When Boss Zhang heard what he said, he couldn't help but glance at his daughter. Looking at Xiang'er's ordinary appearance, his heart suddenly became cold. Forget it, this girl can't be counted on.

He whispered: "Village chief, you said I would give my daughter and niece to Xiao Fei as girls, would she be willing to take them?"

The village chief rolled his eyes at him, "How could she want her? She is from the village. Does she treat your daughter as a human being or as a villager? This makes it inconvenient to wake her up!"

"Don't make such a crooked idea."

Boss Zhang was silent, but he was thinking in his heart. Now that his family's debts have been paid off, how about letting his son Dong Lai go to school.

Dong Lai is only nine years old, which is not too late. The older man is already in his twenties and still needs to study. There is nothing wrong with following Uncle Gu's family.

Qian tugged on the hem of Gu Zhong's clothes, "Tell me, Xiao Fei is married to the prince, can she help find a good marriage for our Xing'er?"

Gu Zhong whispered: "Okay, after a while, you can talk to your sister-in-law."

Mrs. Qian nodded vigorously. This time, she wouldn't agree to it unless she found someone who could give Xing'er a dowry gift of one hundred taels of silver!

At the same time, the eunuch Xu Eunuch who delivered the order finally returned to the capital.

When the emperor heard that Eunuch Xu had returned, he nodded and said, "Invite him to come in."

Eunuch Xu came in and knelt down, holding his hands above his head. In his hand was a two thousand tael silver note.

The emperor raised his eyelids and asked calmly: "How?"

Eunuch Xu lowered his head, "When the servant arrived, King Qi was drinking. After entering the gate, King Qi came in a hurry, disheveled."

"When I knelt down, I was unsteady and almost fell down. When I talked to the slave, I smelled of alcohol."

The emperor snorted softly, "I'm afraid you're just pretending to show me!"

He squinted, "Nothing else?"

Eunuch Xu lowered his head, "Nothing else, the servant rushed back after delivering the imperial edict and did not stay at Prince Qi's Mansion."

The emperor glanced at the banknote he held above his head, lowered his eyes, and said slowly after a long while: "Since it is King Qi who rewards you, just take it."

Eunuch Xu kowtowed and thanked him, and then slowly withdrew.

Empress Zheng came out from behind the screen, saw the emperor's calm expression, and said softly: "Is the emperor worried about King Qi?"

The emperor snorted softly, "Not only King Qi, but which of my uncles is easy to get along with?"

"Everyone bullies my youth and covets my empire!"

He narrowed his eyes, "But the most hateful thing is this King Qi. Back then, the old King Qi took advantage of the emperor's great-grandfather's favor and got Donghai County as a fief. The emperor's great-grandmother also gave King Qi a good marriage."

"Now the King of Qi wants money, and his Taishan Lord Qin Guogong is in charge of military power. Why doesn't he make it difficult for me to sleep and eat well?"

Empress Zheng said softly: "Your Majesty, there is no need to worry about this. I heard that King Qi loves wine as much as his life, and he only dotes on his concubine. He is just a drunkard and a womanizer, so there is nothing to worry about."

The emperor sneered, "What do you know? Now that King Qi is married to the Protector's wife, he is becoming more and more powerful."

Empress Zheng thought to herself, Madam Protector was just a widow, so what if she was married to the Prince of Qi? The emperor is so broad-minded, alas!

But he said: "Speaking of which, when I was not out of the imperial concubine, the daughter of the Protector's wife was the most arrogant and domineering I have ever seen. It's unbelievable that she is now the crown prince's concubine."

The emperor waved his hand, "She's not the imperial concubine, she's the eldest son who married King Qi."

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