The spring rain continued.

The sudden biological riot in fujiuma made the action that was not smooth more difficult.

A large number of wave vines break under the impact of swamp creatures, which inevitably produces a series of chain reactions. Many footholds lose their support points. It seems safe, but in fact, if you step on it, it will collapse and directly fall into the swamp.

Not to mention that there are many alienated animals in the swamp who are manic because they are difficult to escape.

Xu Jiu squatted on the wave vine and could see the dark shadow surging under the swamp at a glance. He knew that if he fell at this time, he would be besieged. The alienated animals who were already on the edge of madness would not be picky about food.

Just staying here all the time is not good for the situation.

The ability to bubble is not enough to sustain her long time to maintain a large area of camouflage foam. If you want to keep moving in the process, it will be even more difficult.

At this time, the Pathfinder's ability will have to be tested.

After the first wave of alienated animal riots had barely subsided, Xu Jiu took the initiative to break away from the camouflage foam and continue to explore the environment ahead.

Compared with before, Xu Jiu needs to pay more attention now, but his strong strength also gives him the confidence and ability to test boldly.


One punch smashed the strange insect the size of an adult, and his legs pressed down on the vine to confirm that he could bear enough weight. Xu Jiu sideways made a gesture and turned his eyes to other wave vines nearby.

Just waiting to take off again, my sight inadvertently swept to the insects that had just been hit by themselves on the water surface of the swamp not far away.

Suddenly a water wave rolled up around him, and then Xu Jiu saw a slender, light blue fluorescent limb sticking out of the water and spinning on the body.

Xu Jiu's pupil contracted suddenly.

The body on the water was still there, and he clearly saw a light brown virtual shadow dragged into the swamp

What is this, the enchanting messenger in the vine?

"Hey, don't come here yet!"

Xu Jiu asked in a deep voice when he stopped the member of the abnormal adjustment bureau who was ready to move forward,

"I just saw a body that can drag... It may be a part of the alienated beast of the soul. Do you know what that is?"

In Xu Jiu's mind, the alienated beast that can have this ability can never exist normally, at least not weaker than the mountain edge turtle!

Because of this, Xu Jiu needs to find out in advance what the guy came from.

The major of the abnormal adjustment Bureau was also surprised by Xu Jiu's question and hurried back to ask the members of the rear secret society.

"Alienation beast dragging soul?"

John, who was just adjusting his jet pack, was stunned when he heard the speech. He looked at the deep swamp under his feet. He didn't know what he thought. His expression was quite ugly, and then said,

"The previous investigation team did find some strange dead bodies in the fujiuma area. There were no injuries on the whole body, but all vital signs were lost, but we didn't find the existence of this phenomenon."

That is to say, there is indeed some kind of alienated beast that can plunder the soul in the rattan Marsh?

Everyone at the scene looked at each other for a moment, while Xu Jiu stared thoughtfully at the area where his tentacles had just flashed away.

"Keep moving and get out of the rattan marsh area as soon as possible. I'll observe the water surface of the marsh."

Colonel Weasley spoke to suppress the confusion. They didn't come here for biological observation.

To be exact, it's troublesome enough now.

Weasley regretted why he didn't apply for more support from the Bureau. He didn't expect so many moths in a sub special area.

No matter what is hidden under the vine marsh, he hopes not to appear in front of them at least!

Xu Jiu also didn't intend to conflict with the mysterious alienated beast in front of so many people. The most important thing is to finish the work at hand first.

However, it turns out that most things in the special zone will not be transferred by human will.

As soon as the team got back on the road, it didn't go far. Behind them came the sound of wailing and water splashing.

Fujinuma as like as two peas of the same time, he had seen the same ten fluorescent eyes that he saw before Xu Jiu, and they were waving around the vine.

The corpse of the mountain ridge turtle overturned, crushed a large number of wave vines, shook up turbulent water waves, and the energy was divided by several tentacles.

Vibrating the dark green translucent membrane wing, a giant creature shaped like a ray broke through the wave rattan and flew into the air. Then a touch limb swung past. Taking advantage of the momentum, it climbed no more than two or three meters and fell down again.

These creatures are domineering in the four seasons special area on weekdays, but now in the face of these fluorescent limbs, they seem to have lost their resistance and let each other kill them.

Seeing this scene, Xu Jiu and his party dared to stop and could only bury their heads and speed up.

Xu Jiu gestured to the people behind him to show safety. Now the alienated animals in the rattan marsh area are busy escaping, and they don't care about the "ants" on their heads and sides.

As for those fluorescent touch limbs, they focus on catching those huge prey and are not interested in Xu Jiu and his party.

Intrusion level, at least intrusion level!

The noumenon of these fluorescent touch limbs is definitely the overlord of the rattan marsh area, just like the overlord lizard in the Gu tomb and the overlord thunder hummingbird that has evolved by killing the former, there must be invasive organisms in the core of these specific areas.

Xu Jiu only felt that the whole person was numb, not afraid or other negative emotions, but excited!

He has fully experienced the effect of regret mountain's ability. The extraordinary ability of this invasive alienated beast is his dream... I just hope its extraordinary organs are not strange parts.

"Here we are, the temple is ahead!"

Max grabbed the control levers on the left and right sides of the jet pack as if he had found something.

Xu Jiushun looked at him and saw a sea of flowers growing on the vine marsh

Yes, different from the coming area, the wave vine in front is actually full of a large number of pink flowers. Xu Jiu glanced around in mid air and confirmed that there are only a large number of flowers in that area.

As the distance keeps getting closer, a vague outline of a building gradually emerges in the sea of flowers. Xu Jiu subconsciously compares it with the underwater city he saw in the special area of Yuanhai.

The temple stands on the Bank of fujiuma, and its scale is not as grand as expected.

On the whole, it was the size of a conventional villa, and there was still no backyard and layering. It may have been honed in the four seasons special area, and its appearance was dilapidated. However, after getting close, you can vaguely feel the atmosphere and elegance of its heyday.

The base at the bottom of the temple was quite thick. Xu Jiu clearly saw that the stairs leading to the gate of the main hall had been extending into the interior of the rattan marsh. The neat arrangement of several stone columns in front of the main hall was eye-catching.


The boots splashed a little when they stepped over the pool accumulated in the step pit.

Xu Jiu sniffed the strange fragrance of flowers in the air and looked at the stone pillars in front of the temple.

They are not common cylinders, but reliefs with special forms. Although the specific shape is difficult to identify, it can be clearly seen that each stone column has a unique image.

For example, the stone pillars separated on both sides of the main gate of the temple are closest to Xu Jiu. The relief on the left stone pillar looks like a dog looking back, while the lower half of the right stone pillar has been completely denuded, and only a unique round pupil can be vaguely seen on the top.

Seeing Xu Jiu standing on the ladder for a while, nothing unusual happened, and the others in the team also approached one after another.

Compared with the dangerous rattan marsh, the temple in front of us can obviously give people a sense of security. After landing, the party did not hesitate to run inside. Xu Jiu, who was still the first, fell directly to the last.

Looking back at the still raging fluorescent limbs, Xu Jiu had to keep up in order to pass the action of the secret society.

As I said before, the temples in the four seasons special area have long been proved. The official and folk pioneer groups have visited here for no more than 20 or 15 times, and all the things that can be moved inside have long been moved.

You know, officials may also consider the protection of relics, such as folk pioneer groups, but they don't care about the preservation, blasting and excavation of relics. In order to find some remaining valuable items, they can do everything.

Because of this, it is not surprising that what Xu Jiu saw after entering the gate of the temple is only ruins.

The top of the temple was seriously damaged. There were rain curtains falling from the sky everywhere. The team did not disperse, but went straight to the main hall of the temple.

There is no accident here. It is also an empty and stacked ruins. If there is anything left, there is only a huge stone platform leaning towards the inner side.

According to the regulations of the temple, the most prominent position like this must be reserved for the object of worship. That is to say, there should have been a statue on the stone platform, but now there is only a pile of fragments.

What on earth are they doing here?

Xu Jiu didn't expect to find anything new in such a place, so he stared at the action of the three people of the secret society from the beginning of coming in. Seeing the inner scene of the temple, he was full of fog for a time.

However, he soon found that several members of the Bureau began to adjust their positions intentionally or unintentionally, squeezing three super British alliance members, including him, out of the stone platform.

At the same time, the three members of the secret society gathered in front of the stone platform, like taking something out of their backpacks.

Xu Jiu's vision was blocked by the people of the different adjustment Bureau, but he still vaguely saw John wearing some strange headdress on Miss Jingshu's head.

"This is the inner view of the temple recorded by the investigation team when they first arrived at the temple, as well as these sketches about the temple statues. Your mental state was not good before, I didn't take it out, now..."

Max took out a document from his briefcase and put it in front of Jingshu. He noticed that she was still very pale, but he couldn't open the second half of the sentence.

I was in bad shape before. Can I be better now?

"I understand that this is my destiny. You don't have to feel guilty."

Opening the title page of the document, Jing Shu looked at the left and right people, tried to smile, looked down at the paper with images, paused, and half narrowed her eyes, as if she were thinking about something,

"It's it. It's the thing stored in the item brought back by the exploration team!"

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