Chapter 257 Cypher’s Panic

“Crooked!” Cypher shouted into the microphone, but there was no echo, just rustling blind.

A full fourteen vehicles, all lost contact at the same time.

Did Li Ang use a nuclear bomb or what?

In the case of being hooked, can fourteen vehicles explode at the same time?

Cypher felt cold and angry at this moment.

Ice and Fire Double Heaven!

She is not distressed for her people, but for the money they spend behind their backs.

In order to catch Li Ang, even penetrators were used.

This battle cost at least half a billion.

I thought I could catch Li Ang smoothly, but I didn’t expect this man’s strength to be too strong.

It was beyond her expectations!

She had never seen such a powerful man before.

All things, when she is sure.

All were crushed by Li Ang’s mighty strength!

As if any conspiracy, in front of him, can be easily wiped out.

The more you know him, the more terrifying this man is.

He won’t avoid your trap, but slams into it with a strong 22.

Then use his power to settle anything.

It’s like an ant digging a hole and meeting an elephant.

I thought I dug a deep hole.

I don’t know that an elephant only needs one foot.

All efforts have been trampled

Seifer was shocked and had to re-evaluate Li Ang.

At the same time, I deeply regret that I didn’t pay attention to him at that time.

This leads to the following step by step error.

Suddenly she found that Dominic’s car did not explode and was still alive.

Immediately excitedly connected to Dominic’s microphone, “Dominic, is your car okay?”

“Yeah.” Dominic’s voice was cold, just a faint hum.

She was too lazy to say a word to this woman.

I can’t wait to kill her now!

He didn’t chase Li Ang at all just now, and didn’t follow Cypher’s orders.

Been watching the play from far behind.

Don’t even touch it.

Because he knew there was nothing Li Ang could do.

Cypher didn’t know the situation, and hurriedly ordered, “You hurry up and stop him, you must stop him and force him to slow down.

I thought Dominic would agree, and even if he didn’t agree, he would politely refuse.

Who knew he said directly, “I can’t stop it, there is no car in this world that can stop Li Ang!”

With what he knows about Li Ang, the only one who can stop the chase is Li Ang himself.

Others really can’t do it!

Some time ago, Li Ang caught up with his car and won a beautiful race.

Therefore, it is very difficult for anyone other than himself to stop the chase!

Cypher was startled, not knowing why, “Why?”

This woman doesn’t know enough about Li Ang.

Without even figuring out the real opponent, he acted rashly.

This made Dominic roll his eyes.

“The top speed of chasing sound is 1,400 kilometers per hour. You can drive a plane to chase it.” Dominic scolded back angrily.

Top speed of 1400 km, plus nitrogen and turbo.

With Li Ang’s technology, it is absolutely possible to run more than 1500 kilometers.

Even ran to 1800 kilometers, directly burst the watch.

With such a fast speed, unless you are driving a fighter jet, you really can’t catch up with him!

Hearing such a terrifying speed, Cypher’s eyes widened.

1400 kilometers?? How is it possible!!” She screamed in surprise, her eyes extremely shocking.

Never heard a second car go faster than the speed of sound!

No other car can turn at such a high top speed!

Li Ang actually did it??

is it possible??

Cypher was terrified, having been a terrorist for so many years, he was terrified of vehicles for the first time!

She’s very smart, and she knows what it means at such a fast pace!

Super advanced technology, super capital, super strong background!

Without one of these three, it is impossible to develop this car.

With such advanced technology, there must be a huge organization behind it.

The power may not be under her.

That’s why she’s terrified!

Offending a behemoth super organization, she has a big disaster!

Dominic still didn’t get rid of his hatred, and continued to attack Cypher, “Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you that his speed record is 8,000 kilometers per hour. You may have to prepare ultra-high-speed missiles to chase.”

Schadenfreude, with a strong sarcastic tone, mocked Cypher for being naive and over-comprehensive.

Kiefer was trembling, his face was full of horror, and his face was covered in cold sweat.

Because I didn’t pay much attention to Li Ang, I didn’t check his profile information carefully.

Don’t know his specific situation.

As Dominic told her a little bit, she couldn’t help feeling wow.

This is the first time I have met such a terrible man.

Completely shattered her inner pride!

I thought I was number one in the world, but I didn’t expect the man below to be the real number one in the world!

At first I thought he was just a bronze, but now I realize that he is the king.

f*ck, hide so deep!

Big trouble!

Cypher was sweating profusely, his back was chilly, and his face was so cold.

It was obviously July, so it should be very hot.

Cypher felt the chill of the twelfth lunar month!

Li Ang’s identity surprised her, made her panic, and made her more suspicious.

“You go to the retreat first and wait. I’ll pick you up later.” Cypher hung up the microphone.

Annoyingly scratching your hair!

Just because of one negligence, he caused so much trouble for himself and the organization.

She has to find a way to get Li Ang, or she has a hunch.

Li Ang will bring her a lot of trouble and even ruin her!

“No, you can’t sit still!” Cypher turned on the computer and entered commands.

210 It is too late to investigate Li Ang’s information.

You can only try to use your own hacking technology to control Li Ang’s vehicle.

In theory, the vehicle’s firewall, encryption measures, very bad.

It’s like a fake.

She can control the vehicle with just two random attacks.

At that time, lock the brakes and steering wheel, and increase the throttle collision.

Li Ang is about to cool down.

Once Li Ang is resolved, things will be easier to do later!

Cypher’s fingers snapped on the keyboard without stopping.

She soon found a system for chasing music.

Immediately launched a strong offensive.

Trojans, worms, data overflows, etc., do everything possible.

It was the strongest attack she had ever launched.

All the developed Trojan horse viruses are used, and various attack methods emerge one after another.

Cypher asked himself that even the firewall of the Pentagon would be breached.

into serious distress.

But what terrified her was that the chasing sound was not damaged at all!

Its firewall is as hard as a steel plate.

No matter how you play, Chase’s firewall does not move at all.

Not to mention invasion, there is no gap at all!!

“Impossible!!” Cypher screamed, his face changed greatly.

Is this still a car’s firewall?

This is simply the protection level of a nuclear bomb base!

too strong!,

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