A sudden evacuation order.

It was not only takasaka Ling who was surprised. While she was full of thoughts on how to spread the information, the other members of the delegation cast confused eyes on goron.

Douglas was nearby. No one dared to ask directly.

Don't think about it. Goron made this decision at Douglas's instigation. Speaking casually may be regarded as questioning the other party's decision.

"According to the latest news, we have been targeted. The previous transaction with Xinmu group has been known by the officials of Wusu. They have begun to monitor us. However, due to our identity, we have not started yet. Even so, it is meaningless to continue to stay in Wushan gathering point, which will only increase the risk of exposure."

Goron didn't intend to sell off, and said bluntly,

"Remember the major who appeared in the secret service bureau a few days ago... He solved the evil in Xinmu group. His identity has been found out. He used to be a wasteland hunter, participated in the parasitic animal incident, and was also the main combat power to kill insects and animals!"

There is no airtight wall in the world.

The struggle between Jinghai city and Wusu city has already made both sides penetrate into each other.

The information about Xu Jiu itself is not so easy to hide. After all, whether it is Shiyuan city or Xinmu group from the jurisdiction, the movement after his action is really not small.

Regardless of others, the two things mentioned by goron are enough to prove the strength of the other party. When you think of what happened in the special Affairs Bureau before, the expressions of the people present were uncertain for a time.

Gaobanling in the entrance bit her teeth.

On the one hand, she was surprised at each other's strength, on the other hand, she was annoyed that Xu Jiu left Wushan gathering point at this time.

In any case, after realizing that the danger was close at hand, the delegation left the room quickly without nonsense.

"Your Excellency, there are 23 members of the Secret Service Bureau under control, including five captains. If she leaves at this time, Gao Banling's ability will gradually disappear, and so will Xinmu group."

When the door was closed again, goron's face was still not much relaxed, but got up and continued,

"I suggest that two people stay to monitor gaobanling and let her complete the reinforcement, which is also convenient for us to promote the follow-up plan."

Indeed, the effect of takasaka Ling's charm ability is very exaggerated. As long as the charm is successful, the target will make a decision in favor of the caster's will in everything, but I am unaware of it.

Frontal combat may not be effective, but it is a practical ability to do intelligence work.

The purpose of the delegation is to bury a large number of nails in Wushan gathering point in advance.

But this does not mean that as long as the charm is successful, she can control for a lifetime. Takasaka Ling's ability will also gradually fail over time.

Take the simplest example.

Just completed the goal of charm or psychological suggestion, she will unconditionally execute Gao Banling's orders in a short time.

If it has not been enhanced for a month, when the target is ordered again, the latter will begin to consider whether it is worth doing so, even if it will eventually tend to complete the order.

The rest, and so on.

Because of this, from the beginning, goron's plan was to leave Gao Banling in the Wushan gathering point until their plan was fully launched, but the latter knew nothing about it.

Moreover, although the transaction with Xinmu group had an accident in the middle, it was successful on the whole. They got the research data of parasites and are waiting to start the next plan.

Leaving at this time, not to mention the doubts of the members of the delegation, goron himself also had some incomprehension.

After several years of planning, we first stirred up the wind and rain in the wasteland, and then buried "foreshadowing" in the gathering point. It was not easy to get everything ready. Instead, we waited for an order to retreat instead of waiting for the east wind?

"The plan has changed, goron. Now is not the time to discuss the gathering point of Wushan. There are more important things we need to do... Saliba, give him the video sent by Miyi meeting."

Douglas didn't blame goron for the depression between his words. After all, he was the one who made the plan and vowed.

Although as Douglas, it doesn't matter if he doesn't explain anything, as he just said, he has always been tolerant of valuable people.

Hearing the speech, Saliba took out a palm sized handheld computer from his pocket and motioned goron to come near. The latter was in a good shape and his face was a little uneasy.

What department is Mi Yi? Goron knows very well.

If you have to find a similar organization in Wusu city, it is the secret society in Jinghai city!

Click on a video image on the screen. The content of the picture is not complex.

A large area of buildings collapsed into gravel in silence, and the pedestrians in the street had no bones in the blink of an eye

Looking at the scene like a special effects film, goron's hands trembled and his face turned white.

As a resident of Jinghai City, he naturally knows that the location of the accident in the video is a very famous commercial street, and his home is nearby!

"Jinghai city also appears..."

"Yes, it's evil, and it's not the only place. Damn it. I was laughing at the bad luck of Wusu city a few days ago. When I turned back, my house was crushed into such a ghost by evil, I found that the clown was actually me, shit, grass!"

Shariba, who hasn't spoken much since the beginning, still found a chance to vent, and dirty words kept coming out of his mouth,

"The lunatics of the Du Lai Mi Yi Association studied what was bad, and the result was that they were fucking tied with the ghosts in the ruins. Do you know that the vision of the crown level special area affected not only Wusu city, but also Jinghai city!"

You should know that Jinghai city borders the area controlled by Wusu city, which makes it natural that when there is a problem with the crown level specific area, it will not only target one.

When the secret society went wrong, the quiet one meeting in Jinghai city was even worse because it had never considered this situation!

The current situation is very clear. I planned to do something in Wusu city, but there was a fire in my backyard.

Rao is Jinghai city. When facing the problem of evil, his state is not much different from that of Wusu city. After all, no one has really faced this common sense and immeasurable existence in the past.

Knowing the real reason, goron stopped talking nonsense and resolutely got up to arrange the investigation mission.

It was not only them who got into trouble, but also takasaka Ling on the other side, who hurriedly contacted Vanessa because of goron's early departure notice.

"Yes, in an hour and a half, they will inform the official of the gathering point and then leave directly..."

With her back against the door, takasaka Ling pressed her voice and said in a hurry,

"Find a way to stop them, or I will be taken away by them!"

"Yes, I'll find a way at once."

Sitting in the car to the hotel where the delegation is located, Vanessa hung up the phone, looked at Duncan in the co pilot's position, and then said,

"The Jinghai delegation is leaving, just two hours later."


Duncan obviously didn't expect this to happen, turned and said,

"Why, in the past, there has never been an early departure of the investigation team. Besides, the person in their team... Who was abandoned by Mr. Xu is still lying on his stomach in the hospital. How can I go?"

"I don't know, but takasaka Ling's intelligence should not go wrong. Duncan, get off first, go to the empty boat yard at the gathering point, and try to find some trouble for them. Do you understand what I mean?"

"I see!"

Stop by the street and Duncan leaves quickly.

No matter how quickly the Beijing Haicheng delegation prepares, it will have to leave the gathering point by empty boat in the end.

It's a pity that the empty boat parking position of the investigation team is guarded by a specially assigned person. Since they want to leave, they must have made preparations long ago. If they rashly go in the past, they will only expose their purpose, otherwise Vanessa even wants to find someone to unload the fuel tanks of the two empty boats in Jinghai city!

They arrived at the hotel where the delegation stayed in jinghaicheng, and there was one hour left before they officially left.

Vanessa didn't receive Xu Jiu's call, which means that the latter hasn't left blade wind Canyon yet.

"Half an hour later, the Jinghai delegation will notify you in some name and ask you to leave early. I don't care what reason you use to delay them as much as possible... You can talk as they talk. There is only one thing. You must be slow. The slower the better."

Sitting in the restaurant across the street from the hotel, Vanessa, who ordered a few dishes at random, watched the hotel gate and contacted the officials of the gathering point,

"Yes, it's the order of the dissident Bureau, but keep them confidential."

"Lieutenant Colonel, major Duncan has just sent a message that the empty boat of the investigation team is difficult to start. He is communicating with the empty boat yard and asking them to cooperate. However, in order to prevent the people of the investigation team from seeing the clue, they may have to see the timing and need our reminder."

"As expected, did you contact the hotel attendant?"

I had long guessed that the delegation would send someone to watch the empty boat. Vanessa was also prepared and turned to ask the team member who had just put down her cell phone.

"We have contacted, the information of the guests is being revised, and our people have mixed in."

"Good. We'll start in half an hour."

Vanessa's goal is very clear. Before Xu Jiu returns, the Jinghai delegation will not want to leave alone!


After all, it is an exchange between the two super cities. If the Beijing Haicheng delegation wants to go, the proper reporting should always be in place.

Otherwise, it seems that their Jinghai city is impolite and doesn't understand the rules.

However, golon didn't expect that the government staff opposite him just talked with him for more than ten minutes about what could have been explained in a few words, and still haven't given a clear answer.

"I repeat, there is no need for a farewell party... I know you mean well, but we have important things to deal with... What, this is the previous rule, which is not easy to destroy... Whether we go or not depends on your approval?"

The more I talked, the more I felt nonsense. Goron, who was about to burst his mobile phone, finally couldn't bear it,

"This is not a request, this is a notice. We will leave in half an hour... Ten minutes and never see you again!"

After looking at the time, there are only more than 20 minutes left from the original departure time.

"Oh, OK, have a nice trip."

The final farewell from the official came from the microphone, which was understated, as if it was another person who had been arguing just now.

Goron clenched his teeth and took several deep breaths before pressing back the idea of drawing a knife into the government department.

"Captain, there's nothing to be angry about. You don't know how bad our relationship with the gathering point is. They want to disgust us again before we leave. It's normal."

The members of the delegation waiting nearby noticed goron's expression and shrugged their shoulders.

"Don't worry about the officialdom. Go to my room and know Lord glass. We're going to the airship yard."

After all, it was the leader of the investigation team. Goron soon calmed down his irritability and motioned the team members to ask Douglas for instructions.

But when he came to the porch and was ready to push the door out, there was a sudden gunshot outside.

As one in a hundred elites, the members of the investigation team who just came to the door almost subconsciously stopped and bowed to watch the cat's eyes on the door.

Before he could see anything, the broadcast outside had already sounded.

"Urgent notice, there are armed criminals entering the hotel. Please all tenants enter the hotel, lock the door and wait for the alarm to be lifted... Please rest assured that the doors of the hotel have been reinforced. As long as you don't open the door, you can ensure your safety."

Due to the proximity to the wasteland and the buildings inside the gathering point, without exception, safety will be put in the first place. There is no need to say more about the safety facilities of such high-end hotels.

"Captain, what now?"

"This... Wait, this is a high-end hotel in the gathering point. The police will arrive soon."

How could goron have thought that he would encounter such an emergency? If he went out at this time, if he ran into a criminal, even if they shot him decisively, he might have to be entangled by the official of the gathering point at that time.

Police inquiry and investigation, I'm afraid a night's time will be wasted. It's better to wait quietly in the room. Anyway, it's not bad for these dozens of minutes.

This choice can't be wrong, but it's under normal circumstances.

"Captain, the members of the delegation were not fooled and did not leave the room."

The team member said in a deep voice holding a handheld computer connected to the camera in the room corridor of the hotel delegation.

Naturally, they made the gunshots and criminals just now. As long as the members of the investigation team went out, they would immediately arrange people to go over and investigate them on the grounds of impeding public affairs.

"It's not urgent. They don't go out. We just don't go there. Let the hotel broadcast the alarm every ten minutes. We should inform the progress in real time, saying that we have surrounded the criminal's room and there may be a gunfight at any time."

Vanessa has let two subordinates into the hotel in advance and asked the senior management of the hotel to cooperate in the name of secret operation. Even if the investigation team detects anything wrong, they can change the identity of the two members of the different transfer bureau at any time,

"Remember, once the members of the investigation team appear, go in immediately to arrest the 'criminals' and then go to the investigation team in the name of sympathy."

In view of the possibility of cicada molting apostles in the investigation group, Vanessa clearly knows that she must not be forcibly stopped, but there are many ways to beat around the bush.

Facts have proved that Vanessa's plan is very easy to use. She shoots a few shots from time to time to exaggerate the atmosphere, and the rest depends on the hotel radio.

Time goes by minute by second.

Goron in the hotel room looked at the bright 11 o'clock on the digital clock and finally couldn't help it.

By this time, they had exceeded their scheduled time by an hour.

It's not like going into a hotel to catch a criminal. I didn't invite him to dinner for so long!

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