Chen Mo left.

Only Song Yunxi and Mei Hua were left in the 123rd grain station.

As the manager of the grain store, Mei Hua naturally knew what to ask and what not to ask.

At this moment, even though he had a lot of doubts in his heart, he chose to turn a blind eye.

Until Song Yunxi took the initiative to speak: "Do you believe what he said?"

Mei Hua looked at his shopkeeper, thought for a moment, and shook his head.

"Oh? Why not?"

At this time, he walked forward and casually took out a handful of spiritual rice from a bag of grain, saying: "These are all new rice, which should have been harvested within a year."

The 123rd grain station is in this business, and new rice and old rice can naturally be easily distinguished, otherwise this business would be in vain.

Song Yunxi nodded, but a bitter smile appeared on his face.

"Shopkeeper, what are you doing?"

"My brother is both accepting my favor and commanding my army!"

"I understand accepting favors, but what about commanding my army?" Mei Hua was a little confused.

Song Yunxi didn't say anything more, but he vaguely guessed the origin of these grains.

Unexpectedly, the other party also started the business of robbery!

No wonder! No wonder!

No wonder he could kill people and destroy corpses so calmly at the beginning.

After all, plunder is always the fastest way to get rich.

Now, he directly sold 6,000 kilograms of spiritual rice to the 123 grain station, instead of secretly handling it in batches and stores. This is to make Song Yunxi express his attitude!


Chen Mo didn't expect that his helpless move would trigger so much deep thinking.

He also knew that these 6,000 kilograms of spiritual rice were too incredible, but this was also an attempt to test whether Song Yunxi of the 123 grain station was worth making friends with.

Obviously, the other party was a smart man.

Back home, Chen Mo combed the feathers of the four spiritual birds as usual.

Now, their egg yolk-colored fluff has completely faded, and they are gradually showing signs of maturity.

The most important thing is that their size has almost doubled! It has reached Chen Mo's knees!

There are growth factors involved, but the most important thing is the talent bonus of [Strongness] after relaxing the meridians and activating the collaterals.

After more than four months, his "Activating Collaterals Technique" has become proficient, and the 20% individual increase has also been reflected in the four spirit chickens.

Of course, the change is still the spirit chicken that is always extremely excited except for sleeping-Xiao Kang.

Its fur color is more transparent, even if it is mixed in the chicken flock, you can see its difference at a glance.

Sure enough, the free-range chickens that eat a lot and eat well have the best fur and meat!

On the fourth day, Chen Mo arrived as promised.

Song Yunxi had returned from Ziyun Peak last night and waited here early.

The two entered the inner room, and with the bright sunlight, an ancient bronze ring appeared in front of Chen Mo.

"Is this a storage ring?"


Three years! A full three years!

Three years ago, when Chen Mo first came into contact with the storage ring, he had been thinking about it, and three years had passed before he actually got this ring.

He carefully picked it up from the table and put it on his index finger. The originally large ring suddenly shrank by itself and just fit on his finger.

"Brother Song, how do you use this?"

"Below the Jindan stage, all magic tools have only one way to recognize their master!"

"Drop blood?"

"Yes! Before the foundation building, the cultivator has no spiritual consciousness, so naturally he can only rely on the most primitive means."

Hearing this, Chen Mo picked up the sharp blade prepared on the table and gently cut his finger.

When the blood dripped on the ring, the sense of control came instantly.

He thought about it and immediately "saw" its storage space. As Song Yunxi said, it was about twenty feet square.

It was basically the size of an ordinary bedroom.

No one needed to teach.

Chen Mo quickly mastered the way to store and take things. He stroked this simple ring and was in a good mood.

"How is it?"

"No need to push the cart anymore!"


Song Yunxi was stunned, then laughed.

Unexpectedly, the other party's first reaction was to stop pushing the cart.

"Brother Chen! This is a low-grade spiritual stone." He handed over the last spiritual stone.

"Thank you!"

Song Yunxi stood there, hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Brother Chen, I think I have to tell you after thinking about it."

Chen Mo remained calm, but his heart skipped a beat.

"Please tell me."

"If you walk along the river often, you will get your feet wet! It's safer to keep your feet on the ground!"

Chen Mo didn't understand at first, but after a moment, he understood!

It seems that the other party attributed the origin of the six thousand kilograms of spiritual rice to looting!

However, last year was a disaster year! Where did he get so much food for him to rob?


Without explanation or words, Chen Mo said goodbye to Song Yunxi and returned to his own one-third acre of land.

Back in the house, he piled all his belongings on the ground.

150 jin of Linghuang rice, more than 3 jin of Xuanyi Ling rice, a handful of mysterious seeds, 13 Bigu pills, dozens of jin of aphid corpses and rice husks, and finally two spiritual stones, this is all his belongings!

It doesn't look like much, but it is a wealth that other spiritual plant husbands can never have in their lifetime!

The small wooden house, which was originally full of things, was finally cleaned up.

Now, no matter what he needs, he can take it out at any time as long as he thinks about it, which is very convenient!

In the next few days, relying on the convenience of the storage ring, he went to the forest in the mountains, cut some trees and built a fence around the cabin.

Every day during the day, the spirit birds were raised in the fence and driven back to the house at night.

However, Chen Mo also knew that this was not a long-term solution.

Other spirit raising officials who raised spirit birds all found spirit formation masters to set up defensive formations to prevent evil spirits from stealing these spirit chickens and spirit ducks that they had raised for a long time in the dark night.

He also asked, and the price was not expensive.

Basically between 10 taels and 20 taels, which is also the subsidy price of the market. After all, the final profit of raising spirit birds still falls into the pocket of Ziyun Peak.

The reason why Chen Mo has not taken any action is that his breeding scale is not large enough, and secondly, he is ready to wait until the end of the year to harvest a sum of spirit stones and spirit sands, and then make an overall transformation!

A small cabin, the space is still a bit too small!

In the photo formation, the newly sown spiritual yellow rice has not yet begun to sprout, but the surrounding weeds have no competition due to the harvest of spiritual rice. It is midsummer and they are growing wildly.

This also causes Chen Mo to spend some time every day to clean up the weeds.

The cost of ripening.

There will always be some ups and downs in two seasons a year.

However, these ups and downs are still acceptable.

At the foot of Ziyun Peak, where Huangyun Peak borders.

A figure cuts through the sky and flies from the horizon.

The monks who were originally talking and laughing suddenly fell silent and looked at the newcomer.

After seeing clearly, everyone knelt on one knee and said in unison: "Greetings to Master Li!"

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