Hongtang stretched out her jade finger and pointed at Zhuo Wujun's eyebrows. Seeing that he didn't dare to resist at all, he just kept begging for mercy and allowed Hongtang to successfully mark his soul.

"What a weakling! Let me ask you, what should I say if I let you go back and see the strong Changfang team led by your eldest brother Zhuo Wuhua?"

Zhuo Wujun was lying on the ground. It took him a long time to recover from the fear of death. Knowing that he had saved his life, he calmed down and said: "I will say, Zhuo Laoqi and the others were among the large group of people who died in Tianfeng Canyon." What the ferocious beast said! I didn’t see Daoyou Ye at all. The teleportation note played by Zhuo Laoqi was completely a lie deliberately made to coax the elder brother to come back as soon as possible. "

Hongtang nodded with satisfaction: "Well! You can be saved, and you are not stupid. Remember, say what you should say, what you shouldn't say, and don't reveal a word!"

"Yes! I understand! I understand everything!"

Zhuo Wujun lay on the ground and kowtowed everywhere, bowing to this and that, with a funny look, which made Yu Ming and Xiao Tao giggle.

Ye Ling knew that if he could beg for mercy and save his life at the last moment of death, it showed that he was a timid but clever guy. He said coldly: "Tell them, listen to the rumors from the monks along the way. I have already entered the depths of Tianfeng Canyon! Also, do you know your mission?”

Zhuo Wujun couldn't kneel down for a long time. He thought about it, but he really couldn't figure it out. He sweated profusely and said: "I am stupid, please give me a clear explanation, Fellow Daoist Ye!"

"Keep an eye on Zhuo Wuhua and the others. If you discover any treasures or battles with other strong teams, send me a message at any time!"

Ye Ling said coldly, making Zhuo Wujun not dare to look up, but just nodded desperately in agreement.

"Coward, if you don't do things right, my aunt will destroy your soul! Get out!" As she spoke, Hongtang skillfully flew up with her jade feet and kicked Zhuo Wujun away.

Zhuo Wujun got up in embarrassment, not forgetting to turn around and bow three times, and then hurried away with the light of his sword.

Hongtang looked back and smiled, then called Yu Ming, Xiao Tao and Qing Wan, collected all the storage bags left by the direct descendants of the Zhuo family, poured them out, and asked the owner to take a look.

Ye Ling dispersed his spiritual consciousness, selected only two sixth-level magic weapons, stamped them with his spiritual consciousness, and hid them in the snow together with the glazed lamp until the later stage of foundation building before using them.

Ye Ling did not want any of the remaining high-grade magic weapons, spiritual stones and other items, and let the four sisters divide them.

The surprise of the four girls was beyond words! He hurriedly gave a salute and thanked the master.

Hongtang secretly rejoiced: "The master is so generous, he is ten thousand times more powerful than the little witch! The sisters finally have a good life."

Xiao Tao stared at the spiritual stones on the ground, her eyes shining with brilliance, and she secretly exclaimed: "The master doesn't even pay attention to these nearly two hundred thousand spiritual stones, and doesn't even take a second look! Tsk tsk, what a god! !”

Just when Xiao Tao was focusing on the handfuls of convergence spirit stones, she suddenly caught a glimpse of Yu Ming wiping a water spirit sword that was as clear as jade from the corner of her eye, and immediately shouted: "I want the water spirit sword! Give it to me! My, my..."

Only Lou Qingwan did not compete with them, and she took whatever Sui Hongtang gave her. Finally, Qingwan looked at Ye Ling with expectant eyes, her lips parted slightly, and she hesitated to say: "Master, Qingwan has a question, should I answer it or not?"

"Speak!" Ye Ling nodded slightly, and through the gauze of the restricted bamboo hat, no emotion or anger could be seen.

"With your current strength, who will be stronger and weaker in a fight with the old monster of Jindan?" Qingwan said with great anticipation.

Ye Ling was silent for a moment and said calmly: "In a real fight with the old monster in the early stage of the Golden Core, the outcome is 50-50. There is no certainty in dealing with the middle stage of the Golden Core!"

"Oh!" Qingwan responded faintly, but she still took out two jade slips from her arms and solemnly handed them over to the owner: "In the Demon Flame Palace, Qingwan's secretly learning of the Purple Eye Technique was not complete, and it took a huge toll on her mind. ! And the little witch Su Caiying can cast it twice in succession without being injured. As for the Taiyin Demonic Fire, it is very complete, but it needs to be supplemented by her own Yin Qi. Only women can practice it, Master. If you have a spiritual partner, you can give it to her for practice.”

Ye Ling took it and scanned it with his spiritual consciousness. He saw that the Purple Eye Technique was very complicated, the handwriting was clumsy, and there were even some puzzling runes. It looked like a kind of witchcraft, not like the Tao practiced by monks. magic spell. Ye Ling secretly sighed, it seems that this soul attack technique cannot be mastered overnight, not to mention that Qingwan's Purple Eye Technique is incomplete, making it even more difficult to practice.

At the same time, Ye Ling also guessed what Qing Wan meant. Without asking, she knew that her old enemy, the old master of the Demon Flame Palace, Su Lao, must have a cultivation level above the middle stage of the Golden Core.

Faced with the old monsters in the middle stage of the golden elixir, Ye Ling was reluctant to provoke them, and there really wasn't much chance of winning. Because he had seen his master, Elder Liu's combat power, which was much stronger than Zhou Mingde, the new elder of the Chixiao Immortal Sect whom he killed!

At this moment, the attentive Lou Yuming found a jade map slip in Zhuo Wuchan's sleeve.

She poured magic power into it, her eyes lit up, and she shouted happily: "Come and look! The map of Tianfeng Gorge used by the direct descendants of the Zhuo family is very detailed! Even which section of the canyon has the strongest aura, which section Suitable for evacuation, everything is clearly marked.”

Ye Ling came over after hearing the news and compared it with the picture of Tianfeng Canyon that Zhuo Yunhe gave him from the collection of Qiuyuan Villa. The outline was roughly the same and it was definitely the real picture!

Hongtang, Xiaotao and Qingwan also came over to take a closer look. Xiaotao pointed to the depths of Tianfeng Canyon and said: "It turns out that after going around thousands of ravines, there is still a long way to go! This Tianfeng Canyon is really deep. Yes, it’s a pity that the map used by Zhuo’s eldest house didn’t show the end of Tianfeng Gorge. Could it be the border between Wu State and the Fire Barbarian Land, the Shiwan Mountain?”

"How is that possible? Xishan is still far away from the Hundred Thousand Mountains!" Hongtang rolled his eyes at her.

After looking at it for a long time, Ye Ling pointed to an inconspicuous cliff to the south of Qiangouwanwen. The east of Lingwu Cliff marked on the map is at the junction with the canyon. The spiritual energy from all directions gathers here, and the spiritual energy is extremely dense.

"Let's go here to meditate and practice! Wait for news from Tang Long and Zhuo Wujun ahead."

The four girls nodded in agreement, hurriedly gathered up the spiritual stones and other items whose ownership was still in dispute, jumped onto the master's demonic dragon, and whizzed past the Tianfeng Gorge unscrupulously!

This time, with the eyewitness and word-of-mouth transmission from the disciples of Dongyang Sect and Luowang Sect, the monks along the way saw Ye Ling riding a sixth-order demon dragon and wearing a bamboo hat and raincoat, and they all recognized him as the demon flame. Palace Master, who dares to provoke me?

In addition, most of the monsters and birds in the way were driven away by Nanshan Tang Family, and the rest were hunted down by Xishanzhou and other monk teams.

Therefore, wherever Ye Ling passes by, everything is smooth! Coupled with the fact that they held two jade slips of the Tianfeng Gorge map and the flying speed of the demon dragon, they finally flew out of the thousands of ravines and arrived at the depths of the Tianfeng Gorge before dawn.

Ye Ling flew straight towards Lingwu Cliff, rushing through the misty clouds. When he arrived at the east of the cliff, it turned out to be a wind outlet between the canyon. The spiritual energy was indeed very strong!

Hongtang looked around and saw that although Zhuo Wuhua and others were not entrenched here, there were still several groups of monks who had found the place where the spiritual energy was rich and occupied the wind outlet.

Ye Ling coughed solemnly, and the demon dragon seemed to understand its master's intention, and immediately let out a clear dragon roar, alarming all the foundation-building monks practicing here!

"Ah! It turns out that Senior Su is here! Please, we will leave now!"

When a group of Dongyang Sect monks saw the familiar demon dragon, without thinking, they quickly bowed respectfully and led their fellow disciples to quickly fly out of Lingwu Cliff.

The same goes for the other monks. They all stepped onto the sword light and flew out in a hurry, with no trace of displeasure on their faces.

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