At night, Gu Fei thought that she had to find Prime Minister Su to inquire about the situation in the capital, so she teleported outside Prime Minister Su's study.

As soon as I got to the window, I felt something was wrong.

There was the sound of swords clashing in the house.

Gu Fei quickly took out the pistol, loaded it, and rushed through the door.

He saw several masked men in black fighting with the guards of the Su family in the house, and the bodies of two guards were lying at the door.

Prime Minister Su sat in the corner of the study room, holding his eldest son Su Li in his arms.

Gu Fei saw the situation clearly and took aim and fired without hesitation.

The two masked men were killed with two consecutive shots, and the remaining two were fighting with several guards, making it difficult to shoot.

Gu Fei took out her Qiu Shui Sword and was about to join the battle group when she suddenly noticed something was wrong with Prime Minister Su on the ground.

She was on guard with her sword while moving towards Prime Minister Su.

When he got closer, Gu Fei was horrified and saw Su Li in Prime Minister Su's arms on the ground. His eyes were closed and he lost consciousness. Blood was still flowing out of his abdomen, dyeing half of his clothes red.

Gu Fei quickly took out the golden medicine and took off Su Li's clothes, only to see that there were several hideous wounds on his abdomen. The skin and flesh were rolled up, fearing that the internal organs were injured.

She quickly sprinkled the gold wound medicine on it and took out a piece of cloth to bandage the wound.

At this moment, she suddenly felt palpitations. When she turned around, she saw a bright knife stabbing towards her.

Gu Fei secretly scolded the Su family's guards for being useless. Four people surrounded two people and beat them, and even had people kill them here.

She suddenly grabbed the long sword on the ground, held it up and lifted it up.

He quickly threw away the cloth with his left hand, took out his pistol, and fired a "bang" at the masked man in front of him.

A bloody hole suddenly appeared on the masked man's forehead.

The knife in his hand fell to the ground, and the man jumped forward.

Gu Fei pushed the man who was lying on top of her away with a palm. She looked at the study room and saw that there was only one masked man left and three guards who could fight. She no longer cared about them and took out another clean one. A piece of cloth was used to bandage Su Li's wound.

No matter what, the bleeding needs to be stopped first.

Prime Minister Su silently helped Gu Fei.

After Gu Fei was bandaged, he saw that the last masked man had also fallen.

The three remaining guards who were still standing were all injured.

Three guards came over, and Prime Minister Su ordered, "Hurry up and ask for the doctor."

A guard who was not seriously injured ran out.

The remaining two people carefully carried Su Li to an Arhat couch in the study, then took out the golden medicine and began to bandage each other's wounds.

Gu Fei then helped Prime Minister Su stand up, "Master Su, what's going on?"

Prime Minister Su walked to the edge of the collapse and sat down. He looked at his son with a sad expression. After a long while, he sighed, "Thank you for coming today. Otherwise, I am afraid that both of us, father and son, would be buried here."

Gu Fei frowned, "Why is there a killer?"

Prime Minister Su pursed his lips hard and said in a low voice: "These people are here for me. If I am not mistaken, they are people sent by the emperor."

"Just now, Li'er and I were talking about something, and suddenly several masked men broke into the door. We both quickly called for the guards, but the guards didn't come so fast. Li'er and I fended off a few times, and the knife came towards me. At that moment, he rushed in front of me and tried his best to protect me and block the knife for me. "

Prime Minister Su looked at his son on the couch and couldn't help crying.

Gu Fei looked down at the unconscious Su Li on the couch. She could only pray that the filial man who could shield his father from the knife would be lucky enough to survive.

She couldn't help but curse, "The emperor is a mad dog!"

"By the way, why did he want to kill you? Could it be because of your resignation?"

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