A disabled old man who once participated in the exploration of sub level special areas now lives alone in the inaccessible valley.

He also has some special information about the coronation sect.

In Xu Jiu's opinion, such a person is completely worth visiting. It's time to buy the information in his hand and then go to the special area.

Just go.

Take the elevator to the door of the gathering point, find a hidden corner and take out the model capsule.

After returning home last night, Xu Jiu specially tried whether he could pack the dust motorcycle with a capsule. As a result, it was feasible without accident.

Looking at the rapidly expanding vehicle on the ground, Xu Jiu tapped the capsule shell with his right index finger, and suddenly had a new idea about the questions raised by Gloria before.

Why not use those materials to build a special vehicle for yourself?

You should know that the design drawing of Haixia city is also in the strange ring, which also contains some special equipment, which may be useful.

After all, if there is no accident, Xu Jiu must leave to find sky city when things happen here in static city.

At that time, there will be no lack of special area exploration. The role of vehicles equipped with intelligent systems such as dust motorcycles will be greatly weakened.

Just now who to find to build this vehicle is also a problem.

Gloria can't count on it. She's an equipment forger and can't do the job.


With the roar of the engine, Xu Jiu jumped out of the gate platform just opened here on his motorcycle.

At the moment of landing, the tire collided with the grass with a lot of water, splashing a lot of water.

The rain stopped this morning.

The weather is still cloudy. Maybe it's because of the strange phenomenon in the early morning of yesterday. There are always a large group of birds circling in the wasteland sky. Sometimes they sink to more than ten meters in the air near the ground, as if they were escaping something.

Xu Jiu used the machine of the different adjustment bureau to locate a clear position. He planned to fly directly to his destination.

I didn't expect to see an interesting scene on the way.

About ten kilometers away from the Wushan gathering point, he noticed that several vehicles with the sign of Wushan gathering point were surrounding an open space, and more than a dozen people were operating machines and placing some things.

Through the identity of the different adjustment Bureau, I came close to ask, and then I knew that I was installing a signal base station.

In short, Wushan gathering point wants to change the "network disconnection" state in most areas of the wasteland, so some locations are specially planned to install these signal base stations that can radiate the surrounding range.

It is expected that the construction will be completed within half a month and then commissioned in half a month. The time when the real operation starts is uncertain.

"It seems that the Wushan gathering point has only received some information. I don't know the exact situation. It all depends on the arrangement of the static city."

With an estimate in mind, Xu Jiu didn't stay much. He continued to walk about 5km and saw a trade city in the distance.

Its high-rise unified ship shape is easy to recognize.

It just doesn't look like the mobile commerce city Xu Jiu has been to. At this time, a large number of equipment and instruments gather around it. At a glance, Xu Jiu finds that large-scale residential buildings are being built around the commerce city.

There are even special cement trucks watering roads.

So far, the information disclosed by Nasdaq has been verified. There are so many houses built around the trade city. You don't have to think about it. It is prepared for the settlement of homeless people scattered on the wasteland.

The population carrying capacity of the major gathering points is limited. Even in the process of expansion, it is still impossible to resettle tens of millions of people around the wasteland, not to mention the static city.

It is impossible for the government to allow the famine people to enter the static city.

The resources on the wasteland need people to collect. At this time, the buildings built outside the mobile city are estimated to gather the wasteland people who were not in the mobile city to supplement the manpower that may be reduced in the future.

After all, in the eyes of these people, being able to climb the mobile city is a dream worthy of struggle. If you know that you can settle around the Trade City, you will definitely form settlements around it at a very fast speed.

Near noon, Xu Jiu, who stopped several times along the way, finally came to the valley where the old man lived in seclusion.

The environment of this place is surprisingly good. Looking out of the valley, you can vaguely see that a river is passing through there, and there are considerable grassland around.

Without water and food, no wonder it can make people live in seclusion for a long time.

But then again, this kind of place should be the ideal settlement for the famine people. Why is there no one around?

Slow down the motorcycle and drive into the valley from a more prominent position.

Xu Jiu doesn't want to be regarded as an intruder. With his current strength, he doesn't need to do things secretly.

Soon Xu Jiu found a courtyard in the depression not far from the front. It was very simple in appearance. It looked even more "simple" than some buildings in the wasteland stronghold. It was completely built with soil and thatch.

However, looking at the external effect, it can not be called dilapidated. Homeowners should repair the house from time to time.

There is a wooden fence around the courtyard. You can vaguely see that there should be some vegetables planted inside, and some rabbits, birds and other things are locked in cages and stacked together.

"Anyone, I was introduced by Mr. Nasdaq, transaction intelligence!"

Xu Jiu decided to say hello first, causing unnecessary misunderstanding and driving closer at the same time.

Bang! Bang!

The sudden two shots were mixed with a few unclear shouts.

Xu Jiu stopped immediately.

"I repeat, Mr. NASDAQ gave me the address..."


Frowning, Xu Jiu's eyes fell on a mound a few meters away from him. The dust just fell when the bullet hit.

The other side didn't aim at himself. Shooting was more like a warning.

According to NASDAQ, it was the old man who proposed to trade the information he knew. Now he came and was warned, which is obviously inconsistent.

It is impossible to retreat. Xu Jiu has no time to stand in a stalemate with him here. He directly stops his motorcycle and comes to the periphery of the courtyard after several ups and downs.

However, as Xu Jiu approached the fence, the low roar from the house made him quickly realize that the situation was different from what he imagined. He glanced at the position where the gunshot had just come from and found the muzzle of the gun sticking out of the window.

I knew it was temporarily poked at a glance.

No longer hesitated, Xu Jiu raised his feet and approached the house. Only here did he reach out and put on the latch. There was an impatient voice inside,

"Get out, get out of the valley now!"

Nadak had said before that the old man's body was abnormal. Thinking of this, Xu Jiu knew that he should come at the right time.

Without the slightest intention of retreating, he opened the door directly.

Almost when the gate was opened and Xu Jiu's vision was cast into the house, a pair of red animal pupils opened in the shadow and roared out with two red lines.

For ordinary people, I'm afraid I'm going to be scared, but Xu Jiu is standing at the door at this time.

"At least I came here in a few hours. Can't you be friendly?"

Bending his fingers and knocking on the door frame beside him, the rotten wood immediately pulled out several branches and bound the old man who was on the verge of madness in front of Xu Jiu.

At this time, Xu Jiu chose to take two steps back to let the light that he had just stopped outside penetrate in and observe the situation carefully.

The old man with shoulder length gray hair has red eyes, burst green veins on his forehead, and his muscles show a strange swelling state. Some black cuticle grows on the outside of his left arm, but the cuff of his right arm is empty.

"This state is a little familiar..."

A light red mist appeared at the bottom of his eyes. Xu Jiu looked at the old man and suddenly raised his eyebrows.

Sure enough, in the latter's head, he found a silver gray energy.

He called back Shengfuling. Fuling, who was pulling the rabbit in the wooden cage outside, flew over and spit out the strange necklace. Xu Jiu took a step forward and put the necklace close to the old man's forehead.


Push the motorcycle to the flat ground under the cliff. Xu Jiu puts the necklace into his neck, carries a magic bullet gun in his hand, aims at a fruit tree at the top of the valley and pulls the trigger.

I saw a light blue streamer flying by and an immature fruit falling.

The blessing spirit squatting next to him rose up in the air and flapped the pair of small wings. The speed was not slow. It was easy to cut the fruit in mid air.

After a circle, he returned to Xu Jiu. He was about to put the fruit in his mouth. Xu Jiu pinched his small face and threw it back into his mouth to chew it.

Ow ~ Ow~

Fu Ling was crying and rolling in Xu Jiu's arms.

Compared with the state at the beginning of hatching.

Today's Fuling doesn't grow fast. Xu Jiu thought he didn't raise it well at first. Later, after feeding all kinds of rare treasures, she realized that this seemed to be the racial characteristic of Fuling.

It is still in its infancy. It is so big. When it enters the growth period, it is estimated that it will look like one day.

Of course, not having a long body does not mean that the strength of ability remains unchanged. Xu Jiu feeds all kinds of rare treasures. Today's Fu Ling's theory of extraordinary ability is no worse than that of ordinary apostles. In a period of time, it is estimated that he can break his wrist with GUI Zang's level in terms of lethality.


Behind him came the sound of the door opening. Xu Jiu turned back and said hello.

The old man who returned to normal wore a wide brimmed hat, a cowboy dress, a thick black leather coat and two bottles of wine in his hand.

The surface is covered with dirt. It is estimated that it has been buried in the ground for some time. The amber liquor contained in it is very eye-catching.

Xu Jiu blinked. He found that after the man returned to normal, his face was not as old as he thought.

The age should be about forty or fifty.

Although he broke his arm, he still has the fortitude tempered by risks.

It's not like a dying old man.

"Don't despise the treasures that have been buried for several years."

He handed a bottle to Xu Jiu and saw him take it. The man held out his hand and said crisp,

"Zhao Mingyi, thank you for your help just now. If you have anything to ask, tell me!"

"It seems that I came at the right time. Can I ask you how to infect the evil energy?"

Opening the bottle cap, the strong aroma of wine came to Xu Jiu's face. Xu Jiu was not hypocritical. He raised his neck and asked.

Xu Jiu actually doesn't drink much, but since it's someone else's good intention, he won't refuse.

"What is evil energy?"

Zhao Mingyi obviously hasn't heard of this.

Think about it, evil is the title given to those monsters by the secret society, which is not understood by the outside world.

"That's what got you into that state just now."

"The sub level special area, the moon without light, went with people more than ten years ago and finally escaped back. After that, there was a problem."

The old man moved the chair to the side, swung his right cuff and said in a muffled voice,

"This is also one of the costs of life."

"The remains of the crescent sect?"

The code of the special area where the remains of the moon coronation sect are located is the moon without light. It is said that the source is this special area. Even in sunny weather, there will be no moon at night, which is dark.

No one thinks the moon will disappear. They can only think that its light is blocked by something, which is the name of the moon without light.

"Yes... It seems that this is why you came."

He smiled calmly. Zhao Mingyi knew Xu Jiu's intention and immediately began to describe the situation at that time,

"At that time, when the wave of exploration in the special area was rising, countless exploration teams went to the special area. In order to fight for a birth, my former team was somewhat famous in the wasteland. I went to several secondary and high-level special areas successively. They were very successful. They made a lot of money, bought equipment, strengthened the team strength, cheered each other, and just wanted to do big tickets..."

He poured a mouthful of wine and Zhao Mingyi bit his teeth,

"Until now, I think that's the most fucking wrong decision in my life!"

"We got some clues to the ruins from a pioneer group, and spent money to organize a group of people to go with us... To put it bluntly, it's cannon fodder. Those guys want money but not life. They rely on them to explore the route. Finally, we found the ruins of the moon crown sect. We were the first team to find there!"

For most teams, there is only one way to explore sub-level specific areas, which can be filled with human lives.

Rely on the death of predecessors to gain experience and avoid those dangerous areas and creatures.

"What did you find?"

Xu Jiu turned sideways, his eyes shining with pure light.

"According to past experience, we went straight to the depths of the ruins and found a large number of remaining stone slabs and utensils. Finally, we found a coffin in the depths... No, the coffin I said was a huge box... Sorry, I can't describe it in too detail. It seems to be the altar of the crescent sect, and in the middle of the altar, we found a very strange style My cup. "

Recalling the situation at that time, Zhao Mingyi's state obviously had a problem. Xu Jiu handed over the strange Necklace again, touched his mobile phone, searched for a while, and finally fixed it on a photo.

"Yes, it's this cup, but when we found it, it contained half a cup of dark gold plasma!"

Seeing the "Holy Grail" photo taken by Xu Jiu, Zhao Mingyi became a little excited,

"It sounds strange, but this is the reality we encounter. The liquid in the cup has been stored in the ruins for many years and is still flowing, like... Something is lodged in it."

"And then?"

Xu Jiu then asked.

"Our team is professional. According to the rules, no one dares to touch the altar first, but first check the surrounding environment to prevent hidden organs. At first, everything went well. Not only did we not lose staff, but we also accidentally found a secret door, from which we found several stone slabs with some strange pictures engraved on them..."

The pioneers who dare to go deep into the sub level special area and find the relics are naturally elites. However, from the expression on Zhao Mingyi's face, Xu Jiu knows that things have turned from the moment they find the slate.

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