Chen Mo had heard of the legend of Jian Shiqi.

This brilliant man rose from obscurity. Under the suppression of the General's Mansion, he cultivated from a Qi Refining Realm to a Spiritual Transformation Realm with his extraordinary talent.

Then he killed people all over Pingdu Continent.

The history of Jian Shiqi has long been untraceable, but his legend has been circulating on the continent.

It is said that this person did not have a good end.

No matter how strong he was, he still could not escape the siege of the General's Mansion and finally died on the spot.

Therefore, Chen Mo knew that if he wanted to go further in the cultivation continent, the General's Mansion was the hurdle he could not avoid. Now, he was only in the Golden Core Realm, but he was targeted by them because of his talent.

The choice now placed in front of Chen Mo and Mo Taishan was either to be taken in as a dog or to repeat the mistakes of Jian Shiqi.

And over the years, Chen Mo also understood a truth.

No matter how strong he was, he was still a person, and if he wanted to make a breakthrough under the suppression of the General's Mansion, he must rely on forces that could match it!

Originally, when he established Motai Mountain, he also wanted to take steady steps and cultivate more and stronger disciples step by step.

However, the monopoly of spiritual plants and spiritual mines above the fourth level forced him to seek the skin of the tiger just for that ray of opportunity.

At this time, relying on the disciples of Motai Mountain itself is no longer allowed in terms of time!

Therefore, the method proposed by Nie Yuanzhi at the beginning is the best choice.

Motai Mountain is still the same Motai Mountain, but Xianwu Gate, Bafang Pavilion, and even Yongning Courtyard in the distance are no longer the original Xianmen.

He thought for a long time and finally agreed to the other party's proposal.

After discussing the specific details, the three of them took action separately.

There was not much time left for them. He had to set up a killing formation that could get rid of the real Yuanying before Gu Xianzhi arrived!

While it was still early, the three of them acted separately.

Nie Yuanzhi went to Xianwu Gate, while Chen Mo went straight to Shizhen Gate.

When he appeared outside the Immortal Gate again, Lv Lan, the headmaster of the Ten Array Gate, seemed a little surprised. They hadn't seen each other for several years, but now he came again in just half a year!

"Headmaster Lu, is Elder Yu here?"

"Of course, I'll find him for Brother Chen."

Chen Mo nodded and went straight to the point: "Chen has something to ask, and I would like to ask you and Elder Yu to go there."

"What is it?"

"It's not convenient to tell you for now, I will tell you when I arrive at Motai Peak."

Lv Lan hesitated for a moment, but finally agreed.

Although the Ten Array Gate is not like the Eight Directions Pavilion and the Immortal Martial Gate, it has also received a lot of favors from Motai Mountain. At least after the increase in the production of various spiritual plants, the supply in the Immortal Gate has almost never been cut off.

The three set off at a very fast speed.

In a blink of an eye, they had arrived outside Motai Mountain.

Originally, Lv Lan and Yu Shenggong planned to enter the Immortal Gate, but were stopped by Chen Mo.

"What is this?" The two expressed their confusion.

At this moment, Chen Mo said, "I wonder if Master Lu has a formation to strangle a late Nascent Soul?"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the two Jindan of the Ten Formation Gate suddenly changed!

Yu Shenggong even subconsciously stepped back again and again, staring at Chen Mo's face in disbelief, trying to see the element of joke from his face.

It can be seen that he is so serious, I am afraid he really has this need.

"Does Master Chen really hear it?"

"Of course!"

Lv Lan had a complicated expression. There were some things he wanted to ask, but he could only swallow them in his stomach.

If you offend the powerful in the late Nascent Soul, wouldn't that be offending the General's Mansion? Everyone in Pingduzhou knows that only the General's Mansion has such a high-level cultivator.

And if the other party offends the General's Mansion, what possibility is there for survival?

Could it be that he still wants to make a dying struggle?

In the end, emotion overcame fear. Lu Lan shook his head and said, "Master Chen, you think too highly of us. If there really is such a formation, why would we stay in a small place like the Three Northern Cities?"

"Is it possible? Use the killing formation and cooperate with hundreds of golden elixirs to complete the strangulation?"

At this time, Yu Shenggong and Lu Lan looked at each other.

They both saw the incredible in each other's eyes.

"Let's not talk about how to transform the killing formation so that it can complete the auxiliary, just hundreds of golden elixirs...where can we find them?"

"You mean, according to this requirement, there is still hope to deduce a new formation?"

Lu Lan smiled bitterly.

The other party obviously didn't understand what he meant.

"Based on our understanding of the formation, even if there is such hope, it will probably take more than ten or even several decades. Instead of counting on it, it is better to find a way to break through and strive to break through the Nascent Soul realm as soon as possible."

Chen Mo shook his head: "It's too late. Ten years is ten years, and decades is decades! As long as there is hope, it's fine."

Lu Lan and Yu Shenggong suspected that they had heard it wrong.

For a moment, I didn't know what the other party meant by this sentence.

But looking at Chen Mo's appearance, he didn't show any disappointment, but was looking forward to something.

A moment later, Song Yunxi, the great elder of Motai Mountain, flew down from the sky on a sword and finally landed in front of the three people.

"Great Elder Song!"

The high-level officials of the immortal sect all knew each other.

What's more, Song Yunxi's superb incarnation technique had already impressed them!

At this moment, he offered an ancient book similar to a scroll.

The Sun Book swelled in the wind and finally turned into a huge painting in front of everyone.

"This? What is this?"

Yu Shenggong felt the powerful aura transmitted by the Sun Book. This was a magic weapon he had never seen before!

This feeling cannot be compared with even the mid-grade treasures that I have had the honor of seeing once!

"This is the treasure of Mount Motai - the Sun Book of Heaven, which was once an immortal weapon."

"Immortal weapon!"

Lu Lan exclaimed.

The word "immortal weapon" alone is enough to stir up a bloody storm.

Surprised, Chen Mo continued: "This book contains the power of heaven and earth, which allows cultivators to enter it and deduce it for a hundred years."

At this time, the two cultivators of the Ten Formations Gate vaguely understood its function.

Recalling what Chen Mo just said, everything was connected and reasonable!

"Master Chen means that we should enter the Sun Book and deduce the formation you want?"

Chen Mo nodded: "Don't worry, no matter how long it takes in the book, it is only a moment in the outside world."

Lv Lan's eyes lit up: "Is there really such a magical treasure?"

"How can we understand the power of the immortal weapon?"

Song Yunxi said lightly, which also dispelled their concerns.

But even so, Lu Lan and Yu Shenggong were still unsure.

If they refuse, now that they know the existence of the Sun Book, they are really afraid that Chen Mo will do something out of the ordinary; but if they agree, firstly, they are equivalent to being on the same boat, and secondly, there is no meaning!

"Master Chen! I said just now, even if we really deduce this formation... where can we find so many Jindan cultivators?" (End of this chapter)

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