The temptation of 500000 made the Qian brothers and sisters give up the idea of looking for other buyers for the time being.

However, the information that has not been answered for a long time is killing their patience.

Just at this time, the secret service bureau was about to be established, so that Ganlin city was instructed to select a group of young people with good quality as the first batch of students to join.

As Xu Jiu thought before.

On the one hand, in order to build momentum for the secret service, we have to set an example for those living in other mobile cities.

Just by talking and listening to the radio, people can't know what the secret service is.

On the other hand, when a new Department is established, it is nonsense to rely solely on the official government. There are many places in the special affairs bureau that need to hire people. Therefore, even if these people who send them to the Bureau fail to pass the examination, they can stay and fill in some logistics departments.

After all, the past ones in the mobile city are good seedlings. Many jobs can be trained slowly, and the affairs in the special area itself are not an old industry.

Back to Ganlin City, taking office in the special Affairs Bureau means that you can live in the gathering point. If you perform well, you may also get the citizenship card of Wusu city. This kind of favorable conditions has not surprisingly attracted a large number of young people to sign up.

The Qian brothers and sisters are among them, but their identity and ability can't compete with those "big families" in the city.

Therefore, in order to obtain this quota, I wonder whether I can use the notes as capital. After all, the purpose of the secret service bureau is to explore special areas. Since the information described in this note can be offered a reward of 500000, there is no doubt about its value.

There can be no problem with the plan.

In fact, Xu Jiu seems to have a great chance of success. What he recorded in that note is likely to be an unexplored relic. If it is confirmed, it is not uncommon to join the pioneer group of mobile city and directly enter the secret service bureau.

However, the Qian brothers and sisters were really unlucky. The person they were looking for when they implemented this idea happened to be the informant placed in the city by the crocodile cloud robber group in advance.

After discovering the value of the notes, the latter immediately informed the crocodile cloud robber group.

The results are self-evident.

The only thing to be thankful for is that the robbers did not kill the brother and sister on the spot. It is estimated that they want to know more about the contents of the notes through them. No matter how bad it is, they can help interpret them, rather than discredit speculation.

"I've been to the government. They all think I'm lying and trying to deceive them to save people... Will you save them?"

Derrick peeked at Xu Jiu, who was expressionless. This was his only hope at the moment.

The civilians in the mobile city have a note recording the relics of the special area, which no one will believe without tangible evidence.

"So it's in the hands of crocodile cloud bandits. Do you know where they're going?"

Xu Jiu looked expressionless at the stone hoisting machine in the distance, thought and added,

"Clues are OK. I need to know where the bandit group is to save people."

"I know how to find them!"

Hearing Xu Jiu's intention to save people, derrick said quickly.

"You know?"

"I hacked into the government network of Ganlin city. It seems that they are going to assemble troops to destroy the bandit group... I read their intelligence. The crocodile cloud bandit group is going to steal the city and sell the stolen goods tonight."

The little fat man had a straight waist and a watermelon like face with a bit of pride.

The computer technology mixed up in Internet cafes since childhood is not for fun.

"Steal the market..."

With a clear place, Xu Jiu didn't have many surprised expressions.

The reason is simple.

Stealing the market is not so easy to find. This place doesn't exist until a specific time point!

The so-called stealing market is actually a trading market spontaneously set up by bandits wandering on the wasteland. Unlike the bottom market of the Trade City, stealing market is completely outside the law, and most of the people in it are evil guys.

In order to prevent the gathering point from sending troops to encircle and suppress the stolen City, the stolen city is not a wasteland stronghold, but a patchwork mobile stronghold.

In short, several large gangs often agree on a time in advance to assemble and specially set aside a part of their mobile stronghold as a trading area, which will become a stolen market after patching together.

Only the leaders of major bandit groups know the gathering location. As for other groups with smaller forces or Wanderers on the wasteland, they need to pay for some medium-sized bandit group strongholds. They will get the news on the morning of the beginning of the theft market.

This is to prevent anyone from giving the news in advance to the greatest extent.

At present, the urgent problem to be solved in front of Xu Jiu is how to find the stolen market.

We should know that it is close to the evening and there is not much time to open the stolen city. I'm afraid the armed forces on the side of Ganlin city have already set out to join the forces dispatched by other mobile cities and prepare to launch a surprise attack on the stolen city.

Xu Jiu didn't have a chance to take a ride.

At this point in time, it's bullshit to go to the wasteland to find the robber group ready to participate in the city theft. Xu Jiu doesn't dare to gamble on his luck.

If he doesn't find anything, he will completely lose the possibility of going to the stealing market. If he wants to find the trace of crocodile cloud pirate group again, I don't know how long he will have to wait.

We must find a way to find a person or force who is sure to steal the market

He opened a package of snacks and poured some into his mouth. The sweet and spicy seasoning stimulated Xu Jiu's taste. The cold wind shuttling through the streets brushed his face, which excited him for a moment.

My sight wandered around the street unconsciously, and suddenly stopped on a winery billboard placed on the roof of the house.

The palm of the hand holding the snack bag suddenly tightened.

The crocodile cloud bandit group raided Ganlin city and not only took the Qian family's brothers and sisters, but also a large number of drinks in the warehouse.

According to the woman in the broadcasting room, they robbed two warehouses and robbed so many drinks to drink by themselves?

It must be sold together with other stolen goods!

Otherwise, why go to the stolen goods market?

So the question is, with so much wine, will the crocodile cloud Pirate Group find a stall in the pirate market for people to choose from?

There is no doubt that they will find a way to package these drinks for sale.

Who to sell to has become a new problem.

Other gangs obviously don't pay too high prices for drinks, and their purchases are very limited.

There is only one place for Xu Jiu to really be able to buy a large number of drinks at one time and be willing to pay a high price.

"Found it!"

Looking at the gray points displayed on the locator, Xu Jiu said in a deep voice.

Wasteland stronghold!

As an outlaw place on the wasteland, the wasteland hunters, bandits, wanderers and so on who stay here every day are destined to consume a lot of wine in this place.

And this kind of place doesn't need to be connected with various bandit groups, otherwise where can it be operated for a long time?

"Hey, little fat man, I'm going to save them, but I don't know who is who. I'll give you two choices, either give me their photos or tell me their looks, or go with me and give you a sum of money after it's done."

Xu Jiu looked to the side with potato chips in his mouth, like derrick in a daze, and said.

"Of course... Is it safe?"

Derrick wanted to pat his chest and promise, but he thought of the bloody scene a few nights ago. He stopped the car on the way and asked with vino on his face.

"As long as you don't do it yourself, you won't die if all the bastards who dare to rob me die!"

Pour the rest of the snacks into his mouth, Xu Jiu said with a grin.

you 're right.

In Xu Jiu's opinion, the note is already his.

Who rob who die!

Derrick looked at Xu Jiu. The fat on his face shook. He suddenly got up, put up the collar of his jacket and put his hands into his pockets.

This looks like nobody loves you.

It's clear that he's going to hit hard.



A heavy fist hit the chest full of ferocious tattoos. The strong man flew out with a dull hum and hit the wall on one side of the tavern.

The shaky tavern collapsed completely, and the wine bottle at the bottom of Luodi rang again.

Derek shrank behind the overturned table at the door and stared at the thugs lying on the floor and all kinds of weapons and equipment in the tavern.

He thought what he and Xu Jiu had to do was sneak into the city. When they came to the city stronghold, they had to find a way to sneak into each other's motorcade to steal the city.

I didn't want to follow Xu Jiu to the stronghold. Unexpectedly, I went directly to the largest tavern in the stronghold and asked who was the person here. Then I opened it directly.

He picked up the wooden chair with his feet. Xu Jiu breathed out and sat down with a cloth bag equipped with a light tracing long knife that had not been opened from beginning to end.

The bloody boss fell to his knees, looked at Xu Jiu in fear, took a note from his pocket and said repeatedly,

"I said, I said... The tavern did receive a large number of wine orders, and the pick-up address is here... The car is in the backyard, and I'm going to steal the market tonight."

"So why don't you talk well? When I asked you, didn't you just tell me nothing?"

Looking at the coordinates on the note, he casually touched a bottle of wine from the side and stuffed it into the hand of the tavern owner. He posed for him, took out his mobile phone and gave a close-up. He said expressionless,

"If it hurts, just drink more. If I get there and find that you have passed the news, you should understand the consequences."

"Don't worry, no one will know what happened here."

The tavern owner caught a glimpse of the sign on Xu Jiu's waist locator and swallowed his saliva.

Originally, he didn't intend to do it. After all, he was not a mob who wanted to do it at first sight. He just wanted the other party to give him a ride when he went to steal the market, even if he paid a fee for it.

I didn't expect this guy to recruit several thugs without saying a word.

In that case, Xu Jiu was no longer polite to him.

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