With Professor Horton and most of the people successfully evacuated.

Xu Jiu was able to free up his hand to deal with the illusion enveloping the whole high-rise platform at the moment.

Facts have proved that Xu Jiu's guess is accurate.

Faced with the fact that three evil spirits have been sealed, the remaining two obviously come together to start the celebration of the completion of the Ming Temple.

Xu Jiu was almost sure that the evil spirit that appeared at this time came to attract fire, and the other evil spirit was likely to lurk around, looking for the right time to start.

However, knowing the return, at the same time, the pressure on the two evil spirits is here. Rao is Xu Jiu's heart.

Now all he can do is hold up the Dharma array and expect Zheng Yi and others to solve the dog and beast first. Even if it can't be sealed, he should force it to leave the celebration temporarily to relieve the pressure here.

Xu Shi suffered enough from the confrontation in the awakening ceremony.

Now, once again, the evil spirit who is good at creating illusion doesn't intend to confront Xu Jiu head-on. In the face of Xu Jiu's ridicule, it just hides in the dark and tries its best to interfere with the operation of the top-level platform.

Fortunately, Xu Jiu was also blessed by the French array. For a time, the two sides also entered a seesaw battle.

Therefore, sitting around the Dharma array, the mystics responsible for detecting the operation of the Dharma array found that everything around them had fallen into irregular and disorderly changes.

Just talking about the columns standing all over the platform and carved with gods on the top, in just a few minutes, there was serious weathering and erosion, and the gods on the top suddenly jumped up and turned into a ferocious ghost and jumped at the people present.

Before they could react, the column returned to its original shape, and the gods on it also released soft warm light.

The platform ground is changed into a worm - like fungus blanket, and sometimes grows green leaves and butterflies * dancing.

The surrounding environment is switching back and forth between the hell full of ghosts and ghosts and the singing and dancing Grand Theater, which dazzles people!

Since the dog and beast refused to face off and just wanted to quickly the psychological defense of the people present by creating a fantasy, Xu Jiu was also happy to fight the former at the level of fantasy.

With Magic Shapes and round beads, Xu Jiu has enough confidence to play with each other until Zheng Yi starts.

But many things often run counter to what people expect.

The fantasy confrontation lasted only about 10 minutes. Xu Jiu detected a new evil energy reaction around the Ming Temple through the detection array.

At this time, the celebration of the completion of the Ming Temple is about to enter the climax stage.

The "whole life" method of the three sects is constantly improving. In order to push the reputation of the sects to a higher level with the help of this celebration, all kinds of flower activities emerge one after another.

In contrast, the believers' enthusiasm is constantly stimulated in this deliberately created atmosphere.

It must be admitted that when a large number of people begin to take the same action, the herd effect brought by the crowd is extremely exaggerated.

The fine weather in spring makes people's mood difficult to sink. Now there is this illusory beauty and the natural fanatical atmosphere of religion. Many people completely sink in and forget the depression and irritability accumulated in daily life.

This scene is expected by all major sects.

But what they don't know is that the two evil spirits are also very looking forward to the appearance of this scene.

While everyone is paying attention to this upsurge, there are few discordant scenes in the picture taken by the floating camera of news TV.

Dozens of people in religious costumes are forced through the crowded crowd and approaching the three squares around the temple of God.

When they reached a specific location, they were divided into three groups and went to a square respectively.

They pushed away the believers in front of them with extraordinary strength. They didn't care about the grand scene of rising in the distance. When the pushed believers looked back angrily, where were their voices and shadows in the crowd.

Before long, these people forced their way into the most densely populated and devout group of believers in the inner circle of the square.

Just because ordinary believers don't notice these people in this noisy environment doesn't mean that others will ignore them.

Don't forget, not only the dissident Bureau but also the secret society are present today.

For the gathering of more than 100000 people inside and outside the square, in order to maintain the on-site order, the general guard office dispatched a large number of troops, and paid special attention to the monitoring of the crowd because it had received notice in advance.

The police of the general guard office immediately dispatched to prepare for interception when abnormal personnel were found.

A group of three police officers disguised as believers infiltrated the square and quickly approached their respective targets.

The left and right were responsible for opening the way, and the policeman in the middle took out a small anesthetic gun from the satchel hidden under the robe.

It is obviously impossible to shoot directly in densely populated places. If it really wants to cause a large-scale panic, the general guard office can not bear the responsibility and can only choose to suppress the impact to a minimum.

"Group C has reached the expected position, please indicate."

Focus on the target not far ahead, and its silent state is particularly conspicuous in the cheering crowd, so it doesn't need to be identified at all.

"Do it!"

A command came from the headset, and the captain in the middle immediately made an action gesture.

Two strong members raised their left hand, which is exactly a mechanical watch on their wrist. After simple operation, they immediately spread a virtual image barrier around their body, squeezed away the surrounding believers, and opened their arms as much as possible to forcibly create a passage convenient for action. The captain stepped forward with a vigorous step, first stretched out his left arm to clamp the neck of the target, The anaesthetic gun then plunged in.

Strong anesthetic injection, the target didn't even have a chance to speak, so he fell back directly.

The action went unexpectedly well.

"Report, sir. Successfully subdue the target."

After reporting to the superior for the first time, the three immediately prepared to drag the person out, but when the captain turned the target, the action suddenly stopped, and the expression was even more incredible.

In his arms, he was an ordinary old man who looked 60 or 70 years old, and his muscles shrank because of long-term malnutrition.

Can such people really push away the crowd like Hercules?

"Is it possible to find the wrong target?"

"There is nothing wrong with the picture taken before. Don't be confused by his surface. First transfer the people out."

In the eyes of the electronic, the picture of the person in front of the action is adjusted, and then the leader is no longer hesitant.

It's not that he has never seen a criminal who is good at disguise.

However, just as he got up to drag the man away, he tried his arm several times and still didn't pull the man up, causing the two team members who were opening up the channel to turn around and check.

"What's the matter with this guy? He shouldn't be so heavy... Hey, see if there's something under his feet?"

The captain asked himself that no matter how weak he was, he wouldn't be able to carry an old man of 60 or 70. He shook left and right twice. It was obviously light. In his opinion, there must be something stuck under him.

The player next to him immediately leaned over with a knife and looked strangely to lift an old man's robe. When he saw something on his feet, his pupils suddenly contracted again.

"Captain, he, he... His feet are full of tentacles connected to the ground... What the fuck is this?"

Looking at dozens of dark brown tentacles drilled out of the old man's shoes and stuck into the ground, the team members only felt that their scalp was numb.

When the other two saw his panic, they were saying something they didn't understand at all. For a moment, they couldn't touch their heads. The captain could only signal the remaining man to bend down and help again. The latter didn't hesitate, took out the short knife at his waist and leaned over.

So no accident was frightened.

However, at least they are the elite of the general security department. In the face of this emergency, they are not slow. They stretch out the knife and try to cut off these tentacles. Just before they start, they seem to be aware of the danger, and these tentacles get restless first.

The tentacles that were still sticking under the stone slab split out several at once. For example, a sharp arrow went straight to the face door of the two stooping people. They are not apostles. Although they have received professional training, they have never seen such a scene.

For a time, their faces were attacked. Without saying anything, the tentacles kept stirring the flesh and blood. Soon, more tentacle branches appeared under the skin.

The captain who was holding the old man had never thought of such an emergency. He raised his foot and was going to kick the team members, hoping to help them get rid of the attack of tentacles.

But the foot just stretched out, and the "Kara ~" sound in front of him made him stiff.

Looking back at the past with a pale face, the back of the old man's head was suddenly cracked, and dozens of tentacles came to his face!

From the attack to the counter attack, it was only a minute before and after that, the members sent by the general guard office had become the food for evil. The tentacles that attacked and killed the three people not only did not return, but directly used their flesh and blood as fertilizer and multiplied wildly.

At the same time, the old people after the outbreak also did not return to the original

No, he was no longer the same. Under his thin skin and flesh, there was a strange head. After being supplemented with energy, it began to grow madly, and soon the whole person expanded like blowing air.

But in the next second, it was pressed back to its original position, and those spreading tentacles withered.

Strong spiritual power came here, directly crushed these tentacles, and forced the ghosts to hide in the human body again. They didn't dare to take any rash action.

Yes, it's not dead.

These guys used human bodies as vehicles and survived by force!

The source of this spiritual power is naturally Xu Jiu on the top platform of the Ming Temple. At this time, he was "fighting the fire" in three squares. He noticed these strange special means and his face sank completely.

It's just that the two evil forces work together. Now it seems that the plan has been planned for a long time, and they have also begun to play a conspiracy?

You know, no matter how strong Xu Jiu's mental power is, he can't ignite the strange things across hundreds of meters. The magic bullet gun may be able to do this, but the problem is that he can't leave the FA array at all now. The continuous attacks of dogs and animals make him have to stay here.

Otherwise, before he solves the problem of the square, the mystics here will collapse first, and the Dharma array will be scrapped at that time.

Not to mention that for the safety of Fuling, Xu Jiu asked it to leave with Jingshu in advance,

The Dharma array originally used to defend against evil has now become Xu Jiu's bondage!

However, the situation is not flat at present, and there is still a chance to recover. Raise your hand and press the headset to connect the channel of the secret society,

"There are a lot of monsters in the square. I can suppress them, mark them for you, and send someone to pull them out immediately... At all costs!"

Do not want to know that these monsters are the pioneers of brain hunters. If they are allowed to continue to exist, they are not sure what moths to produce. Therefore, Xu Jiu's attitude is extremely tough.

At this time, Horton, who had retreated to the interior of the temple of God, also received an emergency notification from the general guard office.

Without exception, the police force sent out lost contact. The senior level of the general guard office immediately thought of the previous reminder of the secret society and now can only call for assistance.

Strange appearance is undoubtedly a "super outline" problem for them.

"We have suppressed these monsters and immediately sent more people to arrest... All the people with fireworks on their heads as soon as possible. Their bodies may have some abnormal changes, but they will no longer be threatening in a short time... Be fast, don't you understand, be fast!"

Staring at the celebration picture on the big screen on one side of the room, Horton clenched his teeth and kept increasing his tone,

"If we can't stop them this time, we will all be sinners in Wusu city!"

There was no doubt about the weight of saying these words as a senior member of the secret society. There was no objection from the general guard hall. Horton could hear the roar of the death order from the other side through his mobile phone.

Horton didn't listen any more. After hanging up, he wandered around the room twice and looked at max next to him,

"I always feel that something is wrong. This time, there are two evils at the same time, a celebration of more than 100000 people... Help me contact the high-level Council, and I want to apply for assistance... Help me ask about the adult's current physical condition. Xu Jiu alone is not enough. We need more powerful help."

"I see!"

Max, who had discussed some alternative plans within the secret society, naturally knew who Horton meant by stronger combat power, and immediately nodded and walked outside the door.

"Professor, general Zheng's communication, they are approaching the source of evil energy."

John stepped forward and said in a deep voice. Horton hurriedly took over the headset and adjusted the communication channel. As soon as he was connected, Zheng Yi's inquiry came from inside,

"How's your situation?"

"The situation is very bad. At present, it can be determined that the two evil spirits work together. There are a lot of strange things in the square... General Zheng, please stop the evil spirit and buy time for us."

It takes time to remove the weirdness in the square. At present, Horton can only expect Zheng Yi to lead the team to stop an evil spirit.

"Hold on, we're getting closer to the target."

In the empty boat cabin, Zheng Yi hung up her communication and looked at the two people sitting opposite. She didn't avoid anything. She took off her upper clothes directly, showing all kinds of complicated seal arrays painted all over her body.

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