According to the original plan.

In order to avoid conflict and delay action, Zheng Yi chose to lead the team to the temple on foot.

As I said before, there is only one ship in the port every few hours. You can't miss it anyway.

I didn't think so. Now strange people appear one after another, and their abilities are also strange. This whereabouts can't be concealed at all. They have to change their plans and find a way to get out of the quagmire surrounded by strange people before considering others.

Xu Jiu is responsible for solving the near evil. Zheng Yi opens the way with her own ability. The high platform vision provided by the bean sprout vehicle saves the effort to identify the direction, and the speed of the expedition soars.

Taking into account the time spent on the road before, it took only more than an hour for the expedition to reach the center of the city ruins, the square where the temple is located.

The bean sprout vehicle was restored to its original state, and Xu Jiu landed on the top floor of a building outside the square.

Looking around, the streets along the way are full of tumbling evil energy, which is a signal of strange riots. Not surprisingly, their goals are clearly pointed here.

Blatantly crossed their territory and killed several heads on the way.

The harm is not small, and the insult is great.

"This is a strange nest..."

The city's ruins are far more seriously affected by evil energy than Xu Jiu thought. There are many strange things hidden here.

You don't have to think about it. The expedition can't stay in the temple for too long, otherwise it will fall into a far more dangerous situation than before.

Turn around and jump back to the expedition that is preparing to enter the square.

The temple is surrounded by a garden with a wall outside. Xu Jiu roughly counted it when he was just in the sky. There are seven arches on the wall, and a god statue beyond recognition is carved above each one because of the erosion of the long years.

"The certificate representing the ticket will appear on the altar inside the temple. After we get it, we will leave here immediately and go to safety."

Zheng Yi couldn't wait to step over the gate and go straight to the main hall of the temple. The others had to follow up quickly.

Stepping on the ceramic tile path more exquisite than the street outside, Xu Jiu's eyes wandered among the deserted fountains, flower beds and ponds in the park, and the rows of shrines standing on the top floor of the corridor in front were reflected on the water surface of the latter.

When Xu Jiu really walked into the corridor of the temple, he deliberately accelerated his speed and walked to Zheng Yi. There was no chance before. Taking advantage of the current vacancy, he couldn't help asking,

"Last time you came here, you took the certificate on the altar and put it back?"

Xu Jiu doesn't know much about the inside of the special area. Previously, in the office, Zheng Yi talked more about a plan in the general direction in order to ensure her mental state.

As for some details, Zheng Yi didn't want to say, but couldn't say.

Because Zheng Yi only knows a lot of things, but she doesn't know why. The secrets hidden in the crown level special area have not been solved at all!

For example, the ticket issue.

Xu Jiu knew that they had to take the ticket before they could board the ship in the port, but he didn't know what the ticket was, how the ship appeared in the inaccessible crown class special area, and who was driving the ship, and Zheng Yi didn't know the answers to these questions!

The unknown is full of the only crown level special area on this Wusu wasteland

"No, the badge certificate representing the ticket is not unique. At the beginning, we found the ship in the port on the first day of entering the crown level special area. We couldn't board it after several attempts... We couldn't even touch the ship at all."

Zheng Yi explained to Xu Jiu as she remembered the direction to the main hall of the temple,

"In fact, the ticket voucher is like a key, which can let us briefly enter a special spiritual state and then board the ship. One voucher can let five people enter the spiritual state, so we need to get three vouchers later."

"How do you know all this?"

The tickets needed by the boat were not purchased at the port, but collected at the temple altar. Xu Jiu couldn't think of any internal relationship between the two.

"Of course, through observation, we squatted in the port for a whole day to confirm the traffic law of ships. We also found that the residents who could board the ship had this certificate in their hands..."

"Wait, you just said that the residents in the ruins of this city are boarding that ship?"

Xu Jiu suddenly stopped and looked at Zheng Yi in surprise, with a faint chill on his back,

"How long has this special area existed? I don't need to say more. According to your previous statement, if there are really invisible residents living in urban relics, they should have gone away long ago, aren't they? Are those you see really people?"

This question undoubtedly stopped Zheng Yi. He looked at Xu Jiu, slowly shook his head, paused for a few seconds, and asked back,

"Are you sure it's time to discuss this?"

Zheng Yi has long thought about what it was that took the ship. I don't know how many times, but as he said, at this moment, even if the ship is full of strange people, they have to find a way to board it!

"Tut... Take the ticket first."

He spat in a low voice, and Xu jiupo held back the light with some helplessness.

Zheng Yi, who had been here once, led the way. The team saved a lot of time to go astray. The main hall of the temple soon appeared in front of everyone.

In order to prevent the strange ambush just encountered on the street, Zheng Yigan crisp asked everyone except Xu Jiu to wait outside this time. Even if there was danger in the main hall, he and Xu Jiu could withdraw at the first time without being tied up by others.

Pushing the door in, Xu Jiu's eyes locked the altar in the middle of the empty main hall for the first time.

It was a jade white platform, which was very eye-catching in the buildings with black and gray bricks everywhere, but when they saw the altar, their faces were frozen.

There is no evidence of Zheng Yi's words when there is a swing over the altar!

"The evil energy invaded and invalidated the altar in the temple that should have made vouchers?"

Xu Jiu turns around and asks Zheng Yi.

"It's not sure yet. When we waited for the voucher, we were taken away by the residents first..."

"We didn't see 'residents' on our way here."

Shaking his head, Xu Jiu interrupts Zheng Yi's words. Xu Jiu frowns and knows Zheng Yi's plan in advance. He clearly knows what the ticket means.

If they can't board the ship, they can't get to the seal!

Do you have to go back before this operation starts?

Zheng Yi noticed Xu Jiu's expression and didn't say much, but she didn't think of quitting at all. Instead, she began to walk around the whole altar, as if looking for the difference when she came last time.

Finally, Zheng Yi came to this step. Zheng Yi couldn't accept the result of leaving the crown level special area and returning to Wusu city. He wanted to wait, or find the reason why the ticket certificate that should have appeared on the altar disappeared.

Xu Jiu didn't stop Zheng Yi's action. Anyway, there was Madeleine outside. They would keep watch for the time being. If a strange attack came in, they would be notified in advance. Now that they are free, they will wait.

Moreover, unlike Zheng Yi who focused all her attention on the altar, Xu Jiu also made his own discovery at this time.

He has seen such temple buildings several times in various special areas, and without exception, he will leave some special information, as is the case with the main hall of the temple in front of him.

On the semicircular dome above her head, Xu Jiu saw a very rare giant color mural.

Compared with the urban relics mainly in black and gray, this painted mural is undoubtedly very eye-catching. What makes Xu Jiu more concerned is that what is drawn above is not an imaginary God or religious story, but a whole map!

Map of the world in which the crown specific area is located?

With this in mind, Xu Jiu became more and more curious about it, and even gradually suspected that the map might include all the special areas he had been to at the current location.

However, this is not the case. After Xu Jiu jumped close to the mural and observed it carefully, he soon found many strange things or areas on the map.

Cities with black stone pillars on the Western coastline, giant skeletons in the eastern desert, continuous mountains in the north and huge spheres hanging above, and volcanic islands in the Southern Ocean

Xu Jiu tried to find the location of the city relics and wanted to know the location of other areas on the map in this way, but no matter how he looked, he compared all the marked cities one by one, and still found nothing.

Can it be said that this urban relic is actually an unknown small city, which is not qualified to be recorded on this map

No, if you are really not qualified to appear on it, what is the temple that specially draws a map on the temple dome?

Moreover, the scale of the city is not small. Xu Jiu just watched on the road. There is no problem for at least 700000 people, not to mention millions of people.

You know, this is not the country where he lived in his previous life.

A city with such a large population can definitely be called a big city in the society where the Special District civilization is located.

During the interval of thinking, Xu Jiu looked down at Zheng Yi. He was squatting on the edge of the altar, probably like figuring out the meaning of the relief engraved around the altar.

Just about to take back his sight and continue to observe the map above his head, Xu Jiu suddenly found that the position of the altar was facing somewhere on the map. He couldn't help but pick his eyebrow, fall to the altar and look up.

His eyes coagulated.

Xu Jiu's face was full of confusion.

I can see that the map originally depicted on the dome has changed into a white giant sailboat... This change is not because the map is blessed with mysterious magic, but because the perspective changes, the light and shadow also change.

It's like the color ruler that I used to play when I was a child. If I turn an angle, I can see a completely different scene.

"What are you looking at?"

Zheng Yi also noticed Xu Jiu's abnormality at this time. Looking along his eyes, she didn't see anything and couldn't help asking.

"Look at the top, stand over and see if the boat in that picture is the one you took before?"

The footsteps moved aside. Xu Jiu motioned Zheng Yi to look closer. The latter half leaned against the altar and also saw the ship. This was undoubtedly a new discovery. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

Dang ~ Dang ~ Dang~

The bell suddenly sounded outside the main hall. Both of them were surprised. Xu Jiu subconsciously turned to see Zheng Yi.

"We didn't hear the bell when we came... We stayed in the city ruins for three days and didn't hear it!"

For fear of Xu Jiu's misunderstanding, Zheng Yi emphasized it again.

"That's a little strange. Now what else can ring the bell in this city?"

Xu Jiu jumped off the altar and Albert suddenly rushed in from the door,

"Come out, the corridor outside the door... Anyway, come and see. It's something else."

The two people at the altar looked at each other and hurried out. As soon as they got to the door, they saw a black silhouette in the corridor.

Other sounds began to appear in the distant bell, such as the mysterious music composed of horn, Cello and singing. Through the heavy rain, it lingered in everyone's ears.

But no one cared about it at this time, and all the attention of the expedition focused on the two rows of dark figures in the corridor.

Although it is only a black silhouette, what appears in front of everyone at this time is obviously more detailed than the black silhouette in the twisted jungle outside the special area, which can roughly distinguish the outline.

These human shaped black silhouettes, dressed in robes, are divided into two columns at the gate of the main hall, with seven in each column. At the front is a bent black figure holding a large gold bowl with strange heat rising constantly. It seems that his status should be more noble than the two columns behind him.

"What the fuck is this..."

Colonel Zongze stood in the middle of the crowd and felt his scalp numb. The next few mystics seemed to have the same idea.

"When and how did they appear?"

Xu Jiu pushed aside the crowd and asked in a deep voice.

"Just half a minute ago, the light in the corridor suddenly dimmed, and then they appeared."

Madeleine answered, and as she spoke, the black silhouettes began to act.

Their knees looked stiff, and their movements were strange when they walked forward, but they were not slow, and went straight to the main hall of the temple.

"It may have something to do with the ticket certificate. I suggest letting them go."

Zheng Yi is having a headache for the lost ticket certificate on the altar. Now this emergency is the change he expected, so she whispered a reminder.

Xu Jiu on the other side had the same idea as Zheng Yi. He waved to everyone to get out of the way and don't have any contact with them. At the same time, he put these black silhouettes in front of him and entered the main hall of the temple.

As Zheng Yi guessed, these black silhouettes directly ignored the people of the expedition present, walked through them and stepped into the main hall of the temple, and the target was obviously the altar.

As usual, Madeleine and others were watching outside. Zheng Yi and Xu Jiu followed directly.

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