Concerning his core spar, Xu Jiu will not give up any clues that may be relevant.

The pioneers who dare to take big risks to come here still have basic judgment.

A single person enters the sub level special area and punches the broken water tornado.

In their eyes, Xu Jiu's strength is at least the best among the Guizang apostles.

The huge strength gap is enough to make people give up all lucky fantasies.

"Say it carefully. It's not urgent."

Sitting cross legged on the stone, tracing the light on his knee, Xu Jiu glanced at the crowd of pioneers with some unnatural expressions, so he had to emphasize it again,

"I'm not interested in your things. My knife is a half strange thing, and my bracelet is also a strange thing. Usually, there are rare treasures in the fruit tray at home. When I'm full, I can greedy for your gadgets?"

Although this is somewhat suspected of Versailles, the effect is fairly good, and the vigilance on the faces of the pioneers is a little lighter.

In the final analysis, these weapons endowed with spirit have more special effects. There is no possibility of directly becoming strange things. They are at the same level as the shotgun Xu Jiu got from the Zhao family when moving the city.

It can't be said to be common, but it's not enough to attract Xu Jiu.

The judge function stored in his bracelet is much higher than these. I don't know how much.

"What do you want to know?"

The middle-aged man who was the head of the pioneer group asked aloud.

"About the origin of this place, why are you sure that external items can be enchanted here?"

"We bought the location coordinates from an old explorer. He claimed to have participated in the exploration of the awakened world... At first, we just tried, but we didn't expect to succeed."

His eyes stayed on the tracing light, and the head vaguely remembered that he seemed to have seen the picture of the long knife in the black market.

"How did he know?"

Xu Jiu went on,

"I've read the materials of the awakened world. There's no similar intelligence inside the different tune Bureau. The particularity of this position must have a reason to find it?"

Xu Jiu is hinting to these people that his identity may be related to the Bureau.

It's not that they want to continue to intimidate them in this way, but the reputation of the bureau is fairly good in the wilderness. This relationship can make them less nervous.

At least I won't worry about being killed after finishing the clue.

"According to the man, during their exploration, they encountered an earthquake. In the violent changes of the environment, he saw some strange scenes, including a diamond shaped spar column."

"Where is the spar pillar?"

Try to keep his voice as calm as possible, but Xu Jiu is excited with difficulty.

The description of the crystal stone column in the notes is that it is above the ruins!

"At the coordinate position given by him... I know it may be incredible. We found it according to the position given by him. If it was not confirmed to be valid after trying, we suspected that the guy cheated with false messages at the beginning."

The head pointed around, probably afraid of Xu Jiu's misunderstanding. He spoke a lot faster.

"Right here?"

Xu Jiu suddenly got up and looked around. There was no special existence. The diamond crystal pillar didn't even see the shadow.

Turning to look at the various objects still on the open space, Xu Jiu didn't feel that the other party was cheating himself. After all, just now in the sky, he saw these people "drying goods" here.

"He made it clear that the diamond pillar is here?"

Holding the light tracing scabbard, Xu Jiu took a step forward and suddenly took a momentum to oppress the leader of the pioneer regiment.

"Yes, this coordinate point is the best area after several tests."

The middle-aged man who faced Xu Jiu immediately had a lot of cold sweat on his face. His face was very white, but he still insisted on not changing his mouth.

"Well, let your people tidy up and get out of this cliff immediately."

Xu Jiu stared into the man's eyes, suddenly nodded, took notes from his pocket, tore off a piece of paper, wrote down his contact information and handed it to the other party,

"After going out, contact this number. As compensation, I will transfer 200000 to you. The right is the cost of buying intelligence."

Xu Jiu has not been overbearing to the information of white whoring people, but he has forcibly driven them away. The reward should be no less.

There is no objection from the pioneer group.

In their opinion, they are thankful that they can save their lives this time, let alone earn extra money.

For a time, he began to tidy up his things and withdraw directly from the cliff.

Xu Jiu stood on the cliff and watched the figures of the pioneers gradually disappear in his vision. Then he picked up his backpack again and walked back and forth in the middle of the cliff to determine a central position.

The gray air flow condensed into a halo in his right fist. Xu Jiu sighed and suddenly waved his fist down the cliff.

Regret mountain!

With the violent tremor, the crack quickly extended around the cliff with Xu Jiu as the center, but in just a few seconds, the four sides of the cliff began to think of the explosion of collapse.

Xu Jiu was suspended in the air, watching the whole cliff collapse and fall into the river below, but his eyes were wandering among them.

Since the location is accurate and there is no diamond crystal around, he can only put his hope inside the cliff

Half of the cliff was broken and collapsed, and the uneven rocks were exposed.

The crystal stone buried somewhere didn't appear, but Xu Jiu didn't lose anything on his face, but stared at a place and jumped straight down.

The person who saw the spar column said clearly that he saw the strange scene in a violent earthquake.


This description may not be so sensitive to the pioneers, but there is a similar description in his notes, and Xu Jiu quickly realized that he might have ignored a possibility after he realized the existence of evil energy.

Crystal pillars probably do not exist in this world!

It is true.

The fundus of his eyes glowed strangely. At the moment, in Xu Jiu's vision, a huge rhombic spar column was obliquely inserted in the middle of the cliff!

The exposed tip alone is more than three meters. Needless to say, the surface of these crystal pillars is covered with complex lines, some of which are also filled with light blue streamer.


Smash the remaining stones with one punch to expose the whole rhombic spar.

Nearly two-thirds of the surface of spar has been filled with light blue streamer, and the remaining lines are gradually filling.

Xu Jiu came forward and looked down at the surging water at the bottom of the spar.

According to the notes, the location of the relic should be under the spar... In the river?

Take out the notes and turn to the page recording the contents of the relics. Compare with the simple strokes on the top and the diamond spar column in front of you. What you think of is other contents.


Xu Jiu always felt that this thing was very similar to the crystal stone in her body.

It's not the shape, but the streamer between its surface lines. Intuition tells Xu Jiu that this should be an external form of energy.

Just as the crystal stone in its own body needs to absorb the energy from various alienated animals to maintain life activities, if the crystal stone in front of it is also used to accumulate energy, its purpose is undoubtedly to endow various beings in the awakened world.

The question is where does this energy come from?

Xu Jiu doesn't feel that there is energy gathering around, and what's the significance of doing so?

What makes Xu Jiu feel more strange is that the crystal stone in front of him may be huge for him, but compared with the whole waking world, it's nothing at all. Is its influence really so large?


Thinking of the gap, the grain on the surface of the crystal stone column is gradually filled with streamer.

Xu Jiu temporarily gives up the idea of diving into the river and waits in place.

At a certain moment, the light blue streamer finally poured into the top of the spar.

In an instant.

Xu Jiu, who maintained his special vision, saw a large number of light spots splashing out from the crystal pillar and spreading in all directions in a very short time.

At the same time, Xu Jiu, who was near the spar pillar, seemed to be blessed to his heart and directly stretched out his hand.

The purple fog generated by the hexagonal crystal wrapped around Xu Jiu's palm, just as he had captured the round beads in the temple, Xu Jiu also came into contact with the crystal pillar smoothly this time.

The moment the palm touched the grain, the body suddenly trembled.

Xu Jiu raised his head and suddenly grasped his hands hanging on his side. His light tracing scabbard hit the cultivation bin in his backpack behind him, making a crisp sound.

Everything in front of us has changed again,

The surrounding environment is still the same, but there are more things.

Diamond spar columns all over the whole waking world!

Or obliquely inserted in the floating island, or floating in the sky, or placed in the middle of the river

There are thousands of them.

At least in Xu Jiu's field of vision, a diamond crystal pillar will appear almost every other distance!

This scene in front of Xu Jiu confirmed his conjecture that they are the source of spiritual energy in the wake-up world

No, it's not so much a source as a transfer device. It's like a light bulb. It receives electric energy and converts it into light. It doesn't produce energy itself, but a "Porter".

Of course, this is not the time to care.

It is recorded in the notes that the relic is under the rhombic spar column, but where is the relic in front of so many spar columns?

In the face of this sudden situation, Rao and Xu Jiu were a little unprepared.

I couldn't find it before, but now I find it, but so many come out at once... Gee, just for fun?

Shrugging his shoulders, Xu Jiu took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

The original owner of the note is unlikely to enter the interior of the awakened world, that is, he is most likely to see relics in the peripheral area.

In this way, we can first eliminate the depths of the awakened world, sweep our eyes around again, and finally freeze on a suspended island in the northeast.

No remains are seen, but there is an extraordinarily large rhombic spar column over the island over there.

The light cyan air rose, and without hesitation, Xu Jiu went straight to the goal.

This time he found the right direction.

Just came over the island.

Xu Jiu completed the positioning through the diamond crystal stone column and found the "relics" existing in the dense forest.

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