Farming in the Immortal Mansion

Chapter 356: Sword Formation Completed

After the four Chixiao Immortal Sect disciples handed over their soul blood, they told Ye Ling very honestly: "Reporting to Brother Dao, Zhou Mingde is the third son of the famous Zhou Immortal Cultivation Family in Wu Kingdom. He is also the new Jindan elder of our Chixiao Immortal Sect!”

Ye Ling was secretly frightened, but his face remained calm, and he said calmly: "When did he form a pill? How is his combat power?"

"Elder Zhou has been cultivating the elixir for less than three months, and he is still at the first level of the golden elixir. However, the Zhou family is very wealthy. Most of the equipment used by Elder Zhou is top-grade, and he even has a seventh-grade top-grade fire feather fan!"

Ye Ling nodded solemnly: "Yeah! When you see Zhou Mingde, or see a brother who looks similar to him, you all give me blind directions! Let's talk about the disciples of Tiandan Immortal Sect wearing moon white satin clothes. I ran away to the east or south, and then I volunteered to help them search for me everywhere, which delayed me for a long time. The more I helped, the more trouble I got, do you understand?"

The four disciples of the Chixiao Immortal Sect were all dumbfounded. They didn't understand what they meant and said in surprise: "Brother Dao, what you mean is that we should try our best to tease Elder Zhou? Isn't this inappropriate? What if Elder Zhou is too late to find us? What if you don’t get angry and blame us?”

Ye Ling sneered and said: "To tell you the truth! Your elder Zhou and his sixth brother Zhou Minghui will probably lead a crowd to hunt down this cultivator! Don't you want to delay this cultivator? Huh! If I die, you four will do the same. You have to follow Hun Fei San! ”

The four of them were shocked. Their soul blood was in Ye Ling's hands. Once Ye Ling died, as the soul blood disappeared, the four of them would have to be buried with him! So the four of them nodded desperately: "Ah! That's it. Brother Dao, just don't worry! We will never let Elder Zhou find you."

"Exiting the Xishan Ridge of Huoyun Ridge, there is a spiritual mine to the southwest. There is a teleportation array there that can be teleported to Chixiao City. Brother Taoist will be safe then! The sea is as wide as the fish can jump, and the sky is as high as the birds can. Fei, Elder Zhou will definitely not be able to catch you."

The four of them racked their brains to give Ye Ling advice, eager to see him off safely. They even scrambled to lead him and perform well, hoping that Ye Ling could return his soul blood.

It's a pity that their charming eyes are destined to be shown to the blind man!

Ye Ling came to Huoyunling not only to collect the beast souls for refining the Fire Sword Spirit, but also to completely eradicate Zhou Minghui! Especially the sixth-order goshawk he carried that contained Zhou Chong's remnant soul.

Even though this trip is very likely to be threatened by Zhou Mingde, the old monster of Jindan, Ye Ling's murderous intention has not changed!

Ye Ling thought to himself: "In addition to the four sixth-level spiritual beasts, I have the life-saving jade slips given by my master, and the Nine Palace Flag Talisman that can trap the late-stage Jindan monks! It should not be a problem to deal with Zhou Mingde in the early stage of the Jindan. "The top priority is to refine the Fire Sword Spirit Puppet as soon as possible to form a complete set of the Great Five Elements and Small Three Strange Sword Formations, so that we can be more confident against him."

Thinking of this, Ye Ling no longer hesitated and immediately ordered: "Give me the jade slips of the map around Huoyunling! You just go and give directions, but you must listen to my call at any time!"

The four disciples of the Chixiao Immortal Sect hurriedly agreed and each took out their own jade slips of the map. For fear that the markings on them were not detailed and accurate enough, they verified each other and handed them all to Ye Ling.

"Brother Dao, run for your life quickly, we will carry it for you!"

"Don't worry, Brother Dao, I don't have any other skills, but I still have the ability to deceive people! I've deceived the elders in the Immortal Sect not once or twice. I guarantee that Brother Dao will have no worries!"

There was a bolder person who said shamelessly: "You escaped this disaster. For the sake of our help, you must return your soul blood!"

Ye Ling rode the demon dragon and immediately headed west. A cold voice came from far away: "As long as you handle things well, if Ye doesn't die, you won't die either!"

The four of them had no choice but to split up and intercept Jindan elder Zhou Mingde and his brother Zhou Minghui.

Ye Ling looked at the jade slips on the map and drove the demon dragon out of the West Mountain Ridge of Huoyun Ridge, all the way around to the Ling Mine in the southwest, and sure enough, he found a teleportation array in front of the mountain.

However, Ye Ling did not fly to the teleportation array. Instead, he circled behind the Ling Mine and found a steep barren mountain with many canyons, which was a good place to set up an ambush!

Ye Ling entered the canyon and ordered the sixth-level demon dragon to raise its head to the sky and spit out a large amount of water aura. The canyon was filled with water aura and covered with clouds and fog, making it impossible to see anything inside with the naked eye.

In terms of spiritual consciousness, Ye Ling knew that the spiritual consciousness range of the early Jindan monks was only four hundred feet away, and they could not see through the miles-long fog at all.

After the outer perimeter of the canyon was arranged, Ye Ling chose a hidden place deep in the canyon, set up a cobblestone array, released ice butterflies and ice rock beast guardians, and then settled down to refine the fire sword spirit puppet inside.

This time, in order to speed up the puppet making process, Ye Ling did not hesitate to consume a large amount of high-grade fire spirit stones, supplemented by fifth-grade top-grade fire elixirs.

In less than half a day's work, the Fire Sword Spirit puppet was formed! Like the previous seven, they are all shaped like inverted flying swords. The only difference is that the Fire Sword's psychic body is flowing with red flames, exuding a violent fire aura comparable to the fifth-level Red Bear King!

"Finally, we have assembled eight fifth-level top-quality sword spirit puppets with different attributes! We can set up the big five elements and small three magic sword formations!"

Ye Linghan's star-like eyes flashed with excitement, and he immediately took pictures of all the sword spirits. Deep in the canyon, following the Bagua direction, he suddenly sent out spiritual thoughts to the sword spirit puppets!

"Golden Sword Spirit, Gan position! Earth Sword Spirit, Kun position!"

Following Ye Ling's divine will, a golden light and an earthy yellow brilliance flashed, and the two sword spirit puppets returned to their respective positions.

"Zhen position, Thunder Sword Spirit! Xun position, Wind Sword Spirit!"

Under Ye Ling's command, the Thunder Sword Spirit and the Wind Sword Spirit also returned to the positions of the Small Three Wonders.

Ye Ling's divine thoughts sounded again: "Water Sword Spirit, Fire Sword Spirit, each to Kanli position! Gen position, Wood Sword Spirit, Dui position, Ice Sword Spirit!"


The four sword lights were dispatched at the same time, all returned to their positions, and formed the Great Five Elements Small Three Wonders Sword Formation!

In an instant, all the sword spirit puppets in the sword formation trembled slightly, each flashing a dazzling brilliance, mutually reinforcing and restraining each other, and blending into one, making the sword formation naturally start to operate, exuding an indestructible sword intent!

Ye Ling immediately felt this extremely strong and fierce sword intent, and the Great Five Elements Small Three Wonders Sword Formation was in a mixed flow, as if to draw everything around into the sword formation!

"Eight sword spirits, listen to my command!"

Ye Ling's eyes condensed, and he sent out an extremely cold divine thought, which immediately made the eight sword spirit puppets in the Great Five Elements Small Three Wonder Sword Formation tremble! At the same time, the brilliance of the sword formation dimmed sharply, and the power seemed to be much weaker, and the sword intent that Ye Ling felt also dissipated.

Ye Ling understood something, and then restrained his divine thought, completely stopped controlling the sword spirit puppets, and let them flow with the sword formation.

Sure enough, the Great Five Elements Small Three Wonder Sword Formation was no longer bound by Ye Ling's divine thought, and the brilliance was shining, and the sword intent rushed straight into the sky above the canyon, which was even better than before!

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