Dreams are affected

Xu Jiu looked at the faint gray silk thread on Vanessa, recalled what she had just seen at the neck of the puppet, and said,

"You're lucky."

"Good luck?"

She kept drinking, trying to neutralize the pungent smell in her mouth, Vanessa asked.

She wondered where her luck was "good".

"You'll know later. If I remember correctly, you just said that the person of the secret society was responsible for the autopsy of young people?"

Although Xu Jiu had some confidence in his heart, he was not in a hurry to make it clear.

On the one hand, Xu Jiu didn't expect that the things he accidentally met might have something to do with the monsters from the crown level special area.

On the other hand, he also wants to take this opportunity to find out more information. As for his new ability because of Yuanzhu, he hasn't explored clearly yet. He doesn't want to talk too full.

"In order to make it easy to distinguish, the different tune Bureau temporarily calls them evil. The existing scientific and technological means are difficult to work on them. This is the most troublesome thing at present. We can only turn to the secret society."

Now that the two sides have established a preliminary intention of cooperation, Vanessa doesn't mind revealing more information. Anyway, the two sides will certainly meet in the next cooperation.

Instead of taking the time to introduce, it's better to have an understanding now.

"The secret society sounds like a researcher. Can they handle it?"

Xu Jiu saw Jing Shu's performance in the temple. He knew that there were some special forces hidden in the secret society, but it was not easy to ask at that time.


What they argued about in the temple may now be the crown level special area.

So... The guy in the temple came out of the crown level special area?

I took its core.

Afraid of being hated to death?

The cold wind poured into Xu Jiu's neck and suddenly shivered.

"The subordinate departments of the secret society with independent abilities are trained through the day after tomorrow, and the conditions are extremely harsh. They are a special team to deal with this kind of special existence. You can join me later, and you will understand."

Vanessa glanced at Xu Jiu during her speech and found that the guy seemed to be distracted. She paused. She looked back at the grill and couldn't find the roasted garlic. With a light Tut, she raised her foot and kicked the latter's calf.

"The method of sealing is strange... Evil. You can't catch it and put it in the cage. Ordinary means must not be feasible."

Xu Jiu, who came back, turned to the most critical issue.

He has always been "physical transcendence" when dealing with monsters. He doesn't know anything about seals.

"According to known information, the existence form of evil is very special. They will be attracted by some people with mental problems, and then split part of their energy, occupy their spirit, and promote them to produce some strange changes, including but not limited to mental distortion, physical sudden change, etc."

Stating what she had heard in the meeting this morning, what came to mind was what she saw in the safe house not long ago. Vanessa suddenly raised her hand and kneaded her eyebrows,

"In short, you can think of evil as a tree bearing poisonous fruits, but these fruits will take the initiative to fall into the hands of specific targets, take root in their bodies, combine the abilities of these people, and then derive terrible monsters. The secret society defines this kind of existence as weird."

Xu Jiu didn't say anything, waiting for Vanessa to go on.

"In view of this phenomenon, the sealing plan formulated by the secret society is not complicated. First, find a way to capture some monsters and extract the power of evil from their bodies. When this part of energy reaches a certain level, they can trace the source through a specific method, that is, determine the location of evil. At that time, they can carry out the steps of sealing. As for how to seal... The secret society does not know Disclosed. "

In fact, Vanessa herself was one of the people who took over the "poison fruit".

Fortunately, he forced himself down by his own ability. Now, with the help of Xu Jiu's necklace, he didn't become the part who had to be removed.

"Have you succeeded?"

"What I just said was the content of this morning's meeting."

Vanessa answered.

"So you dare to directly implement the plan that you haven't tried and don't even have a basic test?"

Turning to take over the meat kebab handed over by the stall owner, Xu Jiu asked.

"We don't have much time left. We must seal these evils again in the shortest time and return them to the crown level special area, otherwise..."

"Or what?"

"I don't know. The top level blocked some information, but from the state of several officers, the situation is more urgent than expected."

As a lieutenant colonel of the Bureau of heterodyne, Vanessa is obviously not enough to be specifically informed of the internal details of the crown specific area.

Xu Jiu wanted to say something else. When she heard the phone call prompt, she stopped talking and looked at Vanessa pick up her phone. It didn't take long for her to hear something. A touch of consternation appeared on her face, which was another surprise.

"Through autopsy, the secret society found that the special energy remaining in the youth is very similar to that in me. As long as we find the source of the puppet, we may catch a ghost. In addition, the two previous colonels... It is possible to seal it further."

For Vanessa, who hasn't slept well for days, this is undoubtedly good news.

You know, she can barely maintain a good state by relying on drugs and some special biotechnology, which is obviously not a long-term plan.

"The puppet was destroyed and people died. How are you going to track the target?"

In Xu Jiu's opinion, the clues have been broken.

"The secret society is in charge of special personnel. We just need to wait here."

Vanessa seems to have great confidence in the people of the secret society. Xu Jiu can only shrug and wait with her in front of the booth.

About twenty minutes later.

An empty boat landed over the street, and Vanessa also waited in the rain with her subordinates early. Xu Jiu, as a temporary member, put on a ghost mask again and stood behind Vanessa.

When the hatch opened, Xu Jiu looked at the three person team coming out of it and couldn't help thinking of the configuration of the secret society to the four seasons special area.

Two ordinary people, a special person.

At present, the status of the three groups also looks similar.

A man and a woman stood around, each carrying a suitcase. Standing in the middle was a young man who looked not much older than Jingshu.

To Xu Jiu's surprise, the young man seemed to be as "strange" as Jing Shu. He was wearing a wide hooded black robe, gloves on both hands, and a thick scarf around his neck.

The middle-aged man next to him is responsible for holding the umbrella, and he just shrinks under the umbrella. Xu Jiu looks at the face under the brim of his hat and actually wears a fully covered mask. On the front light screen, some building blocks of different shapes collide back and forth to form different expressions.

At this time, Xu Jiu probably guessed that Jing Shu, who had been with her before, and the young man in front of her should be the capable people under the secret society that Vanessa just mentioned, and their ability is really strange.

For example, Jing Shu, whose combat effectiveness is almost zero, is completely a sick kid with courage. Let alone a alienated beast, any healthy adult can solve her.

It happened that such a person could directly restore the damaged temple and present things in another space.

This is something Xu Jiu can't do.

Just want to get these magical abilities, it seems that you have to pay a big price

In the interval of Xu Jiu's thinking, his existence also attracted the attention of others around him.

Although the people of the different adjustment Bureau learned about Xu Jiu through the captain Vanessa, it still failed to stop their curiosity. After all, Vanessa is a veritable "flower of kaolin" in the different adjustment Bureau. She has never been so close to a man.

As for the secret society, it was more direct. After getting off the empty boat, someone immediately stared at Xu Jiu and turned to ask Vanessa.

"He was an assistant invited by Colonel Zongze and a core participant in the parasitic animal incident."

The former is the position, the latter is the strength. These two identities were said through Vanessa's mouth, and the people of the secret society nodded immediately.

As I said before, the mystery society of the parasitic animal incident participated in the whole process, and they knew the specific things very well.

Xu Jiu didn't mean to introduce himself. In the future, 80% of his training activities still have to deal with people from the different adjustment Bureau. At this time, he gets familiar with them. It's not easy to muddle through at that time.

Looking at the two people who opened their suitcases in front of them, they looked at the items in the suitcases.

In the center of the two suitcases, there is a utensil. On the left is a metal pot engraved with complex patterns and the size of a palm. On the right is a stone carving about the size of a metal pot, which looks like a cat.

Looking at these two seemingly unrelated items.

Xu Jiu picked his eyebrows and waited for the young man to start "whole life".

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