Golden October.

In the photo-keeping formation, Chen Mo has been busy.

This time, Xiao Kang and the other three spiritual birds were kept in the wooden house to prevent them from eating all the spiritual rice scattered on the ground.

Of course, the most important thing is to prevent Xiao Kang.

One chicken can eat several times more than the other three!

Chen Mo is now very familiar with harvesting spiritual rice, and his movements are very smooth.

However, one person's strength is limited after all. No matter how fast he moves, it took him a day to harvest all the spiritual rice in the field.

It will take another one or two days to knock the spiritual rice off the rice ears.

The problem is back!

Now, fifteen acres of spiritual fields are not bad, three days is three days, and it won't delay too much practice.

But Chen Mo also knows that as his realm improves, he must find a way to get himself out of the affairs of farming.

He only needs to be responsible for raining [increasing production], and the rest should be left to other "people"!

After thinking about it, it is definitely impossible to hire someone.

His special features should not be exposed now.

In this way, the purchase of an agricultural puppet is also on the agenda.

However, in the past four years, Chen Mo has gone to Guchen Market seven or eight times, and has never seen a store selling puppets.

In other words, there may not be any in Ziyun Peak!

After harvesting fifteen acres of spiritual fields, Chen Mo straightened his back.

In the next day and a half, he bagged and stacked the spiritual rice, which was still 6,000 catties as half a year ago.

The grain tax for two years is 200 catties per mu, and 15 mu is 3,000 catties.

Chen Mo deposited the remaining 3,000 catties into the storage ring, and the rest was piled in the outer corner of the cabin, waiting for the grain collector to come.

The straw in the field was still the same as usual.

After burning it with a fire, it was scattered back to the field.

After doing all this, Chen Mo took advantage of the dusk to remove the Wangshan Liuying Formation and let everything return to normal.

After waiting for two more days, the grain collector finally came.

However, only two people came this time.

One was the female cultivator who was called "Si Yu" at the beginning, and the other was a new face.

As for the owner of Guchen Market, Niu Youliang, for some reason, he did not show up this time.

The two seemed to be in a bad mood. After asking a few simple questions, they directly took away all the spiritual rice harvested by the surrounding spiritual farmers, and even some broken rice.

Chen Mo still remembered that two years ago, this female cultivator once said: Within two years, as long as he practiced the Flame Palm to a small success, the other party would accept him as a disciple.

Now, this spell has long been a small success, and when they met again, the other party did not even mention it.

Perhaps, he had long forgotten about it.

Of course, Chen Mo would never worship the other party as his master!

As soon as the grain collector left, the spiritual fields around Guchen Market fell into desolation again.

The harvest did not bring joy, but only sighs.

Once the insect disaster, two years of work was in vain.

The spiritual planters could only grit their teeth and endure for another year.

Of course, compared to the spiritual planters at the third and fourth levels of Qi Refining, those who stayed in the fields were already lucky.

If the harvest was gone, they could still plant again.

But if their lives were gone, they were really gone.

Chen Mo also found out that the spiritual fields left by the recruited monks were not left barren.

This time, Ziyun Peak and Guchen Market personally took action and summoned a group of people to temporarily serve as spiritual planters.

As for next year?

I'm afraid the fields will have to be redistributed again.

The day after the grain collector left.

Chen Mo set off early in the morning and came to Guchen Market.

As usual, the first stop was the 123rd grain station!

However, what he didn't expect was that this grain store, which had been open all year round, was closed today!

There was even a note on the door.

Chen Mo went up and took a look:

[Temporarily closed due to important matters. ]

These five simple words made him frown.

What Song Yunxi called "important matters" must be something trivial!

After hesitating for a moment, Chen Mo still knocked on the door with his backhand.

But after knocking for a long time, there was no movement.

Just as he turned around and prepared to leave, he heard the sound of the door opening behind him.

"Chen Daoyou?"

Chen Mo turned around and saw Mei Hua, the manager of the grain station.

"Where is Brother Song? Why is it closed?"

The other party looked around, then called him in, lit the candle, closed the door, and then explained:

"Manager Song knew you would come, so he asked me to stay here."

"He has something to do?"

Mei Hua nodded: "Yes!"

"What is it? Is it important?"

The other party shook his head.

"I don't know, he didn't tell me anything." Mei Hua thought for a while and continued, "About three months ago, he suddenly came to me and told me that he had something important to do and asked me to stay here. During this period, the grain station would not be open for business on the first, second, and third days. Everything will be discussed after he comes back."

Chen Mo frowned.

At this time, the other party took out a sachet from his pocket and handed it over: "Friend Chen Daoyou, before Manager Song left, he specifically told me that he would give it to you when you come."

"What's inside?"

"I didn't look at it."

Mei Hua shook his head.

Mei Hua is not stupid to be able to hand over a shop to him!

Chen Mo took it and rubbed it gently. It should be a note.

He didn't pretend. Since the other party said he didn't look at it, there was no need for him to hide it, so he directly opened the sachet and took out the note.

It is written in Junxiu block letters:

[Brother Chen, Mr. Song has something important to leave temporarily. This matter is of great importance and he has to go. The time has not yet been determined. It can be as short as half a year or as long as two years. I hope you can forgive me. 】

There wasn't much in the note, it was just a greeting to Chen Mo.

However, even so, he could feel the sincerity of the other party, and he was still thinking about him before leaving.

This big brother is indeed a nice person!

"Brother Song, did you tell you how long you would be away for?"

Mei Hua shook her head: "I didn't say."

Chen Mo handed over the note: "He said it could be as short as one year or as long as two years."

Mei Hua was surprised. He didn't expect that the other party would show him the contents of the note!

"What is the shopkeeper doing here? He's so mysterious!"

"Don't think about it, let's wait!" Chen Mo clasped his fists and continued, "I hope we will let you know when the time comes!"

"Definitely, definitely! When shopkeeper Song comes back, I will come to your door immediately to invite you!"

"Thank you!"

Song Yunxi's departure was indeed somewhat beyond Chen Mo's expectation.

But this is also human nature.

Except for Ling Zhifu's resettlement, businessmen would be traveling abroad, and it was normal not to come back for a while.

Without Song Yunxi, the breeding issue could only be put on hold.

Chen Mo randomly found three grain shops, took the grain out of the storage ring in advance, and sold 700 kilograms of spiritual rice each.

The remaining 900 kilograms were pushed to Niu's shop by pushing 700 kilograms.

Having a storage ring really saves you a lot of trouble!

Otherwise, pushing this three thousand kilograms of spiritual rice through the city would probably cause a sensation!

When he arrived at Niujia Shop, Wei Wuwei looked very surprised when he saw Chen Mo!

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