With his left hand holding the hook lock to land, Xu Jiu still controls the speed perfectly, even if he is loaded with equipment.

After the red faced ape's arm was used as the material to refine the flesh and blood, Xu Jiu's left arm got not only the ability of flame fist, but also far more powerful than ordinary people.

At first, the light on the top of the helmet could only shine on the stone wall. After about ten seconds, the stone wall disappeared and was replaced by darkness.

There is a cave under the giant wood where the experimental base is located!

After all, the length of the hook lock is limited. Fortunately, when Xu Jiu's hand is close to the end of the hook lock, he can see all kinds of sundries piled up on the cave ground by relying on the lighting. He found a suitable angle and directly let go and landed on a high-rise counter, causing a burst of "Ding Bang ~" noise.

Glancing at the objects around him, they were all artifacts that should have been placed in the storage room. Not only that, Xu Jiu noticed that several storage cabinets had been forcibly cut open by some sharp weapon. Before coming, he read the booklet and knew that the gene samples were stored in these storage cabinets.

"Gee, it's not all taken away. At least leave a few..."

Stepping on various sundries, he searched several storage cabinets. Xu Jiu's face under his helmet became more and more ugly. It's not that he didn't find gene samples. In fact, he found more than a dozen storage tanks, but all broken empty shells!

I picked up a chiseled storage tank. The contents had already been lost, leaving only a little residue. I want to know that I can't make a difference.

Did the people who came down before destroy it?

The cave is only a dozen meters away from the storage room above, which is not high enough to destroy these storage tanks.

But on second thought, people who came here before didn't have to do this at all. These are merit values. Even if they can't win them, they can find a place to store them. No matter what, there's no need to destroy them directly, isn't it?

In any case, the destruction of the gene samples in the storage cabinet is beyond Xu Jiu's plan. In the face of this situation, he can only place his last hope on the team who came here earlier, just like the backpack found on the second floor before. If they can find the gene samples, they will certainly recycle and keep them at the first time.

Xu Jiu had reason to believe that the previous group of people who came here had entered the cave because of the hook lock on the edge of the storage room floor and the traces of large-scale combat that had not been found in the experimental base.

Not long ago, the wooden table pushed into the cave by Xu Jiu was destroyed into burning fragments because of the grenade explosion, and the fire barely dissipated part of the darkness.

"Help... Help me... I'm here ~"

The cry for help continued. Xu Jiu, who had just got up from the pile of sundries, suddenly stopped his action.

Because the source of the sound is behind him!

In the shadow, the girl wrapped in spider silk on half of her body gradually emerged. Her upper body tilted close to Xu Jiu. Her long blond hair was scattered in front of her forehead. It was vaguely visible that her back face closed her eyes, but her mouth kept opening and closing, and asked for help from the man in front of her with intermittent words.

Taking a deep breath, Xu Jiu suddenly turned around and cut off with a knife.


With the crisp sound of gold and iron, Xu Jiu only felt that the whole right arm was trembling. The blade was against the pincers that didn't know when to get close, and his left hand pressed on the girl in front of her. The flame immediately burned the spider silk around her.

The girl who lost her bondage immediately fell, and Xu Jiu didn't care to check the person's life and death at this time. Holding her collar, she threw it behind the pile of sundries. Whether she could survive depends on her luck. Then she shook her hand into a fist and blasted a hot column towards the shadow in front!

The fire scorched the monster who used the girl as bait. In the hissing sound, another gray green claw full of protruding short thorns smashed Xu Jiu's head.

Bending away, Xu Jiu stared at the group of scarlet eyes of different sizes not far away, waved to ignite the pile of sundries beside him, and forced to create a torch that can provide lighting.

The scattered Mars cut through the dark curtain and forced the monster to be exposed in front of Xu Jiu.

Spiders? Crab?

Xu Jiu didn't know how to describe the monster that appeared in front of him at the moment.

Its appearance is different from any creature in Xu Jiu's cognition. It is more like a mixture of multiple biological characteristics. To put it bluntly, it is a disgusting hybrid.

Waving a pair of claws that are clearly the symbolic characteristics of crabs, the volume is close to the size of a small car, but the main body behind is a spider the size of a heavy truck, and the skeleton pattern on the back is the same as that seen in the experimental base before.

He raised his foot and kicked open the pincers. Xu Jiu looked at the terrible monster in front of him and looked for a chance to win. The latter also didn't plan to give up the hard won prey, rushed up again, and spit out a large mass of yellow and green pus.

Xu Jiu dodged and glanced at the large collapsed debris pile corroded by pus. He was probably sure that this was the monster who raided the experimental base. Although he didn't quite understand why this guy grew into such a ghost, he could get enough points as long as he killed it.

Thinking about it, two claws plunder again, this time * Xu Jiu not to retreat, toward the spider's abdomen close, his idea is very simple, like this insect, soft abdomen is always its most fatal weakness.

It seems to be aware of Xu Jiu's heretic. The spider no longer only uses its claw to beat, but also starts to use with the rest of its limbs. If the former is a heavy hammer, then the latter is a sharp steel spear, stabbing Xu Jiu's body with the harsh wind.

At the same time, the frequency of spraying pus by spiders is also accelerating. After a while, they spread a layer of corrosive liquid on the ground in front of them, trying to stop Xu Jiu's progress.

This move may be useful to ordinary people, but now it faces Xu Jiu.

The sight locked the falling pincers, jumped up at the moment it landed, stepped directly on the top of the pincers, ran out along the strong pincers, and immediately jumped up high and went straight to the back of the spider.

Even if the spider's limbs were sharp, there was no possibility of turning back to attack Xu Jiu. The latter stretched his hand to the shoulder bag at the back of his waist in mid air and felt out a white injection gun.

This is what I got from the team that intercepted him before. It contains 70000 federal dollars and a neurotoxin injection!

But just as Xu Jiu was getting closer and closer to the spider's back, he accidentally found that his abdomen suddenly had a spasm like reaction, and then suddenly ejected a strong air flow towards Xu Jiu's side. Before he could react, the spider forcibly twisted its position against this air flow and faced Xu Jiu again. The pincers smashed him with this momentum!

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