Farming, raising monsters, cultivating immortals, and seeking immortality

Chapter 530: A world where the strong prey on the weak

On the bird's back, Chen Mo couldn't help but smile.

This inexplicable smile made Nie Xin's heart tremble. She wanted to ask but didn't know whether to speak.

Mu Tao, who was not far away, glanced at him and chose to remain silent.

"The little brother who pestered you every day has grown up."

Chen Mo joked, followed by Xiao Kang's loud and proud cry.

Nie Xin knew that the majestic monster carrying them was the beast in front of him, and the communication between them was normal.

But what did this inexplicable sentence mean?

Suddenly thought of it?

Or was it inspired?

Chen Mo certainly didn't do it on a whim.

Sending Xiao Jin and Xiao Hu to guard the rift was an extremely dangerous thing. He raised these two monsters by himself, and he put a lot of effort into them.

Before leaving, he stuffed a lot of talismans into the two monsters, and chose to entrust a [Spirit Eye] to Xiao Jin.

It is precisely because of this that Chen Mo would always keep him hidden in the clouds.

Climbing high and looking far away can not only better conceal his breath and make it convenient to run away at any time, but also give him a panoramic view of the surroundings and control the specific situation of the rift and the Eight Hundred Corpse Demon Ridge.

With the [Spirit Eye], there is almost an extra field of vision.

He can also control all the movements on the front line as if he were there.

As for the knowing smile just now, it was all because of the arrogance of the Red Flame Tiger. Chen Mo really didn't know that this tiger actually had such a side.

The turmoil in the Eight Hundred Corpse Demon Ridge has lasted for almost two years. If it was only this degree, Chen Mo felt that the General's Mansion did not seem to need to mobilize troops.

The unknown is always the most worrying.

As Nie Yuanzhi said, all the immortal gates in the three northern cities were established a thousand years ago.

Going back further, there is nothing in the historical records about the three northern cities!

It is precisely because of this that Chen Mo decided to transfer Xiao Jin to the rift, on the one hand to fulfill the obligations of Motai Mountain, and on the other hand to facilitate him to keep an eye on the situation there.

Of course, in addition to the one in the Eight Hundred Corpse Demon Ridge, the other one, which is also the first [Spirit Eye], is located in the Yanyun Mountain of the Four Generals.

A few years ago, Chen Mo enlightened an ancient tree, allowing it to break the shackles of growth and start an alternative "demon cultivation" path.

However, he underestimated the growth cycle of the ancient tree.

Even after enlightenment, it is now in a confused and chaotic state.

In addition, it is a plant and cannot move freely like Xiao Jin. In the past few years, except for the cultivators who hurriedly passed by, no useful information has been obtained.

As for the future?

That will be left to time.

Flying all the way, flying for several days and nights.

After returning to Motai Mountain, Chen Mo irresponsibly left Mu Tao and Zhang Liang's two children to Nie Yuanzhi.

Originally, he thought about handing it over to Song Yunxi, but considering his elder brother's interests, he gave up.

When the child grows up, he can teach him.

But Mu Tao, definitely not.

After returning to Motai Mountain, Chen Mo continued to focus on the spiritual fields and spiritual plants.

In addition to comprehending the Great Thousand Changes and the True Dragon Sword Art every day, he carefully took care of those third-level spiritual plants.

Occasionally, he would sit down and chat with Qin Xi, answer his doubts about cultivation, and also discuss the cultivation of new varieties together.

With the daily contact, Chen Mo also admired the other party's tenacious confidence.

Today, Qin Xi, like Liu Yulin cultivated by Zheng Renhe, has almost unlimited resources.

Xiao Wudao Fruit, Tianyuan Fruit, and various spiritual plants and spiritual fish are all available.

Of course, Chen Mo also knew that his investment in his only apprentice was far less than the other party's return!

A single Tianyuan Spiritual Rice is enough to exchange for hundreds of Qi-nourishing Pills.

What's more, there is also Rehmannia secret grass, which can serve as a third-level spiritual plant blender, and some other improved spiritual plant varieties.

Judging from the spiritual plant supply of Motai Mountain, the current consumption is far behind the speed of output.

Fortunately, Tian Suqin and Wen Haowen also joined Nie Yuanzhi and became alchemists and weapon refiners of Motai Mountain.

But even so, the gap is still large.

Motai Mountain needs to cultivate more disciples in alchemy and weapon refinement.

There are many cultivators in the cultivation mainland. If you turn your eyes away from Motai Mountain and Beiyue City, you will find that no matter how many spiritual plants and pills there are, there will be a day when they are digested.

And if you want Motai Mountain to develop and grow stronger, this is also a hurdle that cannot be avoided!

Of course, these are already in Nie Yuanzhi's planning and consideration. Motai Mountain has a strong foundation and heritage. The only shortcoming is time.

"Master, when can I be as powerful as you?"

The moon is bright and the stars are sparse.

Chen Mo and Qin Xi sat on the raised ridge, drinking tea brewed from the Immortal Peak and chatting.

"Powerful? Do you know? This place was not called Motai Mountain 20 years ago..."

For the first time, Chen Mo told his apprentice about the situation of Qingyang Sect.

After Qin Xi was teleported from the human world, he had been staying inside the Immortal Sect. Naturally, he had never heard that there was another powerful Immortal Sect here.

And when he learned that such an Immortal Sect with more than 100,000 disciples was slaughtered in a few days, he was so depressed that he couldn't speak for a while.

Finally, after a long while, he asked, "Master, is Yuanying really that powerful?"

Chen Mo shook his head and said, "No, it's not Yuanying that's powerful, but Shennong Sect."

When mentioning Shennong Sect, Qin Xi's expression changed obviously.

"Shennong Sect? I've seen it in the Spiritual Plant Atlas!" He was a little excited, "Giant Bone Spirit Rice and Phoenix Bamboo are all cultivated by them!"


"Master, I think you are more powerful than the people of Shennong Sect!"

Chen Mo turned his head and moved his eyes back from the stars in the sky.

He smiled, but did not continue the topic, but asked: "By the way, what was your previous world like?"

"Me?" Qin Xi pointed at himself, and then recalled, "There was chaos and war everywhere. When I was a child, I followed my parents to farm in the village. Later, a group of soldiers came and robbed the food in our fields, and also took my father away as a soldier."

The boy's memories continued...

He remembered the past, and the days when he was hungry, and all this sounded familiar and unexpected to Chen Mo.

It turns out that the cultivation world and the human world are the same.

The strong prey on the weak, and a small number of people control the vast majority of scarce resources, while the average person can only struggle and grab for the remaining scraps.

The resources of the entire Pingdu Continent are in the hands of six generals, who can reach the Nascent Soul stage or even the God Transformation stage.

What about other cultivators?

Even a former legend like Ye Longzi can only be at the early stage of the Nascent Soul stage when he dies!

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