It was already freezing cold when the twelfth lunar month came.

During this period, He Zhiping often came over intentionally or unintentionally, and occasionally wanted to say hello to Chen Mo, but he was scared by his cold face and dared not say a word.

After all, the two had had a holiday before.

However, now He Zhiping dared not to do it even if he had the courage.

As for Lan Ling, she also came over frequently, and sometimes even pointed fingers at the construction workers, telling them how to do this and that, as if the house was hers.

Chen Mo felt that this female cultivator seemed to be possessed by a demon.

It can be said that he had nothing to do with the other party, but the other party was always persistent!

However, Chen Mo could only ignore her and let her go. He couldn't kill her, right?

Before the beginning of the first lunar month, Chen Mo finally moved into the newly built house.

A house that was at least three times larger than the original one!

The original cabin, the living room, study, practice room, and bedroom were all gathered together. In other words, there was only a palm-sized place.

Even Xiao Kang couldn't run if he wanted to!

Now, the living room is right at the entrance, and behind the screen are two bedrooms, a study, a kitchen, and a practice room!

Even the furniture inside was arranged properly by the team of craftsmen that Wei Wuwei found.

Chen Mo added some firewood to the fireplace on the side, and gradually the temperature in the room rose.

He sat at the eight-immortal table, poured himself a cup of hot tea, and tasted it.

Now that I think about it, the 30 taels of spiritual sand are worth it!

If there were no such people, it would take a lot of effort just to purchase these furniture, not to mention the defense array covering the house and the chicken coop!

Dong Dong Dong!

There was a knock on the door.



Chen Mo frowned when he heard it.

Her again?

Chen Mo didn't know what Lan Ling was going to do?

You can't lick like this!

"No one is inside!"

"Fellow Daoist Chen, you are moving to a new house today. I specially cooked some spiritual rice for you. Do you want it..."

Without listening to the other party's words, Chen Mo put down the cup and went into the practice room to meditate and practice.

He didn't want to listen to the other party's nagging.

It's okay to be good-looking, but you are also average?

Outside the door, Lan Ling was still muttering.

The cold wind was biting, even as a cultivator, it was a bit unbearable at this moment.

She kept muttering for a long time, and when she saw that Chen Mo never responded, her eyes were very disappointed.

The spiritual rice in her hand was completely cold, but even so, she was reluctant to eat a bite.

"Where the golden city goes, the gold and stone will open. Lan Ling, Lan Ling, you must believe that you can do it!"

She encouraged herself and went back.


A month later.

It was approaching the beginning of spring, and there was less than half a month before sowing.

Chen Mo, who had been in seclusion, finally survived the cold winter and walked out of the house.

Now, living in a "luxury house", his quality of life has obviously risen to a higher level. He drinks tea, eats, and occasionally reads books to learn about the local customs.

Even if he stays at home, as long as he has liver, it's fine.

Originally, Chen Mo planned to stay for about ten days before considering turning the fields, but he couldn't stand Xiao Kang pecking at his window with his beak every day at the door!

If he didn't let it in, it would keep pecking.

If he let it in, it would keep "clucking" in his ear.

Finally, Chen Mo, who was not tired of it, finally decided to go to the market to buy a hen for Xiao Kang!

"Cluck... Cluck... Cluck... Cluck."

Before leaving, Xiao Kang was still muttering in his ear, as if he wanted Chen Mo to take it with him so that he could choose it himself.

"Do you think we are going to visit a brothel? If I really take you there, be careful not to get your kidneys choked!"

With Xiao Kang's current power, I'm afraid he will be targeted as soon as he enters the breeding station.

At that time, the cultivators of Ziyun Peak want to eat it. Should I give it to them or not?

Finally, after Chen Mo's comfort - ten little hens - Xiao Kang reluctantly agreed to stay at home and not go anywhere!

It took less than half an hour to arrive at the market.

Chen Mo made a special trip to the No. 123 Grain Station, and the gate was still posted:

[Temporarily closed due to important matters. ]

It seems that Song Yunxi will not be back for a while.

When I came to the spiritual bird breeding station, the smell of chicken manure was still everywhere.

After walking in for a while, I finally stopped in front of the stall where I bought Xiao Kang last time.

"Boss, do you have hens for sale?"

"Yes, 6 taels each."

"Isn't it 5 taels?"

"That's a male!"

After some communication, Chen Mo understood.

At the beginning, when the general spiritual breeding officials came to buy spiritual birds, they would default to males, and the price would naturally be the lowest price.

Unless you take the initiative to ask.

No matter where or what species, females are more expensive than males, after all, they can reproduce.

"Then ten hens and ten roosters."

The shop owner took a large cage, put it on the ground, and then began to catch chicks from his cage. After catching it, he very skillfully opened its buttocks to take a look, and then stuffed it in.

In a short while, all twenty chicks were packed.

"Do you have any more bran?"

"Two taels for one hundred catties." The other party remained expressionless, and doing business was no fun for him.

"Give me five hundred catties too!"

Originally, Chen Mo wanted to ask if there were any insects for sale, but when he thought about the price, he gave up.

Chen Mo paid 120 taels of spiritual sand.

So far, he has spent most of the 300 taels of spiritual sand that he harvested at the end of the year, and the rest needs to be bought for the fasting pills and so on!

"Spending money like water!"

These twenty chicks will double in two years, and if they lay eggs, there will be extra income.

In other words, there are dozens of taels of spiritual sand a year, which is hundreds of kilograms when converted into spiritual rice!

According to 70 kilograms per mu of land, at least ten mu can be compared with it.

However, breeding is different from planting. It makes more money, but the risk is also greater.

If these chicks die halfway, then they will lose all their money!

That's why there is the saying of our ancestors: "A man with a lot of money doesn't count if he has hair!"

Of course, according to Chen Mo's understanding, like the breeders among the spiritual plant husbands, there is also a special profession among the spiritual raising officials - veterinarians!

Specialized in treating spiritual birds and beasts.

The status is much higher than that of breeders!

An excellent veterinarian is the object of competition and pursuit, not to mention the market, even in Ziyun Peak.

Nowadays, who among the cultivators with a little status doesn't have a spiritual pet?

If there is a disease or disaster, the only one you can rely on is the veterinarian!

Chen Mo also wants to develop in that direction, but at present, it seems that there is no clue: like the spiritual array master, the veterinarian also has to learn from a master.

Wrap the cage tightly with a quilt. The wind in early spring is still very biting. Although the chicks in the cage are spiritual birds, they are still small after all and can't withstand the cold wind.

He pushed the cart all the way with the spirit snake body movement and finally returned home before noon.

Chen Mo, just opened the cage, a shadow came in an instant.

But the next moment, Xiao Kang was dumbfounded!

"Crack! Cluck! Cluck!"

(Why are there only chicks! Hens! Where are the hens?!)

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