The retreat was blocked by a column of light falling from the starry sky.

Everything in the field of vision was submerged by the gray light beam.

The malice of the brain Hunter enveloped Xu Jiu, and the dead energy peeped into his body. The barrier formed by the energy in the crystal of sage blocked the first wave of impact, but it was also shaky due to the massive consumption of energy.

In order to break the illusion, the sequelae of allowing the ball to devour dogs and animals came much faster than Xu Jiu thought.

I thought that consuming these evil energy could save part of the situation, but I didn't know that it was because he mobilized too much energy that didn't belong to him, which made the integration progress of the ball and the body more and more in-depth.

Intending to stop the brain hunter's attack, Xu Jiu had to rely on Yuanzhu again.

He can feel the urgency of the ball!

Xu Jiu didn't want to become a stone carving, or even become one of his servants among the giant stone pillars made by brain hunters.

Similarly, the bead that has just been completed and ready to "do it again" to some extent does not want to become the possession of the brain hunter.

The evil spirit of the complete body can't be resisted by the ball!

Both have found the same goal.

So we hit it off!

The crimson mist poured into Xu Jiu's body. The scene in front of him was like entering the bullet time, sensing the infinite acceleration.

Bones and flesh, meridians and even blood flowing in them.

Everything is so clear at the moment.

Even if it is only Xu Jiu's Soul here, his body is still at a glance under the dark red fog

Ah, there are still special areas.

The purple hexagonal crystal in the brain and the diamond crystal of sage in the chest are shrouded in their respective light.

Xu Jiu's body began to become transparent. When he could vaguely see the image behind him through his arms, the beads in his abdomen began to tentatively release dark red streamers and toss upward.

As a result, he was blocked back by the energy overflowing from the crystal of sage as soon as he arrived near his chest.

Another failure.

There was no longer the slightest delusion. The dark red streamer scattered all over Xu Jiu's body in the blink of an eye to complete the final change.

The visual field returned to normal, and the second wave of shock had come.

Feeling the feedback from all over her body, Xu Jiu suddenly opened her arms and took back the defense barrier made by the crystal of sage.

In an instant.

Hundreds of petrified light beams ran through Xu Jiu's body, and the tentacles that had been surrounded from all directions completed the final encirclement, completely limiting him to his brain.

The brain hunter put down his high arms and spit out a short and sharp hiss from his wide mouth, which can vaguely hear some joy.

The next second, it stops suddenly.

Because the man in the center of the beam was still standing at his leisure without moving even one step, but even so, others looked at him and still felt like looking at him through a layer of fuzzy glass.

It seems that the two sides do not get along in the same world

Different space transition!

This is the real ability of Yuanzhu as a prokaryotic that dogs and animals attach great importance to!

When Xu Jiu saw that the Teng Zhao overlord could appear in a spiritual state in the four seasons special area, he was very interested in its ability and wanted to obtain it. Unfortunately, he later found that this ability came from a special artifact in the Teng Zhao overlord's brain.

Until now, Xu Jiu didn't realize why the people who built the temple installed this ability to Teng Zhao overlord.

The ball itself exists in a different space to protect itself from the outside world.

Correspondingly, since you want to provide energy for it, the fujiuma overlord naturally has the ability to enter different space!

As a human being, Xu Jiu obviously felt the exclusion from all directions after entering the different space. He could barely stabilize his body by relying on the evil energy.

Even so, this state is still unsustainable.

However, for Xu Jiu, the distance between him and the brain hunter is close enough at this time, and he no longer needs any extra help.

Let the other party bombard this pass. It's his turn to play!

The keel spine is activated again, and the pale bone armor covers Xu Jiu in just a few seconds. According to the past habit, Xu Jiu will attach the blue flame to it, making the whole armor have terrible lethality.

However, this time, neither the fiery flame representing the flame fist nor the tremor ripple symbolizing the regret mountain.

Some of them are just the diffuse crimson fog, which makes the whole bone armor less ferocious and thick, but more unreal and mysterious.

Xu Jiu bowed up, his face armor dropped, and his right eye showed the unique Dharma array of Fu Ling.

Body shape dissipated in place.

Only dark red light and shadow are left.


The top platform of the temple.

It was evening, the weather deteriorated, and lead gray clouds shrouded the sky.

The intermittent rain soon became a sheet, and the rain fell.

Professor Horton sat on the ground and looked at the kingdom of God in the abyss above his head. His hair, if not neat, was scattered on both sides and his eyes were full of frustration.

Seeing the collapse of the dreamland and the awakening of the believers in the long street, he thought things had turned for the better, but the subsequent brain Hunter itself made the situation turn sharply downward.

Evil has collected enough souls to complete the initial recovery!

Although I don't want to admit it, the moment this idea appears, it is still inevitable to produce pessimism.

The secret society's research on evil deeds continues to this day, and no one knows more about the damage they can cause after their recovery.

Professor Horton tried to find Xu Jiu's figure, but after the collapse of the dreamland, the kingdom of God was covered with a layer of darkness under the control of brain hunters. People outside couldn't see the situation inside at all, and could only barely see some surging lights and shadows.

"... inform the general security office, the Bureau of dissidence... And the high-level Council to immediately withdraw the people from the block where the temple of God is located, and set up a restricted area within two kilometers to prepare for the mobilization of weapons of mass destruction!"

In the end, Professor Horton was the main person in charge of the sinister incident of the secret society. He pressed his uneasiness and arranged actions for the next possible situation, just to minimize the loss.

"Professor, look at the strange in the square!"

Members of the secret society at the edge of the platform exclaimed. Professor Horton thought that they had changed under the control of evil, so he quickly got up and rushed to check.

Unexpectedly, when he ran to the platform, he saw the brain rattan tree that began to wither.

The meridians that originally connected the believers' brains were broken and retracted, and the strange trunk more than ten meters high was like being burned by a big fire. It turned dark brown and shriveled quickly, and finally turned into those curled up disgusting brains.

They lost their source of energy.

Professor Horton suddenly raised his head as if he had noticed something.

The dark god's country suddenly lit up a dazzling red awn, like a meteor across the night sky, tearing the uncomfortable dark space to pieces.

At first it was just a few words, and soon the whole kingdom of God was occupied by this light.

Some other colors appear from time to time.

In any case, these colorful lights are shining and noisy, making people feel safe from the bottom of their heart.

Yes, in the deepest darkness, even a ray of light can make people pursue and trust.

All of a sudden, the crisp sound of glass falling to the ground sounded in everyone's ears, mixed with a harsh roar... Wail!

The kingdom of God, which was out of breath for everyone not long ago, suddenly began to expand against common sense.

Horton could feel that it was not because the evil energy was increasing. In fact, on the contrary, the decline of brain hunters made the originally highly condensed evil energy begin to spread.

What happens next?

"No, come on, get out of here... No, we have to protect them and set up an energy barrier on the platform!"

Hastily giving orders, Professor Horton had guessed what would happen next.

The out of control evil energy will completely collapse after the brain hunter is defeated, and then an inevitable energy storm will appear over the temple of the gods.

At other times, Professor Horton would not hesitate to evacuate, even if the newly completed temple was destroyed into ruins, but Xu Jiu and others sitting in the center of the Dharma array and a group of secretaries of the secret society made him dare not evacuate at all.

The members of the secret society did not have Professor Horton's keen intuition, but they did not discount the execution of orders. They soon moved a large number of equipment transported by the general guard office in advance to build a defensive position.

However, with the increasing speed of the collapse of the kingdom of God, the situation over the temple of God became worse and worse.

Originally, it was only a moderate rain. Under the guidance of restless energy turbulence, a small-scale waterspout was formed, blowing tens of thousands of people in the square outside the temple of God.

"We can't go on like this. We have to arrange people to stop the energy storm. We need more support..."

"Professor Horton, Mr. Jinghu is here!"

Max, who had been sent by Horton to call the big man, ran out of the aisle on the side of the platform.

With his reminder, the situation over the platform suddenly changed!

Not only did the raging wind and rain suddenly calm down, but also merged into two huge palms in a very short time, wrapped the kingdom of God where the brain hunter was located in the opposite direction, and lifted it up to the sky.


The roar burst out.

The lead gray rain cloud suddenly dispersed under the influence of the shock wave.

Created a vacuum over the area where the God Temple is located!

After that, everything returned to normal.

Rain clouds gathered again, and the evil Kingdom disappeared.

"We did it... We did it!"

The old professor Horton could not suppress his excitement, waved his arms, jumped and shouted.

At first, the members of the nearby secret society were at a loss. When they recovered, they hurried to pick up the strange things that had been stored nearby and prepare for the next sealing work.

Everyone is busy with their own affairs.

The center of the array.

Xu Jiu opened his eyes and suddenly blurred his body in the rain.

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