Hobbes never mentioned that he was frightened by evil and ran away on the spot.

Face is always necessary.

However, in order to recover the current situation out of control, he chose to disclose the exact location of the laboratory to Xu Jiu.

If evil spirits are allowed to wreak havoc in their own jurisdictions, the consequences will be unimaginable.

At the foot of the ripple diffusion, Xu Jiu rose from the ground and went straight to the fifth floor of the experimental center.

The shape of the experimental center of Xinmu group is similar to a vertical football, but it is truncated from the middle, and the bottom is the most spacious part. The more upward, the narrower the area. In contrast, the confidentiality measures are more rigorous.

But now the building is facing unreasonable parasitic animals, or the impact from inside to outside.

The sophisticated equipment originally used to shield external exploration and prevent intrusion has been destroyed into a pile of scrap iron from the inside.

Xu Jiu's invasion couldn't be more smooth.

Xu Shi is aware of the danger of the insect nest. The insects and parasitic animals hanging around with the security forces of Xinmu group immediately put down their original targets and jumped at Xu Jiu from all directions, trying to stop him.

But Xu Jiu's speed was not what they could catch up with. In the blink of an eye, it reached the outer edge of the five floors that had been smashed by parasitic animals.

Holding the tracing light in his hand, Xu Jiu didn't even look at the monster behind him. He just clenched his fist with his left hand, wrapped the gray awn around it, and waved a fist back. The terrible shock wave centered on his fist and spread to all directions, so as to clear the scene in a large scale without accident!

The broken insect corpses scattered everywhere behind him, and the light red mist appeared in his eyes, which opened the spiritual state.

Thick evil energy can be seen everywhere. Standing in the hall, Xu Jiu saw the dark corridor in front of him and the spreading blood and meat fungus blankets.

Compared with those seen in the wasteland stronghold and even Shiyuan City, there are a large number of black slender tentacles on the fungus blanket this time.

The insects that had been on the floor circled inside and outside the corridor, and soon they were swallowed up by the flesh and blood fungus blanket, and then expanded unscrupulously again.

Zheng Yi carried the instrument to seal the evil spirit. What Xu Jiu had to do was to find out the body of the evil spirit as before.

When she stepped forward, the blue red sea of fire poured into the corridor first and burned the fungus blanket. Xu Jiu rushed into the corridor with the ability of shock step, and quickly locked his eyes on one of the laboratories.

Unexpected without any defense.

Xu Jiu was ready to fight a group of specially strengthened parasitic animals here, but when he came to the door of the laboratory, except for those bacterial blankets still trying to stop him in the sea of fire, none of the parasitic animals appeared.

"Hobbes gave a fake address?"

Confused, Xu Jiu kicked the door without hesitation.

Although the inside was covered with a blanket of flesh and blood bacteria, Xu Jiu noticed from his previous memory that the utensils containing the remains of the breeding animals in the center of the laboratory and the already shapeless cabin next to them.

The place is right!

Waving a knife to the cabin covered with blood and meat fungus blanket, Xu Jiu's eyes turned to it.

The first sight was the cabin where the skeleton he had cared about before, but it turned out to be empty.

Naturally, the skeleton will not run on long legs, so there is only one possibility.

The last thing Xu Jiu wanted happened

The originally spacious left cabin is now full of a black round egg with creeping dark red meridians on the surface.

The keel has been swallowed by the insect nest!

Rao didn't see the mutation of the insect nest in the laboratory before, and Xu Jiu could also feel the great threat of the insect egg.

In the previous battle in the camp, Xu Jiu had not seen the monster strength born after the fusion of evil energy and the bone.

What's more, it was only a part of evil energy and a spine at that time. Now it's all noumenon!

Without the slightest hesitation, when raising the knife again, the gray purple light gradually climbed up the blade, and the regret mountain strengthened by the energy of hexagonal Amethyst still shook the surrounding blood and meat fungus blanket even if it had not been hit.

However, just before Xu Jiu flashed to the egg and planned to destroy it completely before it hatched, the color light in the pupil of his left eye flashed suddenly.

False, this is an illusion!

Xu Jiu didn't expect that after the phantom had been promoted to the intrusion level, there was an illusion that he could deceive his own eye.

His back was suddenly cold. Xu Jiu didn't even think about it. When the blade turned, he waved to his head.


The roar of metal bombardment spread away.

The surrounding laboratory walls, which were reinforced many times during construction, burst and burst into a large number of cracks.

Don't get me wrong.

It's not that regret mountain's ability is declining and even a laboratory is difficult to destroy. However, after swallowing the original energy of evil deeds last time, regret mountain itself has been improved. It is no longer prone to extensive destruction. Xu Jiu has been able to compress it.

The killing range is reduced in exchange for a significant increase in lethality.

However, Xu Jiu didn't care about these things at this time. His pupils glittering with strange light suddenly contracted, and his attention was completely focused on the terrible monster in front of him.

A * five meter high insect is located above the cabin.

For example, the locust's limbs, magnified hundreds of times, bifurcate across the cabin, with more than a dozen twisted faces growing on the bee like abdomen, and the front end is like a flat head like a spider

The strange shape is like the product of hybridization of various insects. It seems that there is a skeleton in the middle to connect them, so that there is a large raised spine in the middle of the whole monster.

Even if it was just a short look at each other, Xu Jiu still felt the invasion of evil energy and was forced to mobilize Yuanzhu to fight back.


The enhanced regret mountain, which can kill ordinary invasive alienated animals in one blow, bombards the monster through tracing light. There is no doubt that it has some effect. Since its forelimbs, its bones and flesh churn like a tide.

Xu Jiu could even hear the sound of flesh and bones breaking and tearing, and the terrible patterns attached to the skin were a burst of loose and broken, as if they would be completely crushed in the next second.

However, just when Xu Jiu was going to pursue the victory, the spine suddenly trembled. Immediately, the whole monster began to shake at a strange frequency, as if adjusting its own state.

It is recovering rapidly in this way!

"What exactly is the origin of this skeleton?"

In the past, Xu Jiu, who had no way to regret the mountain, was shocked by this evil ability, but his hand was not slow. His right hand held a knife against the monster's two forelimbs, and his left hand raised a flame fist.

The green and red pillar of fire wrapped the evil spirit, and its counterattack came at this time,

The two forelimbs on the back of the light trace shrink back, and then form a potential to clip Xu Jiu from the left and right sides. In this process, the original arthropod is constantly adjusting its shape, and finally becomes a circular arc arthropod full of thorns, such as the front claw of a beetle.

Not only that, but also what surprised Xu Jiu was that the claw was still shaking when it scraped, which made him feel that the surrounding air was being compressed.

Is it imitating its own regret mountain?

"Ha! You deserve it?"

Tracing light cut off again, hard regretting the sinister claws.

make a clean break with!

Xu Jiu's regret mountain has already surpassed the original giant lizard through energy enhancement.

No matter how strong the evil is, it is impossible to imitate the strengthening effect of crystal energy.

If you succeed in one strike, you can pursue the victory.

The empty door of the evil spirit whose right claw limb was cut off was wide open. Xu Jiu did not hesitate to continue the attack. Although the recovery energy of the evil spirit was strong, it was not enough to recover instantly. As long as he seized the opportunity to destroy most of the body, Xu Jiu did not believe that it could be reborn immediately.

However, what Xu Jiu could think of was naturally clear. The patterns on the body surface gradually disappeared between the ups and downs.

Just relying on the insect nest to be reborn, it may be able to suppress the ordinary cicada molting apostles.

But not to the extent of being able to positively resist the abnormal existence of Xu Jiu!

Want to run?

When the right eye stands inside, a complex Dharma array appears.

Fu Ling!

The green and red flame wrapped with evil suddenly became active and turned into several green and red python.

Xu Jiu once did a similar fire deformation, but this time, the fire Python produced by Fu Ling not only has enhanced its ability, but also has a certain intelligence. Xu Jiu doesn't need to be distracted to control at all. He directly entangles the evil body and tries to block its action.


The shrill sound of insects exploded in his ears. Xu Jiu only felt that the evil in front of him was expanding, and it expanded ten times in the blink of an eye. His disgusting posture was full of a strong sense of oppression.

Just like the previous means to deal with Hobbes, sneaky wants to temporarily force Xu Jiu back and strive for a chance to breathe.

It's a pity that there is still a gap between people. Xu Jiu, who has experienced the Dream World War I, has already been prepared. While the light red mist overflows, the trance feeling in his mind recedes like a tide.

Tracing the light for a moment, he stabbed the evil head directly. The flame burned the viscous insect liquid splashed on the face door, and the fire reflected Xu Jiu's indifferent face.


When regret mountain was launched, the evil head under the knife was shattered into blood and rustled down.

Seemingly successful, Xu Jiu's expression became more and more dignified, because while he launched regret mountain, the remaining claw turned around and directly cut off most of his head, forcibly got rid of Xu Jiu's clamp, and immediately opened the distance.

There are faint creeping spine and a large number of insects attached to the gap to form a new meat *.

Xu Jiu suddenly realized that evil is just an energy body. It has no fatal place at all. It's just his wishful speculation!

The headless evil spirit broke free from the siege of the fire Python and turned to smash the wall of the laboratory. The broken head left turned into a swarm of insects and rushed at Xu Jiu, covering his vision and delaying his action.

Waving to shatter the swarm of insects, the battle is not over yet. Xu Jiushao bows down and rushes out along the channel hit by evil.

At this time, the gunfire outside the experimental center still showed no sign of stopping. Instead of dispersing due to the killing of the security forces, the insect swarms gathered more and more under the call of evil.

As a result, when Xu Jiu came to the edge of the gap, only a few seconds before and after, he saw a gradually forming swarm storm centered on evil.

Countless insects of different shapes * rushed to their bodies, and the horrible momentum began to rise.

Seeing this scene, Xu Jiu immediately thought of his previous experience in the camp. There is no doubt that the evil in front of him has the ability to control the insects for himself.

Because of this, Xu Jiu immediately realized that it must not complete its transformation and was ready to rush into the swarm to block this process.

The same scene also fell into the eyes of people outside the experimental center.

Ordinary security personnel don't have to say much. Thank God they can keep their life at this time. Where can they think about how to kill the terrible monster who feels uncomfortable at a glance.

At this time, Zheng Yi and Hobbes are really regarded as combat power.

The two men have been cleaning up the parasitic animals and a large number of insects outside the experimental center. At the same time, they are also concerned about the situation in the experimental center.

The first time the evil spirit appeared, it was locked by them.

Seeing that Xu Jiu started, he was surprised and chose to kill without hesitation.


The walking stick stung to the ground and plunged into the road at the end. It looked like a wooden stick, with a sudden crack and dozens of short swords protruding in a fan.

Hobbes held his hands falsely, his fingertips condensed into a cyclone, and then a silver gray air line gushed out from it. With only a wave of his hand, the air line crossed the short sword and soared into the air to form a bright silver spiral storm, which soared towards the insects.

I suffered a loss in the laboratory before. Now someone is carrying it in front. Naturally, there is no reason to shrink back.

The air on his side exploded again and again. Several air bombs approached first and blew the swarm open. Hobbes jumped up and rushed into the swarm.

As for Zheng Yi, who is surrounded by a large number of plants on the other side, he did not choose to rush directly like Hobbes and Xu Jiu. After all, his ability is not to fight close, but to throw several seeds again and bloom green light all over.

The concrete floor on the square cracked a large crack, and several giant "flowers" with ferocious animal heads grew at the top.

These flowers with special shapes are alienated plants from sub-level specific areas. Zheng Yi spent a lot of effort to collect them at the beginning.

On the contrary, they undoubtedly show their due value.

When the command was given, these animal heads as flowers opened their mouths. In the manic roar, they continuously spit out fireballs, lightning and wind blades, constantly pounding the swarm of insects. Their powerful large-scale lethality can be called the element Fort!

Since the evil spirit wants to integrate the insects, he will blow them away first.

In contrast, Xu Jiu's side.

As the first person to attack, he rushed into the swarm under the cover of dark cyan airflow.

Focus on the figure in the center of the swarm.

Just like the previous performance of evil in the camp, it has a complete skeleton. It once again controls the insect swarm and creates a set of activated armor for itself. It changes from lying down to standing. It quickly adds new organs everywhere.

The terrible figure of more than five meters expanded again, and the colonial costume changed its posture with its action.

The broken chelate became the existence of the barrel, and it sucked the insects around. * at the beginning, there were only a few pairs of insect wings behind, and soon the body side joints began to mutate.

The transformation is still going on, but Xu Jiu doesn't intend to be an audience next to him. He dodges in front of the evil spirit and regrets the mountain's ability to launch again.

But this time, evil will no longer dodge.

The limbs between the waist and abdomen were held high. At the moment, the front end of the originally fragile limbs turned into two groups of amorphous mucus. They forcibly cut down the light on the way. I don't know what method was used, but they forcibly unloaded the shock of regret mountain to both sides.

The remaining limbs took the opportunity to press forward. The mouthparts at the chest spit out more than ten beetles full of dark red lines. As soon as they rushed out, they turned into fire meteors and shot at Xu Jiu's head.

Fu Ling started in the blink of an eye, and several wind Eagles flew out of the light cyan air cover formed by the shock step to catch and kill all these beetles.

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