Facts have proved that it is undoubtedly a wrong decision to speculate on the evil plan with common sense.

Through the previous investigation, the secret society determined that these evils were alone and would not have any contact with each other. As a result, Xu Jiu found that the remaining two evils were in collusion at the beginning of the plan.

The secret society also believes that brain hunters will continue to repeat the previous attacks on the holy dome Cathedral, secretly accumulate strength, and hope to seal them separately by means of evil energy tracking.

Unexpectedly, he fell into the trap of evil and sent Zheng Yi and others out, so that the strange things on the scene were not handled at the first time.

Repeated mistakes in decision-making have resulted in this passive situation.

At the same time, evil spirits from both ends rush to the temple of the gods, but Xu Jiu is the only one who sticks to this place.

Finally, the two unsealed evildoers seem to have very similar abilities to some extent.

Brain hunters control and use human thinking, dogs and animals can easily create a spiritual fantasy.

Now, together, the illusion effect produced is much more powerful than those three-dimensional projections of the three sects.

So that only a few minutes before and after, Xu Jiu had completely failed with the defense plan of the FA array.

It's not that Xu Jiu was afraid of the means of evil and gave up resistance, but that he found that the Dharma array could not stop evil at all. To be exact, it could not stop evil from teasing the souls of tens of thousands of people through fantasy!

You know, there are tens of thousands of believers gathered in the square outside the temple of God. When they enter a state of fanaticism because of their faith, the ensuing spiritual fluctuations can not be forced down by Xu Jiu and more than a dozen mystics.

What brain hunters are doing is to guide these spiritual energy that would not have any impact on the reality into its layout. On the use of spiritual energy alone, Xu Jiu can't compete with this evil spirit at all.

After all, Xu Jiu is still human, and his soul can't compete with these monsters that haven't died after a long time.

In fact, as a person on the front line of fighting evil, Xu Jiu inevitably became the focus of the former.

Although the existence of the round bead and the crystal of sage has not been eroded by the evil energy, Xu Jiu still falls into the illusion created by the evil in the sky of the whole temple of the gods.

Without Xu Jiu's suppression, the strange things that had shrunk into a mass in the square grew wantonly.

It seems that the brain with self-consciousness controls the tentacles, plunges into the bodies of the surrounding believers, grabs flesh and blood, and expands wildly. More tentacles drill out of the back of the crowd like a network.

Strangely, even without the illusion specially arranged by Xu Jiu, this terrible scene still did not attract the attention of the surrounding believers, and even a small-scale panic did not appear.

The spirits of tens of thousands of people have long fallen into the vortex of terror created by evil and are no longer under their own control.

In a trance.

The shrill barking of dogs rang out over the square.

Next second.

The sun, which had been obscured by the presence of clouds, became blurred.

After a while, it turned into brown and yellow, which only appeared at the junction of dusk and night. The light and dark blended, followed by a large group of distorted light and shadow gradually became clear.

Those magnificent buildings that were supposed to be holy but now seem to be covered with a strange scene are beginning to emerge.

Real fantasy.

It has come inside and outside the temple of the gods.

The believers of the holy monotheism chanted miracles coming from heaven, holy light coming to the world, and fanatical prayers kept going all the time.

The angel with wings on his back came and played the horn made of gold. Just hovering in the sky, hundreds of translucent souls with a circular halo on their heads ascended to the sky, and the follow-up was endless.

Vatican believers sang and danced, took off their robes, painted their faces and bodies with colored pigments, and knelt down on the ground.

The giant white elephant fell among the crowd, and a large number of souls scrambled to climb on it, eager to go to the kingdom of God.

The pilgrims of Tiandao sect cross legged and meditated one after another, trying to carry out the induction between heaven and man. They were quiet like statues.

Until a group of colorful auspicious clouds fell, without any unnecessary publicity, the Pilgrims' souls went out of their bodies and rode on the auspicious clouds to the sky.


In the void.

A very broad ancient and simple long street emerged, and in the middle of the long street, Xu Jiu's body slowly emerged.

The confrontation with evil energy made him enter the illusion created by dogs and animals again.

Just like the situation in the previous awakening ceremony, this time's fantasy is more real!

At both ends of the street are deep darkness. There are faint broken notes, like someone singing something. No matter how hard Xu Jiu tries, it is still difficult to see what is hidden in the darkness.

Xu Jiu's eyes turned to both sides of the street.

On the left side of the street are a series of Brahman temple buildings. The outer edge of each floor of its iconic high-rise tower is decorated with brightly colored shrines, and a large number of statues stand higher.

The architectural community on the right looks more familiar. Each is a magnificent cathedral. Its scale looks more magnificent than the most famous holy dome Cathedral in Wusu city.

Not only that, Xu Jiucai went out for a few steps and saw a large number of translucent human shapes on both sides of the originally empty street. You don't have to think and know that these are the souls of believers forcibly brought into the dreamland by evil.

Obviously, they have completely fallen into madness. Even when they come to this fantasy territory, they still maintain their original actions in the square.

What exactly does the evil spirit want to do?

Looking at the increasingly strange scenes around, Xu Jiu couldn't help but raise this question in his mind.

It's reasonable to say that these people have been absorbed into the fantasy world. It's not easy for evil spirits to devour their souls as before. Why bother to create such a strange long street?

His sight wanders among the surrounding buildings. Xu Jiu tries to find out where the evil may exist.

He knew that today's Temple Square was probably ugly. In the face of evil deeds, ordinary people had no ability to resist. This was a long drawn conclusion.

Because of this, Xu Jiu didn't use the crystal of sage to force him to break free from the bondage of fantasy.

Rather than fighting two evil spirits in a square full of believers, he hopes to fight them in the dreamland as much as possible.

Even if it is impossible to seal the scene, you can also try to expel them in the environment, just like fighting dogs and animals in the awakening ceremony, so as to reduce mass casualties.

However, as the crowd on both sides of the street became more and more dense, Rao Shixu Jiu faintly gave birth to some uneasy emotions.

Intuition told him that in the deep darkness of the street port ahead, some terrorist beings were being bred.

Can't wait any longer!

The pace kept speeding up, the dark cyan airflow shook, and Xu Jiu's body shot out.

Because the will appears in the dreamland, the newly created tracing light obviously can not be used here. Therefore, in the process of moving forward, Xu Jiu waved his right hand outward, and the blade solidified by the dark blue flame appeared in the palm of his hand.

Three basketball sized fireballs emerged in front of the body at the same time without stopping. They shot into the dark area at one end of the street, trying to illuminate the hidden things.

However, at the moment when the fireball was close to the darkness, a palm wearing a Golden Arm Armor stretched out first and directly extinguished the fireball.

While the flame dissipated, the other party's Noumenon finally appeared.

Xu Jiu's footsteps suddenly stagnated, pursed his lips, looked surprised on his face, and murmured in a low voice,

"Saint... Saint fighter?"

The golden armor covering the whole body, the same "gold-plated" wings behind it, and its tall body shape are highly coincident with the impression of some roles in Xu Jiu's mind.

Without waiting for Xu Jiu to recover from the powerful guy in front of him, the loud song suddenly sounded in front of him.

The dark sky overhead was suddenly bright, and the dazzling light shone on the street.

Dozens of little angels with musical instruments appeared out of thin air and sang the hymn of the first religion that Xu Jiu had just heard.

The darkness disappeared without a trace. More than a dozen similar "Saint fighters" or angels walked at the front of the team with spears, looking like a guard or honor guard.

Behind them, several pure white heavenly horses emerged from the halo. Behind them, there was a gorgeous chariot. There was also a soldier standing on it, but the status of the costume should be higher than that of the angel just appeared.

Xu Jiu only felt strange at first. This is a sinister fantasy. It's incredible that this kind of existence only exists in the myth of the holy first religion.

But soon Xu Jiu realized the problem.

When these angels appeared on the long street, a large number of light spots suddenly appeared on the believers praying in front of the cathedrals on the right, gathering towards them.

After absorbing these light spots, the body of the angels who originally looked unreal became solidified at the speed visible to the naked eye, while the souls of believers were fading at the same speed, with a faint trend of disappearing.

Subconsciously frowning, Xu Jiu turned to open the spiritual vision.

When the vision was occupied by the light red light, everything in front of me turned into a completely different disgusting appearance.

These angels who looked at the incomparably holy, in the spiritual state, were a group of human monsters whose brains were exposed and their bodies were bloated. Their exquisite armor became broken sarcomas and abscesses. The spears in their hands turned into long and narrow limbs and curled and swung on the ground.

Xu Jiu was even more surprised that behind these "angels" without exception, there was a dark brown "pipe", in which the light spots contributed by believers flowed and gathered in the area still covered by darkness.

i see!

Xu Jiu suddenly realized the reason why brain hunters did so much.

No wonder the targets of this guy's attack are all shrines or churches of major sects, and he always chooses believers to come as gods during the ceremony.

It is not that it does not want to directly devour the souls of these people, but wants to restore its strength. What it needs is the soul fragments actively contributed by these people because of their fanatical beliefs!

In the gap of thinking, these angels have come not far in front of Xu Jiu.

Different from the souls of believers on both sides of the street, standing alone in the middle of the street, holding a long flame knife, Xu Jiu, who is still wearing combat clothes, seems out of tune with the surrounding environment, and he has no idea of integrating into it at all.

Xu Jiu looks at these strange things in front of her, and they are obviously not surprised by Xu Jiu's existence.

Only ten meters away, the angel standing on the chariot first raised the gold spear in his hand, immediately pointed to Xu Jiu and shouted,

"Heresy will be judged!"

The voice fell.

The surrounding angels took off, took the same posture and shouted slogans such as "kill heretics". The music played by those little angels was also suddenly excited.

Before Xu Jiu could react, he found that his figure had changed. Not only did the whole person begin to rise, but his clothes turned into dark red scales, and dark red flames were spitting out of his mouth,

Raise your arms, there is hot lava flowing in the gap between the scales, and several sections of scale blades grow on the outer edge of your arms. I don't know when your hands have become two ferocious claws.

How to more quickly inspire believers' reverence for the sect?

Nature is to set up an enemy and defeat it.

The foundation of the holy one religion was the "flood" thousands of years ago. The first Pope defeated the flood in the ark, which saved all sentient beings. Now that the devil is present, the angels of the holy one religion naturally have to fight against it.

There is no accident that what believers who have been controlled by evil can see is completely affected by the former.

Therefore, when seeing Xu Jiu's heresy swaggering in the kingdom of God, it can be called public anger. Thousands of people pointed to Xu Jiu and prayed that the Angels would quickly eliminate him on the spot.

The holy angel warrior naturally responds to the prayers of believers and immediately swoops down to Xu Jiu, who is looking at his latest body at the moment.

Xu Jiu could sense the evil energy around him, and also a trace of familiar breath. He didn't need to think about the change of his own form. He knew that the dog and beast was interfering.

Yuanzhu responded at the first time, but Xu Jiu pressed back the energy after a short thought and allowed the evil to change his image.

Looking at the angels from all directions, Xu Jiu bowed and suddenly disappeared in situ.

When he reappeared, he had come to the angel in front of the heavy load. His right claw grabbed his throat, and the other claw directly pressed his head, twisted it violently, and his neck broke!

Intensify efforts to pull out the whole head and spine. The bloody scene makes people can't bear to look directly at it and throw away the body. Xu Jiu's eyes turn to the people who fall into silence due to sudden changes on the street.

Xu Jiu suddenly opened the ferocious mouth with staggered fangs and sent out a harsh scream.


In order to gain faith, evil will not let these people completely collapse, but retain a certain thinking ability for them, and this is the opportunity in front of Xu Jiu.

Evil wants to inspire these people's enthusiasm by setting up enemies. Xu Jiu wants to see if those believers will believe in these gods after he runs them over!

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