Supernatural powers?

Chen Mo felt sad for no reason.

Once upon a time, the first talent he awakened was [increased production], and it was from that extra 20% spiritual rice that he stepped onto the fast track of cultivation step by step.

A year ago, when he obtained the magical power of [Conjuring Wind and Rain], he was hesitant to reveal one of his trump cards.

After much thought and the fact that he was not the only one in the spiritual world who had the ability to increase production, he finally chose to make it public.

He knew that as long as the Tianyuan spiritual rice at the foot of the mountain matured, Mount Motai would definitely cause a commotion.

Now that Nie Yuanzhi came to his door, Chen Mo expected it.

He looked at the other party's slightly fiery gaze and nodded slightly.

It was this imperceptible promise that made Nie Yuanzhi's frown relax.

"Headmaster Chen is indeed one of the best among men! Not to mention the hard work of spiritual cultivation, he can actually awaken the corresponding magical power to increase production!"

"It's just picking up people's wisdom." Chen Mo smiled.

Teeth wisdom?

Nie Yuanzhi was slandering in his heart, but it was difficult to express it clearly.

"If word of the master's magical power spreads, I'm afraid the threshold of Mount Motai will be trampled to pieces!"

"How can you see it?" Chen Mo asked back.

"Which immortal sect has not planted some spiritual plants for refining elixirs? Increasing production is equivalent to being able to refine several times more elixirs. For the higher-ups of the immortal sect, doesn't this mean that they have more spiritual fields in disguise? "

Chen Mo vaguely felt that there was something in the other person's words. He glanced at Li Tingyi behind him, then at Qin Xi who was wiping his sweat in the distance, and asked, "What did Brother Nie think of?"

"The tide of corpses in the Eight Hundred Corpse Demon Ridge is becoming more and more serious. Beiyue City alone may not be able to withstand it!"

"Seriously? Is it a crisis?"

"A third-level mummy has appeared!"

The other party's words made Chen Mo think.

"What do you want?"

Nie Yuanzhi took a deep breath. He had thought of a countermeasure as early as three days ago and could implement it after the headmaster nodded.

"The reason why the General Mansion is thinking about letting the three northern cities resist the zombie tide must have their reasons. They have a lot of information that we don't know, so I think that in order to resolve the crisis in the Eight Hundred Demonic Corpse Ridge, we must have the north The other twenty-four immortal gates in the three cities cooperate together."

"Cooperate? Will they listen? If it were possible, Beiling City wouldn't take the risk of driving the mummies to us and dragging us into the water, right?"

The other party nodded with deep understanding:

"Three days ago, I had no choice. The immortal sects in Wu Chi Kingdom were almost independent of each other. Apart from being afraid of the general's intimidation and listening to one or two, it was impossible for the other monks to mobilize! Even the General's Mansion had made it clear that the corpse tide originated from Beiling. , Beijiang jointly resisted, but they still went their own way, closed the door, and just ignored it! "

Chen Mo did not continue to ask questions.

Having said this, he probably already knew the other party's intention.

"In order for these immortal sects to have cohesion, they must have a backbone." Nie Yuanzhi looked at Chen Mo with burning eyes: "In the past, this backbone was difficult to find, but it is different now!"

Chen Mo took a deep breath and looked squarely into the other party's fiery gaze.

Then he tapped his toes lightly, and he was already in the air.

Dark clouds began to gather in the sky, and the light rain after autumn gradually fell.

This is a rain full of vitality. The place they bless will be blessed with good weather in the coming year!

In the past, Nie Yuanzhi would have used the spiritual energy in his body to form a barrier around his body, preventing the rain from falling from heaven and earth from getting his clothes wet.

But at this moment, he raised his head and let the raindrops fall on his hair and face, feeling the moistening sound silently.

It rained for a long time, and Nie Yuanzhi and Li Tingyi were soaked for a long time.

Until Chen Mo regained his magical powers, the mountains reflected colorful lights after the misty rain.

"Brother Nie wants me to make it public?"

"Yes!" Nie Yuanzhi nodded seriously. This was exactly what he thought and the only solution he came up with after careful consideration!

"Brother, have you ever heard of an old saying?"

"Master, please speak."

“The trees are beautiful in the forest, but the wind will destroy them.”

"Have you ever heard of the Headmaster?"

"Tell me about it?"

"If you are not envied by others, you are a mediocre person!"

The two of them exchanged words with each other, and they started to fight.

Chen Mo smiled and sighed: "Living is the most important thing!"

Only then did Nie Yuanzhi finally understand what he meant: "Are you worried that others will be disadvantageous to you if they find out about your magical powers?"

"No way?"

"I heard that the Shennong Sect had a genius ten thousand years ago, and it was he who single-handedly founded the Shennong Sect. It is said that the capital of Wu Chi was inextricably linked to him. If the leader was born in Zhongzhou , the Immortal Sect may not particularly care, after all, there are Shennong Sect, and there are many monks with magical powers to increase production; but if you were born in Pingdu Continent, I am afraid that even the general will try to take you under his command!"

"Seriously? Would the general really do this?"

Chen Mo couldn't help but frown.

"I presume so."

"Then it seems I'd better forget it."

"Don't worry, Master, all this will be done secretly. What those immortal sects want is to cooperate with you, not with the General's Mansion."

Nie Yuanzhi had already thought about this possibility.

He easily guessed that Chen Mo would not agree to join the General's Mansion.

But even so, there is still a lot of room for improvement! Before Motai Mountain becomes stronger, no immortal sect leader wants Chen Mo to become a member of the General's Mansion!

"Are you sure?"

"Sure!" Nie Yuanzhi said firmly, "If the leader is in danger, Yuanzhi will destroy his own golden elixir!"

"Don't!" Chen Mo waved his hands repeatedly, pressed his head, and said a little tiredly, "Then leave it to you. Before you do anything, let me know in advance."

"I get it!"

Nie Yuanzhi couldn't hide his excitement.

He had a sense of grandeur that the future was slowly unfolding.

As long as Motai Mountain can grow and develop, he and the Nie family will rise to the sky.

Many people can't wait for an opportunity in their lifetime, and Nie Yuanzhi knows that if he doesn't seize this opportunity, he may not encounter it again in thousands of years!

"By the way, how is Beijiang City?" Chen Mo suddenly asked.

"There won't be any problems in the short term. I will be the first to know if there is any situation."

"You must pay extra attention to this matter."

"I understand."

Chen Mo gave Nie Yuanzhi enough respect, and he also knew the other party's plan.

This is a win-win opportunity.

"In this case, I will be at ease farming and cultivating immortals!"

"Leave the affairs of Motai Mountain to me and Elder Song."

"No, no, no, Brother Song told me that he has already set off for the Nianyu Sect. Now you are still responsible for the affairs of the immortal sect."

Nie Yuanzhi was stunned, then clasped his hands together, and said sincerely again: "I accept the order!"

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