At noon.

Xu Jiu returned to Wushan gathering point from the wasteland.

Instead of rushing to find someone, I took a bath at home.

Wash the bloody gas from the special area, and then put on your clothes to meet Zheng Yi and Qianfan machinery.

Of course, when Xu Jiu said he was going to see these two groups of people, he would arrange them together.

The relationship between the Bureau and such consortium forces is not harmonious at all. Who can stand that there are several areas in their jurisdiction that are completely out of control and make some moths from time to time?

Zheng Yi's previous attitude towards Xinmu group's jurisdiction is the best proof.

In comparison, Zheng Yi's business is obviously more important. I'm afraid the meeting time after the meeting will not be short. Therefore, Xu Jiu first contacted Vanessa and told Zheng Yi to wait in the branch of the foreign exchange bureau in Wushan gathering point.

Then contact the people of Qianfan machinery to confirm that their location is in a repair shop on the 12th floor of the gathering point.

Although he doesn't like the consortium that controls Wusu city such as Qianfan machinery, Xu Jiu has to admit that when this top consortium really wants to use resources to complete one thing, its efficiency is beyond doubt.

In just a week, the source energy vehicle was manufactured. Rao Shixu Jiu was a little surprised. If Hobbes hadn't patted his chest and promised, he even suspected that Qianfan machinery was deliberately perfunctory to him.

Driving the dust motorcycle to the door of the repair shop, the designer of Qianfan machinery and the manager here had been waiting at the door for a long time.

Seeing Xu Jiu approaching, without saying a word, he opened his legs to meet him. With a humble attitude, Xu Jiu thought he had entered the custom store for a time.

On second thought, Xu Jiu quickly realized that it should be the Ming Temple.

Indeed, as a member of the high-level Council, Qianfan machinery is naturally not on the list of blocked information. It just needs to find someone to inquire about it and get Xu Jiu's information.

It's not surprising that the "fierce people" who can resist two evils alone want to make friends and even win the favor of Xu Jiu.

This is also the main reason why Xu Jiu's source energy vehicle was completed in one week!

Xu Jiu doesn't care about this kind of straight ball solicitation. Anyway, he will leave Wusu city for some time. What about white whoring? Can they send someone to chase him for these concessions?

"Is the vehicle I want ready?"

Parked the motorcycle on the roadside, Xu Jiu looked at the designer of the handheld tablet computer and asked.

"Of course, I believe Qianfan group will surprise you!"

For his works, the designer seems to have full confidence in guiding Xu Jiu to the garage next to him. They have stored things in it in advance.

The iron door of the warehouse moved up, the internal lights were turned on one by one, and the cold beam reflected on the vehicle in the center of the warehouse. Xu Jiu's line of sight was attracted almost instantly.

What appeared in front of Xu Jiu was a vehicle with a very strange shape.

Different from the common cars or empty boats in this era, if the appearance of this vehicle has to be compared with a rough image, it tends to magnify the beetle thousands of times.

Its volume is almost the same as that of a medium-sized private empty boat. It is divided into front and rear parts. The overall tone is dark gold and sky blue.

The first half is the cab, which is small, which is the specification of two-thirds of cars. The second half is obviously much more spacious, with a height of nearly two and five meters and a length of about four meters.

Through the expression on Xu Jiu's face, the designer understood that the first impression of the vehicle to the latter was absolutely not bad. He immediately had confidence, coughed twice and began to introduce its overall structure.

Not to mention, this vehicle is really made by imitating the beetle.

The first is its cab.

Compared with the cabin at the back, the cab is small and can only accommodate two people.

Since Xu Jiu clearly proposed that this vehicle would be used for special area exploration in the future, Qianfan machinery has specially installed two operation modes.

One is the intelligent mode dedicated to travel outside the special area. Xu Jiu only needs to input the destination, and the others are completely operated by the system. This part of the operating system does not need to be taught. As long as Xu Jiu has no problem with his IQ, he can master it after thinking for half a day and driving a few times.

The second is the source energy mode dedicated to special area exploration, which needs Xu Jiu to switch.

The designer focuses on this model.

"As long as you press this button, the source energy mode will start automatically. Please note that this function is best opened outside the special area to ensure that the intelligent mode can be switched smoothly."

In order to facilitate the explanation, the designer and Xu Jiu both sat in the cab. The former, in the co pilot's position, raised his finger to the button protected by a semicircular barrier in the middle, opened and pressed it while talking.

With the sound of the operation of the machine, the cockpit, which was originally full of future science and technology, suddenly began to change like a transformer. There were many rocker devices full of mechanical beauty, with corresponding function notes at the bottom.

"Because of the particularity of the environment in the special area, you can only operate the vehicle by yourself after switching to the source energy mode. Please rest assured that we have simplified the operation as much as possible. The main operation mode is no different from ordinary cars, but some special abilities need your special memory, such as this button to expand the energy light wing."

The designer undoubtedly knows the vehicles designed and manufactured by himself.

In order for Xu Jiu to fully understand its function, the explanation was quite detailed.

"Expand what?"

Xu Jiu looked at the button on the instrument and asked for two seconds,

"Light, light wings spread out?"

"For the acceleration device supplied by the source energy, you leave the cab first, and I'll show you the state after it starts."

When the designer pressed the button, Xu Jiu quickly sidled away from the cab. As a result, as soon as he turned his head, he saw that the roof of the cabin in the second half of the beetle suddenly expanded two metal plates like insect wings, and then the blue energy light began to gather outside the device below.

However, in just a few seconds, a pair of blue energy light wings suddenly expanded, and the temperature of the whole warehouse rose rapidly.

It looks like a mechanized beetle suddenly erupts.

"In the state of light wing deployment, the forward speed of the whole vehicle will reach the level of racing empty boat, nearly 350 km / h. However, the consumption of source crystal in this state is very exaggerated, and the operation difficulty will increase accordingly. Please use it with caution."

After introducing the acceleration function, the two returned to the cab. After briefly introducing some functions that need attention, the designer pulled down a rocker above the cab, and the back seat immediately turned and moved back into the rear cabin.

Xu Jiu said at the request that he might need a long trip next, so he hopes to add this function to the vehicle.

So the designer directly made a small-scale lounge in this cabin

Different from all kinds of high-tech in front, although the cabin in the rear is large, it more reflects the breath of life.

Not only a comfortable bed is installed, but also various supporting facilities, such as washing machines and computers, are routine operations. What really surprised Xu Jiu is the multi-functional semi-circular windows or doors on the left and right sides of the cabin.

When the two doors were closed, Xu Jiu could clearly see everything outside, but it was a blur outside.

As for why it is multifunctional.

On the one hand, a source energy device integrating attack and defense is mounted outside the hatch, including small source energy fort, flamethrower, defense barrier and even camouflage coating.

These functions may not help Xu Jiu in the battle he may face, but they can solve a considerable part of the troubles he may encounter in the special area, so that Xu Jiu won't have to leave the cab to solve any problems.

On the other hand, they can instantly double the space of the rear compartment after they are unfolded. The kitchen and shower functions originally folded in the compartment can be put into use immediately

The plan was to simply check and confirm the function and then receive the goods and leave. Finally, Xu Jiu spent more than half an hour in the warehouse to test some functions.

I have to admit that the vehicle built by Qianfan machinery perfectly fits Xu Jiu's mind.

"It seems that we did not disappoint your excellency."

The designer who finished all the introduction stood next to the vehicle and said with a smile,

"As its new owner, why don't you give it a name?"

"Ha ha, look at the appearance, just call it beetle!"

Throwing the space capsule up and down in her hand, Xu Jiu can't wait to try driving it.

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