More than 200 immortal sect leaders came here from afar just for this matter. In the eyes of others, it might be a big move, but in the eyes of the three northern cities, it was considered extraordinary.

In addition, some villains forced them to take the initiative to suppress the incident, which further explained the weirdness.

In the hall, the guests and hosts were all happy.

This matter had nothing to do with them, so they were naturally happy to stay out of it and watch from the sidelines.

The people in Beijiang and Beiling were worried and couldn't eat the delicious food on the table.

From time to time, they glanced at Ji Hongren of Wuhua Mountain, but the other party looked indifferent. For a while, they didn't know whether the other party had ulterior motives or whether the mummies and living souls in the Eight Hundred Corpse Demon Ridge could not cause much turmoil.

As for the people in Beiyue City, they are still a little scared.

If they had not made preparations in advance and had not been fooled by the General's Mansion, they would have been trapped like the other two cities.

They ate a dull banquet and stopped eating after a few seconds.

At this moment, they just wanted to return to their respective immortal gates as soon as possible, block the mountain gates and cities, and wait until the mummies that ran out of the rift were eliminated before going out.

The banquet lasted for two hours.

Gu Xianzhi always sat in the main seat, his eyes occasionally scanning the human world below.

He also secretly memorized the appearance of these immortal sect masters.

Seeing that the banquet was coming to an end, Wei Hongyi put down his chopsticks and suddenly said, "Seniors, where is Master Ji of Shangxuanzhai?"

It was not until this time that everyone realized that only seven of the eight immortal gates in Beiyue City came!

Ye Longzi frowned and looked around, and indeed there was no trace of Ji Jianming.

This elusive and ignorant master was not present!

Not only that, Gu Dutong did not even bother to pursue the matter...

The problem became more and more serious.

"Everyone, the banquet is over, please move to Yunyan Market. The General's Mansion has prepared some small items for everyone. If you need them, you can spend spirit stones to buy them or exchange them. If you are not interested, you can go back." Gu Xianzhi saw that the time was almost ripe, so he stood up and greeted them.

For these immortal sect masters, they would come to the General's Mansion about once every hundred years.

At present, the four generals took turns on duty. Everyone knew that he practiced hard and did not care about worldly affairs, so he did not take the trip to the market to heart.

After all, among the six generals, the general had the widest sphere of influence, and the three generals had the most resources.

Therefore, they realized that this trip was more about exchanging what they had, and it was unlikely to buy real good things.

However, the spirit veins above the fourth level have almost been monopolized by the six generals. If you want to continue practicing above the Nascent Soul, you can't do without spirit plants and elixirs. Refining magic tools and drawing talismans also require a large amount of rare ores.

So, for these masters, it is enough to exchange for something that helps them practice.

Of course, some masters are not interested, so they choose to leave early.

Ye Longzi is also not very interested in the trip to Yunyanfang City. He said he would go down the mountain to wait for them. The same is true for Lu Lan, Shu Hua and others.

In the end, only Wei Hongyi and Chen Mo decided to go to Beiyue City to take a look.

Yunyanfang City is not too far from the main hall. The few dozen people who are left walked over leisurely.

"Master Chen, what are you going to buy?" Wei Hongyi, who was following the crowd, took the initiative to strike up a conversation.

Once, the amazement and admiration when we first met gradually disappeared in these days of getting along. A person's mystery comes from distance.

Often the more you get in touch, you will find that some people are just like this.

Wei Hongyi in front of him gave Chen Mo this feeling.

She likes to wear a long red dress just to make herself look more mysterious and more story-telling.

"Nothing, I'm used to living in a small place, I haven't seen the world, so I thought since I'm here, I might as well come and take a look."

"Same, but if there are really good things, I will buy some." Wei Hongyi nodded with a smile.

The two followed the crowd and soon arrived at Yunyan Market.

Sure enough, many people chose to leave early for their reasons.

Rather than calling it a market, it is better to say that it is a long street block. In terms of size and grandeur, it cannot be compared with Beiyue City at all.

No wonder Ye Longzi and others said that if it was the city of the three generals, they would go there and take a good look.

But the market of the four generals is unlikely to give them what they want.

Entering the block, guards wearing the same standard armor stood in front of the houses, which were sparsely placed with some magic weapons, elixirs, ancient books, spiritual plants, etc.

These things are almost useless for the immortal gate that has been passed down for thousands of years.

But in Chen Mo's opinion, every house is full of novelty!

After just two steps, he parted ways with Wei Hongyi and walked into a shop that no one had ever set foot in.

There was a plaque hanging on the shop, which was the word "Bookstore" written on a board cut from an ancient tree and dried.

Chen Mo walked in, and the golden armored guard in the Jindan realm looked at him, then pointed to the rows of ancient books on the bookshelf and said, "There are prices on them, just pay the spirit stone if you like them."

He raised his head and scanned the area.

The bookstore was not big, with a total of three bookshelves.

There were about two rows of ancient books and three rows of jade slips on each bookshelf.

The former is an old way of inheritance, recorded in written form, and often has deviations in comprehension, but looking at the price, it is cheap.

However, even so, any one of the exercises costs nearly one top-grade spirit stone.

The price is really outrageous!

Chen Mo looked carefully and saw a familiar exercise among these ancient books - "Golden Dragon Traveling Dao". He clearly remembered that this was one of the three extremes of Qingyang Sect.

Unexpectedly, such a not-so-rare exercise also sold for one top-grade spirit stone.

It's really no different from robbing money.

No wonder no one came into this room.

But he was not in a hurry, even if he didn't buy it, it would be okay to open his eyes.

So he looked at one ancient book after another, one jade slip after another, until he saw the third bookshelf, a jade slip marked with one hundred top-grade spirit stones attracted his attention!

The most expensive of other jade slips is no more than 10 top-grade spirit stones.

But this one actually costs one hundred!

Not only that, it is also the only one.

Chen Mo wanted to pick it up and take a look. After all, there were only two words recorded on it - supernatural power.

Unlike other jade slips, there was neither the name of the technique nor a brief description. Just these two words, I really didn't know what it was.

"Senior, what is this jade slip?"

"Do you want to buy it?" The golden armored guard's words revealed a hint of disdain.

"I want to understand it, then consider it." Chen Mo didn't care. He had long been accustomed to the cold words of others.

He was just an insignificant passerby, why should I care?

"This is one of the 108 yellow-level supernatural powers - calling the wind and rain."

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