Although the wilderness vision in the early morning lasted a short time, its strange state left a deep impression on all who saw it.

There was no surprise that the unprecedented phenomenon set off an uproar in the major gathering points and Wusu city.

As a result, Xu Jiu turned on the TV the next morning, and even the channel that originally broadcast the morning entertainment program urgently interrupted the news.

Compared with the public opinion in Wusu city.

The people in the gathering point are undoubtedly more nervous.

They can hear some news from the wasteland every once in a while, not to mention the increasing number of wastepeople who have come to the gathering point recently.

At present, you don't have to think about it. There must be rumors among the people.

In fact, Xu Jiu is also quite concerned about this matter.

He doesn't think his intuition is wrong. The source of the dark red halo is likely to be the crown level specific area.

Thinking of the information obtained from Zheng Yi some time ago, Xu Jiu speculated that there was something wrong with the seal.

Ding Dong~

The door bell rang.

Xu Jiu gets up from the sofa to open the door. Vanessa is standing outside with several small food boxes in her hand.

Xu Jiu contacted the person. She was going to ask about the special area. It happened that Vanessa also had something to find him. She just called for breakfast.

"This room is good. If I remember correctly, it should be the place where the school level officers of the Bureau of foreign affairs stationed at the gathering point in the past?"

This is Vanessa's first visit to Xu Jiu's house. Although she talked on her mobile phone before, it was only limited to the text description.

Looking at the layout and decoration of the house, he conveniently put the food box on the table, which is full of breakfast bought on the way.

Xu Jiu didn't want to go out and made a purchase list for her.

"Well, although the quality of the houses originally prepared is good, they are not suitable for me. I prefer this kind of place. Open the window and jump out into the wilderness. I can go out at any time."

Put two bowls of porridge on the table, motioned Vanessa to find a seat for herself, and turned to the refrigerator to get drinks.

Vanessa looked at Xu Jiu's back and fingered the edge of the food box. Her eyes were soon attracted by the Fu Ling circling behind him. She paused and decided to explain her intention first,

"Last night, there was a news from the experimental center. I plan to send someone to monitor the investigation team in Jinghai city... I'm considering whether to restrict their activities immediately."

The investigation group and Xinmu group were involved in a sinister private transaction. Even if the latter was killed and injured, it still touched the bottom line of the official government of Wusu.

They can tolerate the new wood consortium to conduct human experiments.

They can also turn a blind eye to the transaction between them and the jinghaicheng delegation.

But no one can accept that the new wood consortium actually studied evil in its own laboratory, which almost caused the situation to get out of control on a large scale.

If it hadn't been for Xujiu town last night, I don't know what kind of hell would be caused by the disaster in the surrounding urban areas.

They are digging the roots of Wusu city!

"Don't do it to them for the time being. I'll ask them to find someone for me."

Upon hearing Vanessa's plan, Xu Jiu hurriedly stopped it. If he started the investigation team at this time, it would not be a problem to detain them, but Douglas and Saliba would certainly disappear immediately.

At that time, to find these two people from Wushan gathering point is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

"Looking for someone?"

"Yes, I have reached a deal with takasaka Ling. When they find it, none of the delegation can leave."

She poured Vanessa a drink. Xu Jiu didn't mention Douglas's existence, but continued,

"Before that, it's best not to let them notice anything strange... When will the delegation leave?"

"There's almost a week left."

Pick up a piece of pickled cucumber and put it into the porridge. Vanessa chooses to believe Xu Jiu. Anyway, she came here today to ask Xu Jiu to help catch people.

Now the latter is willing to take the initiative to help, which can't be better.

After discussing the mission, the topic inevitably turned to the wilderness vision in the early morning.

Vanessa is just a lieutenant colonel of the heterodox Bureau. What happened in the crown level special area is highly confidential and obviously will not be transferred down to this level.

However, as the representative of the abnormal adjustment Bureau stationed in Wushan gathering point, Vanessa received relevant operational tasks, which undoubtedly revealed some information.

"An hour ago, I received a task from the headquarters and asked me to immediately organize several investigation teams to go to several special areas near the Wushan gathering point to detect the local environmental conditions. This will be the first cooperative action between the officials of the gathering point and the special Affairs Bureau."

As early as a few days ago, Vanessa had been promised by general Zheng Yi that she could disclose the actions of the bureau to Xu Jiu in order to deepen the contact between the two sides, so it was not a betrayal of intelligence,

"Captain Zongze mentioned to me the day before yesterday that the change of crown level specific area caused the continuous abnormal state of other specific areas. According to this direction, I'm afraid the situation of crown level specific area is not optimistic."

"Can you tell me more about it? Last night, general Zheng showed me some videos about the environmental conditions outside the special area C16, but he was busy paying attention to the evil and didn't mention it much."

Pick up a fried dough stick and put it in his mouth. Xu Jiu said vaguely.

"The special area is affecting the environment of the wasteland. According to our current prediction, if this state is maintained for a long time, in the near future, those powerful alienated animals who originally only live in the special area will likely come to the wasteland!"

The expression on Vanessa's face could not help but be dignified.

Why are major super cities so prepared for special areas?

In the final analysis, there is nothing more than that the alienated animals in the special area are too powerful. Picking up a few will cause considerable damage to the existing ecological environment, and the principle is the same as that of alien biological invasion.

Not to mention that ordinary alien creatures are vulnerable to human weapons, and these alienated beasts are afraid to reverse the situation!

It's not easy for Xu Jiu to destroy the mobile city on the wasteland.

However, due to the different environment between the wasteland and the special area, most creatures in the special area will not set foot in the wasteland in order to survive, except for the alienated animals of invasion level and above.

you 're right.

The fact that the alienated animals did not enter the wasteland did not mean that the alien light barrier could really stop their footsteps like a city wall, but the biological instinct made these alienated animals realize that if their strength was not enough, they could not adapt to the environment of the wasteland.

Forced into the wilderness, they will die!

The theory may not sound so easy to understand.

After all, normally speaking, beasts that can survive in the harsh environment of the special area have no reason not to survive in the wilderness.

However, is the environment in the special area really bad?

That's just a human view!

Research institutions have conducted research in this area for a long time. Facts have proved that, regardless of the risk, the environment in most special areas is better than the current wasteland or super city, and can even be described as excellent.

Even in earlier years, there was a theory that humans living in specific areas for a long time are far more likely to awaken than people in human society!

The energy needed for the survival of alienated animals is not supplied by the wasteland at all.

This is like letting people on earth suddenly land on Mars without any protective measures. Death is just a moment.

Invasive alienated animals can ignore this rule to a certain extent, but even so, there are still very few invasive alienated animals that really leave the special area and wreak havoc on the wilderness in recent years.

To put it bluntly.

Who wants to drill into the dilapidated houses in the slums if they can stay in the sea view villa?

Invasive alien animals will not leave the specific area unless stimulated.

The alienated beast previously controlled by the zouz sect is the best proof.

"In fact, long ago, we found that each specific area will radiate some energy to its surroundings and then transform the environment. However, this process is very slow, so it did not attract attention at that time. However, recent monitoring shows that the process of environmental transformation is accelerating!"

There is no doubt that the Wusu government attaches importance to the special area, and has never been slack in both internal exploration and environmental testing.

Because of this, they will be aware of the abnormal state around the specific area at the first time.

Once the abnormal environment in the specific region begins to spread.

Then the effect of different light barrier will inevitably be weakened or even ineffective.

It can be predicted that in such a situation, the danger of the wasteland will be much higher than at present

"You mean there was an accident in the crown specific area, which exacerbated this situation?"

In Xu Jiu's mind, all kinds of defense arrangements inside and outside Wushan gathering point in recent two months, as well as the establishment of a special affairs bureau to attract a large number of wasteland talents.

I'm afraid the preparation of Wusu city in response to the crisis has already begun.

"As far as the current situation is concerned, it is indeed true. I suspect that this is the main reason why the authorities are so urgent to seal the evil spirits and send them back."

Vanessa doesn't know much information. Now she's just making corresponding speculation with Xu Jiu's ideas.

"How can they be sure that everything will return to normal as long as they send the evil back?"

After opening a small cage bag, Xu Jiu pinched the small wings of Fuling. The latter immediately opened her mouth and spit a small plate on the table, causing Vanessa, who drank drinks opposite, to cough again.

Soon he sank his face because of Xu Jiu's problem.

Obviously, the board had also considered this issue, and Vanessa certainly thought about it in private.

What if repairing the seal can only maintain the speed of environmental mutation at the current state, not return to the original state?

Not to mention that there are still two evils lurking in Wusu city, and there are accidents in the crown level special area again. No one can guarantee whether the current environmental transformation will continue to accelerate.

The FBI asked Vanessa to set up an investigation team to monitor the situation outside the special area in real time.

And the most important thing.

After sealing the evil deeds in Wusu city, the problem of crown level special area can be solved?

People who know this problem may have thought about it in their hearts, but no one dares to think about the consequences of failure.

The heavy topic made the originally relaxed breakfast a little less delicious.

They then talked for a while. When breakfast was finished, Vanessa, who still needed to go to the task, didn't plan to stay at Xu Jiu's house. She said hello and got up and left.

Xu Jiu has to go to the secret society for the awakening ceremony in the afternoon. Naturally, he won't go with him. Just got up to pack up, the doorbell rang again.

Gloria squeezed through the door with a cylinder of paper in her hand.

It is estimated that the whole person's state is still chaotic because of the research on the structure and gearbox of the source energy equipment Xu Jiu gave her.

However, compared with the appearance of sudden death at any time when we met last time, we now look at least mentally good. We should have just taken a bath before coming, and our long wine red hair is still wet and drooping on both sides of our cheeks.

I think I should have listened to Xu Jiu's previous reminder.

"I saw Vanessa outside just now. I think she came to see you. What are you talking about... She eats with you?"

When she was on the wasteland, Gloria sent Xu Jiu a long knife and met Vanessa. Naturally, she recognized it. She said hello when she met just now.

Looking at the dishes and chopsticks on the table, Gloria tightened the paper tube in her hand. During this time, she learned something about Xu Jiu's character.

If not as a friend, Xu Jiu would never invite each other to dinner at his home.

Originally, I thought it was just a routine of the Bureau, but now it seems... Gloria found that things are not simple.

"I met her on the wasteland. Is it strange to have breakfast together? Don't you eat every day?"

Xu Jiu tidied up the dishes and chopsticks and looked at Gloria in surprise. She didn't understand why she suddenly asked this.

"I knew you earlier... Don't put it away. I haven't eaten yet!"

She tossed the paper tube on the table. Gloria picked up the bowl used by Vanessa on the table and put it in the sink. She took another clean one and came back to sit down.

"After all this, you're not so hungry that you want to drink wonton soup?"

"I don't care. You make breakfast for me. In order to crack the secret of the gearbox these days, I have spent the boss's effort. It's not easy to make a new discovery. You have to compensate me."

"Gee, I didn't know who was crying and begging me to show her the design. Is that what you mean?"

Xu Jiu was not used to Goliath and resolutely took away the empty food box on the table. As a result, as soon as she turned around, Goliath directly jumped on his back, hugged his neck, and shouted not to make breakfast.

Since she drilled Xu Jiu's quilt last time, Goliath's action has become more and more bold.

I used to pay attention to physical contact, but now I have no scruples anyway.

"The skin has itched recently, hasn't it?"

"I really found very valuable content about the special area. This is the valuable information left by my master. Isn't it worth cooking me a meal?"

"If I find you lying to me later, you know the consequences... Go down quickly!"

Feeling the softness behind her, Xu Jiu shook her shoulder and said.

"I want to eat fried rice with eggs, which is mixed with shredded animal meat."

Back on the ground, Goliath hopped and wanted to touch Fuling. As a result, she was kicked on her face and lay down on Xu Jiu's sofa. Soon she began to hum an unknown tune.

"What did you find?"

Xu Jiu didn't care about Gloria's being a demon. She asked while cooking oil.

"Remember the scene on the side where the gearbox was untied before?"

Goliath in the sofa asked in a muffled voice.

"Why, where did you find the scene record?"

"No, I recently successfully cracked both sides of them and found that they actually recorded a long exploration!"

She raised her hand and pointed to the gradually loose paper tube on the table. There was a touch of pride in Gloria's words.

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