Chapter 159 The Death of Guo Da

Li Ang’s power is unexpected.

With more than a thousand body attributes, this kick was very heavy.

Guo A felt like he was hit hard by a 120-hour truck.

The bones will be broken.

The body is also like a cannonball, which is directly knocked out.

shattered, the walls were smashed into pieces.

The stone exploded and splashed out, and the body flew out of the room.

Guo Da couldn’t help falling into the lawn.

After five or six laps, the castration was barely stopped.

“Pfft…he vomited blood.

I feel like my internal organs are rolling.

Immediately his face turned soy sauce color, and the taste was unpleasant.

If the strength is bigger, the internal organs will be displaced.

He must die!

But now it’s worse than death!

Guo A’s mood is not good.

Just a kick that raised him to an internal injury.

How terrifying is Li Ang’s strength and combat effectiveness!

Li Ang did what even Dominic couldn’t do!

Guo Da was shocked.

A person’s strength can be so strong.

22 Does he have the gene of Asan bison?

Guo Da was shocked.

Asan buffalo is the largest and most ferocious cattle, which can instantly kill lions and tigers.

The longest can reach about 3.3 meters, and the weight is about 1600 pounds.

Hit him head-to-head, and his strength is no lower than Li Ang’s.


Li Ang walked out of the house slowly and looked coldly at Guo A lying on the ground.

He also wanted to obtain the eyes of the sky in vain, which was a fool’s dream.

With this bit of strength, it’s okay to deal with Domik.

It is too weak to deal with him.

“You can’t even stop me with one foot, and they said they were going to kill me?” Li Ang laughed.

Laugh at his overreach.

In the face of absolute power, it is useless to fight.

Slap to death.

Li Ang stepped forward step by step, Guo Da sat on the ground and moved back a little bit.

He looked terrified.

The power of this kick had already broken his courage.

“You, are you a human or a devil?” Guo Du couldn’t hold back his fear.

If Li Ang played a lot of rounds with him.

He was defeated, and there was nothing to say.

But Li Ang kicked him out of the house with one kick, and even the walls burst.

Guo A panicked.

Even Dominic can’t achieve this kind of combat power.

“I heard that some people are researching super soldiers, you are made by them?” He thought deeply, wouldn’t he really kick the iron plate, right?

“You mean Aideen?”

Li Ang thought of the nigger, “The super soldier you said is already cold and dying.”

“Late, of course I killed them, and two.” Li Ang added.


Guo Da was dumbfounded, and thunder sounded in his mind.

He has experienced this kind of super fighter and is invincible in fighting.

And as powerful as a cow.

With one punch, he will fly five or six meters away.

At that time, he didn’t even touch the corner of his clothes.

If he hadn’t lost a few grenades, he wouldn’t have been able to escape that day.

And such a powerful person was actually killed by Li Ang.

Two at a time!!

This makes Guo Da not shocked!

Li Ang’s combat value has far exceeded the scope of human beings.

“Since you chose to come to me first, you can only blame yourself for being unlucky. Li Ang” joked, “Tell me, how do you want to die?”

“I’m dead NM!” Guo Da shouted, jumping up against the pain.

He took out two grenades from his pocket, pulled out the safety tab, and threw them at Li Ang.

Then turn around and run.

Can’t take care of that much.

The grenade only took four seconds to detonate from the time the fuse was ignited.

It’s not long, but it’s short enough to run to a safe range.

“Give it back to you!” Li Ang jumped up and kicked the two grenades with a sharp whirlwind kick.

The grenade flew back faster.

The direction is really Guo A!

Immaculately precise.


A huge explosion sounded!

The intense light instantly engulfed an entire street.

Only when!

All the surrounding glass was shattered.

Horrible shock waves, and bomb fragments.

Blast or scratch vehicles on the road

The windshield shattered and burst open!

The vehicle shook and a palpitating siren sounded.

The sleeping man suddenly opened his eyes and felt the shaking of the ground and the house.

They woke up and turned on the lights to check.

Pasha is Li Ang’s old neighbor.

Also woken up by the explosion, got up to check the situation.

Just opened the door and saw that the glass was all shattered and fell all over the floor.

Coffee table, sofa, floor, all broken glass

Pasha was stunned.

She wore slippers and kicked away the glass scum.

Carefully came to the door and turned to look in Li Ang’s direction.

But I saw him standing at the door, smoking a cool cigarette.

And the fence in front of his house, etc., were all torn to pieces.

Shocking, a mess.

There is also a charred corpse, which was blown to the ground.

With white words on his body.

It looks cool.

Half of the body is fried, and it is impossible to save it.

“What’s going on?” Pasha walked towards Li Ang in her pajamas.

“Someone came to kill me in the middle of the night, and also drew a gun and threw a grenade, do you believe it?” Li Ang’s tone was relaxed.

Easy enough to think he was joking.

But that’s what it is.

Nothing fake.

Pasha 133 looked at the corpse, with a gun in her hand.

Suddenly stopped.

She already believed what Li Ang said.

Someone really came over in the middle of the night to kill!

God, what kind of power did he provoke?

Pasha blinked her big eyes and asked with concern, “Are you all right?”

“It’s okay, the killer is a bit miserable.” Li Ang pouted and took out the phone to call the police.

Soon the call was connected.

“Hello, hello, the police center.” A lazy voice came from the phone.

“Hello, I want to call the police.

“whats the matter?”

“My home was illegally broken into just now. He drew a gun and threw a grenade, almost killing me.” Li Ang told the truth.

“Don’t panic, find a place to hide, we will send someone to rescue you soon.

People at the police center thought he was calling for help.

I was about to ask him for his address and arrange for someone to go there.

As a result, Li Ang said, “Don’t be so troublesome.”

“Uh, what’s wrong?”

“The killer threw a grenade at me, I kicked it back, and he was killed by his own bomb.”

“You can send two people to carry the body away.


Can you kick back if you encounter a grenade?

Shouldn’t it be running?

Did he think it was a movie?

(Something happened yesterday and today, thank you all for urging you to renew, and repayment will begin tomorrow),

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