‘I remember! ’

“What did you say?”

In the darkness, Chen Mo turned his head to look at the red snake demon beside him, and was very puzzled by his sudden and inexplicable words.

‘I remember that there is an open space behind the stone gate, and there is a gap in the open space. From the gap, you can vaguely see a tower. ’

The words of the red snake demon made Chen Mo frown.

They have been together outside the stone gate for half a year. He has asked them more than once what is behind the stone gate, but no matter how the other party thinks, he just can't remember or describe it.

But how can he remember it as soon as he stepped into the stone gate?

“Senior Hong, wait a moment, come with me.” Chen Mo said, “Brother Song, you wait here first.”

“Brother Chen, what happened?”

Although the red snake demon has the ability to transmit sound, it only communicates with Chen Mo. Neither Song Yunxi nor Yi Tingsheng can hear any news.

"Wait a minute."

The man and the snake who had just entered the stone gate retreated back into the cave.

At this time, Chen Mo, who originally wanted to ask the other party if he remembered what was behind the stone gate, suddenly lost his mind.

After a long while, he managed to say: "They have all gone in, let's follow them!"

'Okay! '

The red snake demon not only did not feel anything wrong, but also agreed.

The man and the snake stepped into the stone gate again.

In an instant, Chen Mo was struck by lightning.

"Did I ask you questions just now?"

'Probably not. 'The red snake demon seemed to have discovered the problem, 'It seems that as soon as we leave the stone gate, we will forget the things and objects inside? '

Chen Mo took a deep breath, and the current situation was beyond his cognition.

Just a door away, they seemed to have lost their memory and forgot everything! They even forgot to ask questions!

In other words, outside the door, everything that happened here will not be remembered.

"How long have you lived here?" Chen Mo took two steps forward and joined Song and Yi in the dark.

The red snake demon also moved away very gentlemanly and said: 'About ten years ago, when Xiaoqing and I were just born, we should have been in front of the stone gate, but we were still young at that time, so we got in and have been growing up there all these years. '

"Have you ever thought about going out?"

After entering the stone gate, their memories were reawakened.

Things that were originally unclear after asking many times can now be explained clearly.

'No, we can't open the door. '

"Are there other monsters in the open space you mentioned?"

'No, just the two of us...' At this point, the red snake demon smiled, 'It won't be long before there will be. '

Chen Mo took the opportunity to look at the abdomen of the green snake demon, which was already bulging very obviously.

It may not be long before the eggs will hatch.

'No monsters...'

The three of them were also relieved.

Led by the green and red snake demons, they walked through the corridor behind the door and walked forward.

Some light appeared in the darkness, and then it became brighter and brighter, and finally a white light shone in along the cave entrance.

This made the three people who had been seeing in the dark for more than a year subconsciously cover their eyes.

But soon, they got used to it.

When Chen Mo stood at the entrance of the cave, he found that they were standing on a cliff that was dozens of feet high. Below was indeed a vacant lot covered with weeds as the red snake demon said.

There were a few trees growing sporadically on the vacant lot, but no one had taken care of them for many years, and they seemed to have withered a little.

Above the vacant lot, there were cliffs all around.

This place is a valley, but it doesn't cover a large area.

"Where is the gap you mentioned?" Chen Mo asked.

"Over there!" The red snake demon pointed to a mountain wall to the right of the front with its tail and said.

"Is there any danger here?"

The red snake demon shook his head.

Then Chen Mo sacrificed his long sword and ran straight in the direction he pointed.

When he arrived, the scene in front of him suddenly changed. It felt like a perfect landscape painting had a hole in it. Looking through the hole, the real world appeared.

Song Yunxi followed.

He still didn't trust Chen Mo to do this dangerous thing alone.

They looked through the hole, and there was indeed a tower in sight. The top and bottom were invisible, and it was impossible to see the whole picture.

Just this tower made Chen Mo see the methods of the immortals, which was definitely not something that ordinary cultivators could do!

"This is..." Song Yunxi opened his mouth wide.

He had never seen such a magnificent building since he grew up. Just a corner, just a glimpse of the leopard brought him infinite shock.

"Have you been in?"

At this time, the green and red snake demon also swam to their side.

The red snake demon shook his head, "No, the gap is too small, I can't get in."

Chen Mo drew out his sword and stabbed it in.

The next moment, it was like stabbing into the water, without any resistance.

But when his body touched the mountain wall, he couldn't go any further! It was really incredible.

However, how could the immortal secret realm be explored by a few guys in the Qi Refining Realm?

"Is there no way to enter?"

Chen Mo looked at the Tongtian Pagoda behind the gap eagerly, and finally he could only suppress his inner desire.

"Maybe we can get in from the entrance of the secret realm." Song Yunxi also sighed.

But now they have no idea what is going on outside. They have also guessed that the reason why Shennong Sect wants to destroy Qingyang Sect is probably related to this secret realm.

At this moment, Chen Mo suddenly remembered something. He landed beside Yi Tingsheng and asked, "You said you killed a monk and got the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique and the map from him?"

"Yes." The other party looked at him blankly.

"Where's the map?"

"I'll look for it."

Yi Tingsheng searched the storage ring and finally found the stolen map.

Chen Mo took it and looked at it, frowning.

"Can you understand it?"

This hand-drawn map only marked a few key locations, which ordinary people could not see at all.

"It took me a long time to find the entrance to the cave!" Yi Tingsheng raised his head, looking proud.

"No! No!"

"What's wrong? I'm looking for it according to this..."

Chen Mo shook his head and thought, muttering to himself: "If it is hand-drawn, it means that the first person who came out of the secret realm knew the other entrance in advance. But he entered from the entrance of the secret realm at the beginning. Normal people would not find where the cave entrance is under normal circumstances. This also means that the person left from the place where we entered!"

"Brother Chen, you mean, there must be a place leading to another entrance here?"

"Yes." Chen Mo nodded, "But it is not ruled out that there is a space-type formation, and the person was teleported here at the beginning."

"That's right." Song Yunxi agreed.

"What should we do now?" Yi Tingsheng asked a little bored.

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