Surrounded by nearly 100 people.

Fierce gang members, huge biochemical transformation people and well-made armed robots.

The final outcome is no suspense.

"This... This is the movie preview?"

At the intersection of the commercial street, many people who just came out of the mall stared at what happened on the screen.

For most civilians in Wusu city, apostles, qualified persons, extraordinary ability and so on are very distant terms from them.

It's strange not to be shocked to witness such an incredible battle picture.

In fact, it's not just them. As a special anchor, Shanni is standing in the studio with a blank face.

As a gifted apostle, compared with ordinary people who know nothing about extraordinary combat, she undoubtedly knows how terrible the white flame ray summoned from the fingertips of the new moon Knight just now.

That's what A-level heroes fight?

At present, the top level of heroes registered in the super British alliance is class A. as for class s, there is no one at the moment. Among class a heroes, there are only a few Apostles at Guizang level. She knows it all by virtue of the relationship of the company.

She hasn't paid attention to this new moon knight, but she has met several times before. It doesn't look like a person with such strength

"Shanni, don't be in a daze. The live broadcast continues. The new moon knight has a new situation again!"

The staff next to the live broadcast reminded Shanni through headphones. The latter hurried back to focus on the live broadcast.

The top floor of Tengshan group headquarters in the picture has fallen into a sea of fire, while the new moon Knight seems to be waiting for something, hovering in the sea of fire and did not leave directly.

What are you doing?

"The new moon Knight seems to be enjoying the aftertaste of victory... No, look at the fire. It seems that something is being generated."

Shanni keenly noticed that the flames around the new moon Knight were burning abnormally.

Sure enough, with the passage of time, there was a faint human shaped fire group rising in the flame. Immediately, it seemed to be summoned to Xu Jiuyong in the middle of the sea of fire and integrate into his body.

The shotgun in her hand almost fell off and clutched it tightly. Xianni subconsciously took a few steps towards the screen and stared at the bodies lying under the human fire.

Soul? Or something?

These fire masses that appear from the corpse are very clear.

She didn't know whether it involved the secrets of the new moon knight, or whether she should disclose the secrets she found to the public.

However, she soon realized that she couldn't hide it at all.

Because the live broadcast is for the whole network, dozens, hundreds or even more netizens are watching the battle just now.

Some of them have good eyes.

"Lying trough, damn it, do you see those flames? Human form!"

"It must be an illusion... Mom, come and see the king of hell!"

"The soul must be the soul. The evil souls of these gang members are integrating into the body of the new moon knight to enhance his strength. You see, the new moon knight is on fire!"

Unlike the live broadcast images prepared by the super British Alliance on various commercial streets, the webcast has the option of barrage. The inference of the ability of the new moon Knight soon became a hot topic of online discussion.

Walking towards the motorcycle, as more and more "evil souls" integrate into Xu Jiu's body, the flames burn everywhere in the new moon Knight's combat clothes. They are not connected together, which makes Xu Jiu look like he is saving something.

"How about the live broadcast?"

In order to maintain her image, Xu Jiu naturally couldn't take out the mirror at this time. She had to ask Wang Fulin on the other side.

you 're right.

These human shaped fire groups are made by Xu Jiu relying on the control of flame fist. They have no special significance. They are just for making gimmicks.

"Perfect, Mr. Fengling, your performance can't be more perfect!"

Wang Fulin's words were full of undisguised excitement, paused and worried,

"When the Tengshan formation is destroyed, the remaining two gangs in getan area will be vigilant..."

"Who's next?"

Get on the motorcycle again and drive to the edge of the roof. Xu Jiu asked in a deep voice.

"The Yujin Gang, whose territory is in the abandoned industrial park with the most complex terrain in getan District, still has a lot of heavy weapons in their hands."

"I see."

The front of the car suddenly sank. Xu Jiu looked at the ground Street perpendicular to himself, and the motorcycle accelerated again.

When it was only more than ten meters away from the ground, it directly raised the front of the car, hit the ground, and soared to the next destination in the splashing Mars.

The night in getan District doesn't look like a super city at all.

Except where gangs are entrenched, few people go out at night in other areas.

Here, not joining a gang means losing most of the public security, and the consequences can be imagined.

There are all kinds of dilapidated buildings on both sides of the street. The people hide behind the windows and carefully look at the new moon Knight speeding outside. They are surprised by the flame that can't be quenched by rain. At the same time, they also expect him to really judge the crimes entrenched here.

The light penetrated the rain curtain and fell on a yellow sign painted with the monster's head in the middle of the road. There was a clear red fork sign on it. A truck was parked next to it and a heavy machine gun was driving behind. Several guys who knew they were gang members stood in front of the car with a horn in their hands.

"We have no intention to conflict with you. The Yujin Gang is willing to share the property of Tengshan group with you and offer our sincerity."

As Wang Fulin said, the Yujin Gang obviously watched the whole process of the collapse of the Tengshan formation.

At the beginning, it was naturally the ecstasy of being a competitor. After all, the new moon knight can't become a gang leader, which means that when the latter leaves, the territory originally belonging to Tengshan group will become an ownerless place, on a first come, first served basis.

After that, there was confusion. The Yujin Gang didn't understand why the new moon Knight would suddenly attack the Tengshan group. You know, they had an agreement with the urban police station before. The superhero gave face when patrolling, and everything else was easy to say, but they asked themselves that they hadn't provoked the new moon rider.

Because of this, the Yujin Gang chose to send someone to test the attitude of the new moon knight. If they can cooperate, everyone will be happy. If the latter doesn't know good or bad, they naturally have follow-up means.


Fireballs more than five meters in diameter pushed along the street, smashing all the vehicles and signs blocking the road.

Without the slightest pause, the motorcycle crossed the burning debris.

The slightly cruel picture is a clear message to all who are watching the live broadcast.

The new moon Knight will never trade with any evil force!


Different from the commercial building of Tengshan group headquarters.

The abandoned industrial park where the headquarters of the Yujin Gang is located has long been transformed into a fortress built of steel and concrete walls.

In the middle empty floor of the factory, which is hollowed out on all sides, there are all kinds of exquisite furniture. Men in black windbreaker sit on the leather sofa in the center.

Looking at the silver gray motorcycle still moving forward in the live broadcast picture, half of the body has been transformed by the righteous body. It is basically the head of the silt gold gang of the semi robot. He stood up, grabbed a bottle of spirits on the table next to him, and poured two mouthfuls on his neck.

A little data stream flashed across his right eye, and his eyes turned to the surrounding men, who were waiting for him and looked very nervous, grinned,

"What are you doing? People are going to call the door soon... Why don't you withdraw from the fort?"

The voice fell. After watching the live broadcast just now, the uneasy members of the Yujin Gang looked at their boss in amazement.

Are you going to run before it starts?

For a moment, no one dared to speak, for fear that the latter was testing their loyalty.

"A bunch of fools."

Seeing that no one should answer him, the leader spat and said without concealment,

"Tengshan group is lucky. It's too late to withdraw after being selected as the first target. Someone came to the headquarters. That guy can kill the old thing in yuanban Tengshan with one move. His strength must be Guizang high-level. I'm full and support it with this guy!"

And whether you can kill each other with the money you have saved over the years, even if you do, you don't have to think about it. You must pay a huge price.

So the question is, is there only Yujin gang and Tengshan group in getan area?

He wanted to seize each other's territory while Tengshan group had no leader. Feather snake Club naturally had the same idea as him.

"Boss McGonagall, if we quit now, it's not equivalent to admitting that we're afraid of the new moon knight. We won't be able to face up at that time. Do you need me to send some people to do it?"

Among the people who quickly understood the boss's intention, someone immediately stood up and suggested.

"No, now someone is more anxious than us... Just now the feather snake club has sent me a message. The people in the jungle want to cooperate with us to get rid of the guy who dares to make trouble in getan district. Let's take people to the designated area immediately. At that time, the territory of Tengshan group will be divided between us and the feather snake club."

Although getan district is only one of the districts in the outer city, how many fools can sit in this position?

Facing the menacing new moon knight, it is a normal reaction to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

"But how can the people in the jungle be sure that the new moon Knight will go to the trap they prepared? He came to us and saw no one. Nine times out of ten, he can guess that we have allied with the feather snake society. Moreover, his original goal is the jungle. When he knows there is a trap, he will drill in?"

"Hum, do you think people are like us?"

Hearing his subordinates' doubts, MEG raised his hand to wipe the liquor from the corners of his mouth and said coldly,

"That's a superhero. Millions of people are watching today's live broadcast. Since the big talk has been released, if he still wants face, don't say it's a trap tonight. Even if it's hell in the leather beach area, he has to break in!"

McGonagall's remarks undoubtedly hit the key of Wang Fulin's momentum building plan, or the most vulnerable weakness.

At the press conference in the evening, the new moon Knight expressed his determination to destroy the jungle organization in a live broadcast. In this way, he forced the latter to come out and fight him. At the same time, he also completely broke his way back.

If the jungle comes and the new moon Knight retreats, the news tomorrow morning will be wonderful.

"Hey, turn on the hunter live broadcast, and you will understand what it's like to be roasted on the fire."

Holding up the wide brimmed hat hanging on the back of the sofa, MEG laughed and left the stronghold. While talking, he informed his men of the retreat in his electronic brain, and issued a collection order to a group of powerful confidants.

As a condition for the equal division of Tengshan group, he will also contribute to the encirclement and killing later.

The followers behind him took out their mobile phones one after another. The hunter live broadcast itself was also their usual pastime software. They opened it with ease and familiarity. As soon as the interface appeared, everyone's faces showed surprise.

Dozens of windows on the home page of Hunter live broadcast have been replaced with the live broadcast room of members of the jungle organization, and the live broadcast pictures are surprisingly consistent.

The lake surrounded by many abandoned factories in getan area is Jiqian lake.

Quite a vulgar name, the lake was once the common wastewater treatment area and water mining area of several heavy factories, and a sewage treatment plant was built on the central island of the lake. The lake is covered with pipelines connecting the surrounding factories, but these facilities are now abandoned.

In the live video, there are common organisms affected by sewage and mutated in the lake, and dozens of fuzzy jungle organization members are standing in the pipes above.

The meaning is very clear.

They are waiting on this lake for the new moon knight to come!


"No, I should have thought they would check the information of the new moon knight after watching the live broadcast, especially the extraordinary ability. There is a lot of sewage in that lake. Your ability..."

Wang Fulin, who kept in touch with the general security office, received the news about the changes on the hunter live broadcast platform for the first time and also conveyed the news to Xu Jiu.

There is no doubt that the other party's choice of lake is to suppress the fire control ability of the new moon knight, so as to obtain the congenital field advantage.

This made Wang Fulin, who was full of confidence, worry.

Although he is not an apostle, he also knows that there is no perfect extraordinary ability in the world, especially the ability of this element system. Although it is powerful, it is most vulnerable to bad environment.

In fact, not only Wang Fulin, but also the people in wusucheng who were watching the live broadcast at this time were also aware of this.

While scolding the people of the jungle organization on the barrage, everyone is looking forward to the performance of the new moon knight.

Will he shrink back because of the bad environment and the number advantage shown by the other party?

In the picture.

The new moon knight has arrived at the residence of the Yujin Gang, but it has long been empty.

"It seems that they have all come together."

Xu Jiu glanced at the open door and immediately realized that these gangs should have reached an agreement with the people in the jungle.

Without the slightest hesitation, the motorcycle shook its tail in place and rolled up the wind and rain all over the sky.

The location of the lake and the road map were marked on the helmet light screen and galloped away.

These guys are in the same place.

It's too late for Xu Jiu to be happy.

Live broadcast, where is the big scene?

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