The fighting and wailing between Huang and Ziyun Peaks did not alarm the monks who were busy farming in the distance.

It was midsummer.

Over there, a group of spiritual plant farmers were still working in the fields with their faces to the loess and their backs to the sky.

At the foot of Ziyun Peak, there was a green scene. After experiencing an insect disaster, the land was reborn again.

They took good care of the land on which they depended for survival, even more than in previous years.

In the past, they didn't care about a weed or a puddle of insect pests, but this year, they paid attention to it all the time and cleared it out completely!

The spiritual plant farmers were busy, and their figures could always be seen in the fields.

On this day, Chen Mo's door was open, and the four little chickens in the house were nowhere to be seen.

Walking along the long ridge, in the image of the wind blowing the rice fragrance, it was like another scene!

At this time, Chen Mo held a special sickle in one hand and a handful of rice ears in the other hand. He cut them back with force and then neatly stacked them on the ridge behind him.

At his feet, Xiao Kang and three other chickens were pecking at the rice ears that fell on the ground frantically.

This time, they also got Chen Mo's consent, otherwise it would be impossible for them to pick up such a big leak!

After a while, the three spiritual birds were full and wandered around the ground, only Xiao Kang was still following Chen Mo diligently.

When Chen Mo cut a handful, it nodded like pounding rice and pecked wildly.

While eating, a powerful flying kick kicked it away, but Xiao Kang did a Thomas turn in the air and landed steadily on the ground.

Such unexpected "attacks" have long been accustomed to it.

At first, Xiao Kang would stand there and look at the instigator with a resentful look.

But now?

It won't delay it from eating the spiritual rice!

It used to eat husks, how could it have eaten such good things?

And it's a buffet!

Isn't it going to eat to death?

"Eat, eat, eat! Still eating!"

Chen Mo saw Xiao Kang facing him and continued to peck at the spiritual rice that fell on the ground, and he was furious.

These spiritual rice scattered on the ground would have taken a lot of effort to pick them up in previous years.

This year, he was rich and powerful, so he naturally looked down on the rice weighing more than ten or twenty kilograms, so he let the four chickens walk into the photo-keeping formation and eat a buffet.

However, even so, he still underestimated Xiao Kang's appetite!

The other three chickens ate at most one or two kilograms in total, but now, Xiao Kang alone probably ate three or four kilograms!

The key is that there is no sign of stopping.

"I think you should stop being a chicken and be a pig!"

Chen Mo scolded angrily, and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve.

On the other side, Xiao Kang ignored him and ran around and ate everywhere, as if he had entered heaven.

After a day's work, the fifteen acres of spiritual fields were finally harvested, and a large amount of spiritual rice was piled in the image retention array. At this time, Xiao Kang was finally full and began to run wildly to digest the food.

Chen Mo straightened his waist, supported his back, stood in place and circulated the Yangqi Jue, and the soreness in his body finally eased a lot.

Even though he had been farming for so many years, every harvest took a lot of effort and energy.

Now fifteen acres of spiritual fields are not bad, as a cultivator, you can finish it in one day.

But what about in the future?

Fifty acres, one hundred acres, or even thousands of acres?

Chen Mo's positioning is very clear, just a farmer and chicken farmer, but his goal is far more than the current one acre and three points of land.

He wants to grow more and more grain, raise more and more chickens...

But a person's energy is limited after all.

"Should I practice a spell that can split my body? Or learn mechanical engineering?"

However, during the rest time, Chen Mo began to daydream aimlessly. Of course, this was still a distant future for him.

He turned his head and glanced. Xiao Kang, who had finished digesting, started eating again. He kicked.

Then a chick flapped its wings and landed in front of the cabin.

"You're still eating!"

Chen Mo also walked out slowly.

Xiao Kang turned his head to look at him and ran into the house.

Behind him, the other three chicks staggered back.

The second day, the third day.

Chen Mo spent another day beating the harvested Linghuang rice into ears, drying it with a flame palm to force out the water, and finally packing it in bags.

The whole harvesting process took three full days!

On the fourth day, he burned the straw in the field with a fire, turned it into ash, and sprinkled it on the field.

Tilling the soil and watering, another busy day.

On the fifth day, the five catties of spiritual yellow rice seeds that had been prepared long ago were sprinkled into the ground, and another round of planting began!


Finally, after finishing the work in the field, Chen Mo had time to take care of the harvested spiritual rice.

Fifteen acres of spiritual fields, 400 catties per acre!

A total of 6,000 catties were harvested!

The most intuitive conversion is the 30 neatly stacked and bulging grain bags, each bag contains 200 catties.

Such a huge number is unimaginable for any spiritual plant farmer in Guchenfang City!

6,000 catties, 6,000 catties without paying taxes!

After selling it, it will be 600 taels of spiritual sand, which is enough for them to use for ten or twenty years.

However, for Chen Mo, who has had a glimpse of the true background of the cultivation world and has no ambitions, 6,000 kilograms is only six pieces of low-grade spirit stones. Even the twelve skills of the Qingyang Sect's Qi training realm alone cost five pieces. Low grade spiritual stone!

This little spiritual stone is not enough.

Chen Mo looked at the thirty bags of food and felt troubled for a moment!

That's right, his little cart can hold up to ten bags at a time, and it can't fit any more.

To whom should these grains be sold?

How to sell?

It’s midsummer, where did these spiritual rice come from?

How to explain this!

In fact, Chen Mo could also consider keeping the grains for the time being, sending them to the market together at the end of the year, and finding more companies to sell them to.

But then it won’t be 30 bags, but a full 4 or 50 bags!

That would be harder to deal with, I'm afraid.

“It’s also troublesome to harvest too much grain!”

After much thought, Chen Mo finally thought of the No. 1, 2, and 3 grain stations and Song Yunxi!

He went to Guchenfang City empty-handed. Near noon, Mei Hua returned to Lingtian with him with a storage ring.

The waiter at the grain station was stunned when he saw that the room was packed with 5,000 to 6,000 kilograms of spiritual rice.

"This...this is all your fault..."

Mei Hua widened her eyes and looked at Chen Mo in disbelief.

Even speaking became a bit stuttering.


Chen Mo made a gesture of silence.

Mei Hua's expression was a little sour, but she still put the 30 bags of grain into the storage ring as requested.

He asked on the way here.

It’s not the autumn harvest yet, where will the food come from?

But the other party always had a mysterious look on his face, and always tried to offend him by saying, "We'll talk about it later!"

Just prevaricate.

Originally, Mei Hua thought it was only a few hundred kilograms of spiritual rice.

Even with some imagination, he couldn't accept that it weighed 5,000 or 6,000 pounds!

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