Spring is coming.

Some spiritual planters around Guchenfang City have already started sowing seeds.

Next door, Xiao Changhua has also sown seeds into the ground and is waiting for them to take root and sprout.

Chen Mo was delayed for a few days due to practicing the Qi Crossing Technique. At this time, the five acres of spiritual land were still in the state of plowing the soil. Someone also quietly approached to observe to see if he was dead, so the land was left there.

Of course, their wishes were met with failure.

Early the next morning, Chen Mo went to Fangshi again with 5 kilograms of spiritual seeds he had bred.

It was very peaceful along the way.

Jie Xiu's death did not cause any waves.

Even where the battle had taken place, there were no traces of any corpses.

Since practicing the Spirit Snake Movement Technique, Chen Mo's running speed has more than doubled. The journey that originally took more than an hour reached Fangshi in less than an hour.

This time, his goal was very clear. He would first go to the No. 123 Grain Station to sell the five kilograms of spiritual seeds, and then go to Niujia Shop to get back the one and a half kilograms of seeds that belonged to him.

There is no way, the seed money has been paid, if you don’t take it, you won’t get it for free.

After walking through a specially opened street stall in Yijiofangshi, Chen Mo was suddenly stopped by a voice not long after leaving.

He turned around and looked.

A monk with thick eyebrows, square face, long hair and beard.

There was sincerity in his eyes, and he looked like a good person.

For an instant, Chen Mo seemed to remember where he had seen him before, until the other party spoke:

"Fellow Taoist, I think you should be a spiritual planter. I have some high-quality spiritual rice seeds. Do you want to take a look?"

Spirit rice seeds?

Chen Mo frowned slightly.

As early as the end of the year before last, when I came to Fangshi for the first time after traveling, I seemed to be stopped by the other party!

At first, because I couldn't tell the difference between the real seed and the fake seed, I turned around and left without paying any attention to the other party.

Now, I didn't expect that after a year and a half, the other party is still selling spiritual rice seeds here?

Could it be that this person is really a breeder like him?

If he was really a breeder, would the market allow him to grab business here?

With doubts, Chen Mo took two steps forward.

The middle-aged man was sitting on a wooden chair with a bamboo table in front of him, with a small bag of spiritual seeds in a white grain bag.

Judging from the appearance, it is not Linghuang rice.

"What kind of seed is this?"

Facing the inquiry, Yi Tingsheng suddenly became interested.

He gently held a small handful in the palm of his hand, handed it to Chen Mo, and said: "This is not an ordinary spiritual plant seed! I found it in a tooth cavity deep in the mountain behind Ziyun Peak. When I I also entered it by mistake and ate one of the red fruits when I was hungry. Guess what happened?"

Chen Mo's face darkened. He didn't expect that the other party would actually start making up stories in order to sell goods.

That's it, if he is allowed to live stream the goods, maybe there will be good sales!

Yi Tingsheng saw that the other party was not too interested, so he became even more lively: "Guess what?! After eating, I felt hot all over. I had almost no spiritual roots, but it was as if I had a golden spiritual root. After practicing, I became a metal element. Magic-like speed has more than doubled!"

As he spoke, he rolled up his sleeves.

The next moment, a dark golden ripple rippled on his arm, and in the blink of an eye, it was covered in gold.

Chen Mo took a step forward, gently picked up a handful and placed it in his hand to feel it carefully.

He originally thought that the other party was a liar, but he was suddenly shocked!

That's right, he actually felt the fetal movement of life among these spiritual seeds!

If he had not practiced the Qi Crossing Technique, he would not be able to tell the difference between spiritual rice and spiritual seeds. But now that he has mastered the Qi Crossing Technique to a proficient level, he can distinguish real seeds from fake seeds with ease.

"How do you make these seeds move?" Chen Mo asked rhetorically.

"Fetal movement?" Yi Tingsheng looked at him blankly.

What fetal movement?

Have a baby?

He has never heard of it!

"Aren't all the seeds the same?" the other party asked again.

Chen Mo rolled his eyes at him: "Plant the freshly harvested Linghuang rice in the ground and see if it will grow seedlings!"

"Ah? What are you talking about? I'm not Ling Zhifu, so I don't understand."

Yi Tingsheng scratched his head, feeling a little embarrassed.

At this moment, Chen Mo seemed to have guessed the other party's situation.

These seeds look like spiritual seeds, but it is impossible for ordinary spiritual cultivators to buy them. They cannot distinguish between real and fake seeds. Once they buy fake seeds, their whole year will be ruined!

As for breeders like him, there is a high probability that they will not pay attention to the vendors shouting at the roadside.

Therefore, even after a year and a half, this middle-aged monk is still selling spiritual seeds from nowhere!

"How long have you been selling these seeds?"

"No one bought the last batch from last year, so I cooked and ate them for fear they would spoil; this batch I just picked up from the tooth cavity."

"Where is the tooth cavity?" Chen Mo asked back.

"Then I can't tell you! This is where I make my fortune!"

Yi Tingsheng is not stupid!

If the other party goes and picks all the fruits there and sells them to others, what else will he earn?

You know, there are not many seeds in a fruit!

Chen Mo put the spiritual seeds in his hand back into the bag, and after thinking for a moment, asked: "How many are there here?"

"About two taels."

"I want it, how much spiritual sand?"

"Fifty taels!" As soon as Yi Tingsheng held out five fingers, Chen Mo turned around and left.

Don't even listen!

Why should he spend 50 taels on something like this that he didn't even know was a spiritual plant?

He is crazy!

“40! 30! 20! 10 taels! Sold!”

Yi Tingsheng kept slapping the table with one hand and quoting the price.

The original high price of 50 taels, before Chen Mo could react, he broke his bones.

“5 taels! Sold for 5 taels!”

“For the last time, sold for 5 taels!”

Chen Mo turned around, took out five taels of spiritual sand from his pocket and put it on the bamboo table, and put away the bag of spiritual seeds.

Seeing that someone finally paid for this batch of spiritual seeds, Yi Tingsheng was in a good mood.

After the other party walked away, he reached into his arms again and took out a bag of spiritual seeds out of thin air!

You know, he couldn’t hide such a large item inside the clothes he was wearing!

Chen Mo naturally didn’t know that the person who sold him the seeds was a powerful monk with a storage magic weapon. He was playing with the unknown spiritual seeds in his hand while walking.

Just now, at the moment he decided to buy it, he had already made a plan.

It was decided to open up a piece of land near the wooden house to try to plant this unknown spiritual plant.

As for whether the fruit that can strengthen the gold spiritual root can be harvested, it is unknown!

Chen Mo's original owner was just a mixed spiritual root, with no five elements and no obvious characteristics, so there was no spiritual root count on the panel!

For him now, planting these seeds is not a burden at all.

All the way inside, in less than half a cup of tea, Chen Mo arrived at the 123 grain station.

Mei Hua, who was originally bored, brightened his eyes when he saw him, and ran to meet him.

"Daoyou, you come this time..."

Chen Mo lowered his voice and said, "Do you want seeds?"

"Are you really a breeder?!"

In an instant, Mei Hua jumped up excitedly!

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