Farming in the Immortal Mansion

Chapter 1841: Petrified Tiger

Fairy Yun was secretly frightened. It seemed that her benefactor was ready to fight the tiger monster! She could only nod and agree: "Yes! I will be here to help the master at any time!"

Seeing that there was no fear on Fairy Yun's face, Ye Ling agreed after a slight hesitation. It seemed that this somewhat crazy female cultivator was reliable at critical moments and could be a very good helper.

Seeing Fairy Yun return to the west ridge, instructing the Zhanglu Wu tribe to collect the spiritual herbs on the ridge, Ye Ling dodged into the night.

On the mountain road leading to the back mountain, Ye Ling tried his best to restrain his aura, and moved forward quietly while holding the Yunyin Stone Formation.

At this time, through the imprint of his spiritual consciousness, he sensed that the ninth-level medicine spirit was hiding in the mountain stream in the back mountain. He looked eagerly at the ice flame trees in the valley that shone like ice crystals, surrounded by dark golden formation barriers. , heavily blocked.

In front of the formation barrier, half-crouched was a stone tiger the size of a small hill, like a gatekeeper beast.

Only the dark blue light shining in the tiger's eyes gave Shi Hu a bit more agility and enchantment.

Obviously, this stone tiger put a lot of pressure on the little Yaoling. It was not dazzled by the treasures of heaven and earth, and did not dare to approach the Ice Flame Tree. Instead, it hid in the deep stream and waited for the opportunity.

Ye Ling secretly observed the stone tiger through the little medicine spirit and thought to himself: "This is the tiger incarnation known as the God of the Zhanglu Wu Clan, the blue-eyed and black-spotted tiger! But looking at it now, it doesn't look like a lively tiger. , the spiritual power fluctuations of the transformed god are also very unstable, and he actually sealed himself with stones. Could it be that he was seriously injured before? He was sitting in the back mountain of Xiling and used the majestic vitality of the Ice Flame Tree and the spiritual power of the earth to heal his injuries?"

Thinking of this, Ye Ling became more confident in dealing with it.

If it were a great demon in its heyday, it would have to be suppressed with the divine talisman, or even the leaf talisman given by the Green Fox Fairy. But now, the person standing guard in front of the Ice Flame Tree is just the injured tiger demon whose cultivation level may fall at any time. This makes Ye Ling more confident!

No wonder Zhang Lu Wu's clan leader led a crowd to attack the Teng Wu in Dongling. They mobilized almost all their troops, but did not summon the blue-eyed black-spotted tiger to go with them. It turned out to be a last resort.

"But after this guy's whole body was petrified, he just sat here and stopped moving. It's also a trouble! With it watching, it's hard to break the ban, and the little medicine spirit can't get close to the Ice Flame Tree."

While Ye Ling was meditating on countermeasures, Zhang Luwu's West Ridge guard hurried back, prostrated himself at the feet of Shi Hu, and reported back: "Honored Tiger! Just now I used the transmission talisman to contact the tribesmen who were fighting in the East Ridge. According to them, the war was really intense, and the Vine Witch clan relied on the power of the ivy to resist tenaciously, making it impossible for the clan leader to attack for a long time! Many clan members were injured by the vines, and even died in Dongling!"

After hearing this, the blue-eyed and black-spotted tiger immediately woke up from its petrified state. The stone seals on its body were cracked and fell off, revealing its huge tiger body!

"Without further delay, I am going to fight with the clan leader! I will destroy the vine witch tonight! It's just that the ice flame tree was carefully cultivated by the clan clan master, and the ice flame holy fruit has just grown and cannot be picked yet. Go to the ridge and look for farewell Use the medicinal materials to heal the wounds of the tribesmen!"

Zhang Luwu's Xiling guards nodded in agreement and said with great concern: "Tiger Master, your injuries have not fully recovered yet! The clan leader did not summon you to fight against the Vine Witch. If you go to fight against the Vine Witch, everything will be safe." If there are three advantages and two disadvantages, what should we do?”

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