very sad. If he couldn't resolve the matter, he would have to pack up his baggage and get out.

"So that's it."

Li Haitang's face was tense. What kind of temperament did Doubao have? As a mother, she understood that she was not a random kid. If she knew everything, she would have to go down and take a look.

The couple went downstairs, and Xiao Lingchuan took Li Haitang's hand, and she calmed down.

But just after calming down, when he saw an old woman grabbing the bean bag and about to start a fight, Li Haitang couldn't help it anymore!

She held up the hem of her skirt, ran forward in two or three steps, raised her palm, cracked it, and struck hard. The old woman was unprepared, and she was struck with stars in her eyes.

"Bold woman, how dare you touch our young master's nanny?"

A maid yelled loudly, with her hands on her hips, very arrogantly!

Seeing this, Li Haitang sneered, "Nanny? Such an old woman still produces milk?"

In Kyoto, only those who have nursed children are called nannies. Some high-status servants who accompany young ladies and gentlemen are called so.

Li Haitang doesn't care who this family is. She hasn't said anything about the conflict between the little ones. What does this damn bitch do? Can you bully others just because you are old?

Her son, it’s not the turn of others to educate him!

Li Haitang narrowed her eyes and looked at the maid. If the maid dared to come forward, she would immediately beat her regardless of the rules and legislation!

Perhaps she was frightened by her appearance. The maid thought about it and found that it was safer to stand where she was. However, she did not hesitate to say, "You are a whore, why are you so shameless? You..."

whore? One sentence made Xiao Lingchuan's anger rise.

He endured it just now because he didn't want to be like women and children. Although he didn't hit people, it didn't mean he didn't kill people.

Seeing that Xiao Lingchuan was about to take action, Li Haitang pulled him to clean up the people, but she did not stop him. However, the situation here was not right, and there were many children with blood everywhere. It was easy for the little children to have inner shadows.

But for the time being, the death penalty is inevitable, and she is not that easy to bully!

"Husband, help me, give her acupuncture points!"

After Li Haitang finished speaking, Xiao Lingchuan took action quickly. The maid found that she could not move or even open her mouth. Her eyes widened in horror.

"Since you can't speak and spit shit out of your mouth, don't keep this mouth open."

Li Haitang brought her needle and thread with her. She stepped forward and covered the maid's face with her sleeves. Not to mention, she just clicked on the dumb point. She threaded the needle and thread and directly sewed the maid's mouth shut!

The guys around him almost fell to their knees, it was the first time they saw someone so straightforward.

The old woman who wanted to make bean bags got up from the ground. Her legs were weak and she fell to the ground again without saying a word. Her face was swollen and she didn't want her mouth to be sewn shut again.

That maid was so miserable. She could speak, but she didn't dare to open her mouth. She could only shed tears and her face was twisted. The key was to be embarrassed. She was slapped, and at most she was laughed at. She, a servant, didn't care about this, but she was sewn up. Mouth, before tomorrow comes, it will be all over Kyoto!

The mother-in-law has a premonition that when the maid goes out in the future, others will point fingers from behind, "Tsk, look at her, her mouth was sewn shut just because she had a bad mouth!"

With such rhetoric, how will you behave in the future?

Sure enough, the stitches were not bloody, and the little buns all accepted it. Some even applauded, thinking it was a juggling act, and they all thought it looked good.

They have a concept in their hearts that those who insult others casually should have their mouths sewn shut to make that person speechless. This is the best punishment. What Li Haitang didn't know was that what she did led the trend of mouth-stitching in Kyoto.

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