At present, the only clue Xu Jiu got about sky city is yuemian sect.

I wanted to obtain further information through cooperation with the Foreign Affairs Bureau, but the secrets involved in the evil cause made the secret society exclude any unofficial participation, which was undoubtedly unexpected by Xu Jiu.

However, he also understood that it was obviously unrealistic to find out the location of sky city by relying on a long proven Luna relic.

Getting as many clues as possible and putting them together is the business.

Therefore, after sorting out the purchased treasures, Xu Jiu put on a hoodie and strolled out with Gloria, ready to go to the special affairs bureau to see the situation.

To Xu Jiu's surprise, Wushan gathering point also had a unique response to the formal establishment of the special Affairs Bureau.

I didn't go far before I saw someone handing out leaflets on the roadside and shouting constantly,

"Weapons and equipment, combat training and professional expert training will certainly meet the standard of entering the special Affairs Bureau in two months!"

"Would you like to try?"

Xu Jiu took a leaflet, looked at the training fee of 5000 a month, and handed it to Gloria.

"At my level, it's not easy to pass the assessment of the special Affairs Bureau, and I'm a special talent. Even if I want to join the special Affairs Bureau, they have to look at my face."

Looking up at the absolutely charming face, Gloria thrust her waist and squinted at Xu Jiu.

Xu Jiu's subconscious opening was about to laugh. After thinking carefully, what Gloria said was really right.

Although she is not an apostle or qualified person, the most important thing for Gloria to survive in the wilderness is her career.

At present, the special Affairs Bureau lacks not only combatants, but also talents who can make special equipment with alienated animal materials. Moreover, as a sign launched by suguang, she has made a lot of fame for her.

The name of a half strange thing is not for fun.

"We have launched pioneer package now. Want to know what adventurers eat in the special area? Come and have a look!"

The two were chatting. On the overhead light screen, stars in bright armor sat at the table, with a pile of fried food on top and thumbs up.

Similar commercial advertisements can be seen everywhere in today's Wushan gathering point.

Not only that, there are also a large number of young figures in the street who tend to dress in the wasteland style, or three or five people walking together, or alone with weapons and equipment, wandering away from the crowd with full vigilance on their faces.

The attraction of the secret service is beyond doubt.

"The first batch of recruitment assessment time of the secret service bureau starts today and ends in five days. It's normal to attract so many people. They can live in the gathering point. No one wants to wander on the wasteland all day."

She bought two roasted sausages on the street. Looking at the people shouting around the virtual projection not far away, Gloria handed them to Xu Jiu. She found that he didn't know when he had more ice sugar gourd in his hand, but didn't buy his own. She couldn't help but curl her mouth and then said,

"In recent days, Wushan gathering point will be open to the public for 24 hours. Even if the assessment fails, participants can enjoy the life of the gathering point."

Although it's so easy for Xu Jiu to come in, ordinary wasteland people want to enter the gathering point. Except coming with the mobile city, they have to be shot to get close to it.

In the eyes of most guards, famine people without citizenship cards cannot be equated with people.

This kind of comprehensive opening-up is not much different from large-scale celebrations for many homeless people.

Of course, that's all.

Can really receive the information about the establishment of the secret service, and have the ability to put down all the people who come here through the wilderness.

How many ordinary people can there be?

"It is fully open to the outside world, and several of those who have come to Wushan gathering point still want to go back to the mobile city... Especially these young people, who have seen the colorful world, let them go back to face the wasteland full of danger and no network, where can they stand loneliness."

Xu Jiu put on a face that seemed to have experienced vicissitudes of life, sighed, but half said, his expression suddenly froze, and then looked at the people around him.

We will fully open up and attract talents from all walks of life on the wasteland.

Does this mean anything?

"Gee, it's none of my business."

With hawthorn wrapped in sugar juice in his mouth, Xu Jiu murmured in a low voice and stepped forward.

The secret service bureau is on the 16th floor, which is a semi commercial and semi official area.

Following behind a group of personnel to be assessed, they easily found the residence of the secret service bureau.

Before coming, Xu Jiu's imaginary secret service branch should be similar to the police station he had seen in Wusu city, with both modern science and technology and architectural art.

But when I got there, I found that it was not at all.

This secret service headquarters is a wonderful work with unexpected style.

The architectural style is far from those official buildings Xu Jiu has seen in Wushan gathering point and Wusu city. If you have to say, it is somewhat similar to those in Haixia city.

The whole branch looks like a small ancient castle with brick and stone structure. There are many mechanical devices around it. You can vaguely see the faint light of the energy flow of the source stone, and the flag representing the official and special Affairs Bureau of Wusu is inserted on the castle.

"It's said that it's designed by the special affairs bureau to meet the style of the special area... Don't be silly. This is a holographic projection. You don't think they will really build a castle here, do you?"

"Hum, in fact, I've seen through everything for a long time. Hurry up. I have to release the entrustment."

Put the bamboo stick in his hand into the trash can. Xu Jiu pushed Gloria and asked her to lead the way in front.

The secret service bureau is actually wired on the official website. If you want to release tasks, you can also do it through the web page. However, Xu Jiu's tasks to release are somewhat special. He has to hand over the badges used as clues to the secret service bureau first, so that they can make task briefings based on them.

However, today's special affairs bureau is obviously very busy. The first wave of assessment is particularly critical for this newly established department, so most people are transferred to assessment affairs.

So the girl who received Xu Jiu and Gloria became a girl who looked like she had just graduated from college.

There are not many things, and there is nothing to hide. Xu Jiu simply handed them over to the other party at the counter and paid the handling fee.

Xu Jiu did not choose the emblem he wanted to entrust at will.

Through the recent research on the design drawing of sky city.

Xu Jiu found that the people who designed the city did not intend to let a force complete it alone from the beginning, or that the sky city was not controlled by a single force, but more like an alliance station.

Just as the forces that build heavy armor and religious forces in undersea city have their own division of labor, sky city also has a clear division of power areas.

For example, the moon crown sect known by Xu Jiu through the secret society has its emblem on the top floor of sky city. Xu Jiu carefully looked at the design drawings and found that there are a large number of statues and buildings with emblem style in this area, which is obviously a religious residence.

The same design is very rare in other areas, and it can even be said that it does not exist at all.

To some extent, this also prompted Xu Jiu to have the idea of spreading the emblem. After all, even if a single force found a clue, it could not contact sky city.

The emblem now handed over to the secret service bureau is the emblem found by Xu Jiu on some mechanical floating devices outside the sky city. If there is no accident, it should belong to another force.

The amount of reward is 500000.

Xu Jiu didn't have the money to increase the reward. The problem is that if he really set a million reward, it would be like telling everyone that there is a shocking secret hidden here.

At that time, even if someone finds a clue, it is impossible to give it directly to Xu Jiu, but choose to try to crack the secret by themselves.

It took nearly half an hour to finally complete the registration of the entrustment. After Xu Jiu left his contact information, he didn't stay in the special Affairs Bureau for a long time.

More and more people gathered at the gate, and the scene was inevitably chaotic. Xu Jiu was not interested in joining in this excitement.

"Find a place to eat?"

Gloria looked at the time. It was noon. Xu Jiu nodded and took out her mobile phone from her pocket.

A call from Wang Fulin.

"Hello, what can I do for you?"

Her eyes gestured to Gloria to find a place to eat. Xu Jiu asked.

Just now he wanted to call Wang Fulin after dinner. He didn't expect the other party to call first.

"There is a special area exploration task. The employer is still armed. His last action made him earn a lot of benefits. He became famous in Wusu city, so he wanted to add another fire at this moment."

"I was just going to tell you that I have something important to deal with in the next period of time. Please help me push it."

In the next two days, Xu Jiu is going to spend his mind on the breakthrough and ability familiarity of Yan Quan and magic form. Where does he have time to go to other special areas.

"No problem. I'll help you refuse."

"Thanks. I'll invite you to dinner when I come back."

Hang up and Xu Jiu turns into the restaurant.

In the office on the other side.

Wang Fulin put down his mobile phone and began to look for the contact information of Youwu's agent, while in front of him was Peggy, the agent of the new moon knight.

"I haven't opened my mouth yet. Mr. Fengling said that there are important things to deal with in the near future. I'm afraid your proposal won't work."

When Wang Fulin found the number, he didn't hurry to dial it. Looking at Peggy, who was disappointed across the street, he thought for a while and encouraged him,

"The idea is very good. Recently, there has been a lot of live crime, and the public's attention is also very high. If the new moon knight can solve this case, its popularity should be higher."

"Is it possible for Mr. Fengling..."

Peggy was unwilling and wanted to say something, but Wang Fulin directly raised his hand and interrupted her,

"Miss Kate, you should understand Mr. Fengling's strength. I am not qualified to bargain with him, so what we should do now is to expect that this event will not end too soon. According to Mr. Fengling's last efficiency, we can free up our hands in two or three days at the fastest."

When Peggy Kate left the office, Wang Fulin began to contact Youwu's agent.

Doo Doo Doo~

No one answered. Wang Fulin tried several times, and the result was the same.

"What's the matter? I just called ten minutes ago. Why can't I get through all of a sudden?"

He murmured in a low voice. He was about to put down his mobile phone, but the other party called and had to pick it up again,

"Hey, why didn't you answer... Hello?"

When the phone was connected, it was hung up, and one second before the disconnection, there was a tearing sound in the noisy wind and rain.


Sunset Tower.

Famous scenic buildings in Wusu city.

In the pavilion with bronze bells hanging on the top of the tower, people wearing a clown mask adjust the floating photography ball.

At the edge of the bronze bell, he was covered with blood and still didn't save the world. He collapsed to the ground. His limbs were twisted into a strange posture. A wooden card was inserted on his back in a mischievous way. On it, it was written in bold black pen, 'I'm a clown!!!'.

In the corner of the Pavilion behind him, the broker's broken body shrank into a ball, and the dark red blood flowed from below. There was no movement for a long time.

"OK, the picture and sound are all right!"

Some people wear clown masks of different styles and squat on the railing next to them. They are 100 meters high. Behind them is a downpour. It seems that as long as the wind is stronger, they will be blown out and fall into a pool of meat mud.

"Yo Hoo ~ come and see, this hero, you should know a lot of people?"

The clown who debugged the machine screamed, took two steps back, grabbed Wu's hair and aimed his head at the camera,

"Last night I saw his exaggeration on the program. I thought how powerful this guy was. As a result, he lost his hand in a raid... How many seconds?"

"In 33 seconds, this guy lay down."

The man who stood by the railing with his feet and swayed left and right turned his head and replied.

"33 seconds... Ha! 33 seconds!"

Twisting his body, slapping his martial cheek and making exaggerated movements, the masked man laughed wantonly,

"This is the hero of the super British alliance, a waste, also deserve to be called a hero?"

On the live broadcast picture projected by another floating ball, a dense barrage of bullets is passing through.

"It's really martial!"‘ Didn't he say he went to the lower and higher-level special area for adventure, that's all? "‘ As I said, the guys in the super British league are a bunch of clowns! "

Gifts with various special effects have already been swiped on the screen.

"These hypocritical waste who will only pretend on the program, we will pull them out, completely tear their masks, and let all those who pursue the truth know that they don't deserve to be called heroes at all."

The masked man opened his arms, glanced at the police empty boat coming rapidly in the distance, took out a short knife from his waist and put it between his neck.

"Kill him!"‘ This is punishment from the truth. "‘ Kill! "

Similar barrages filled the screen.

So the knife flashed.

The blood splashed on the bronze clock and dyed the lines on its surface red.

"We are the people who judge heroes. Any guy who deceives the world will pay a price!"

Put the head upright on the top of the bronze bell. The two masked people stood on the railing with a smile, faced the camera, and fell back in shouting.

Two figures fell from the top of the tower, and several empty police boats were approaching.

The top of the tower exploded suddenly.

Flying debris, flames rising into the sky, billowing air waves.

This forced the approaching empty boat to retreat.

When they cross the flame, where can they find the figure of the masked man.

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