Two cicada molting apostles separated, and Lindo was injured, which seriously reduced the combat power of the expedition for a time.

It's almost impossible to get Madeleine and Albert back in a short time.

You know, unless it's combat strength or ability restraint, it's difficult to win or lose in a short time.

On the one hand, the apostles who can reach the cicada level without exception have completed the in-depth development of their extraordinary ability. They have the means to press the bottom of the box, both in attack and defense.

On the other hand, the strange side of the battle occupies too much advantage. The situation faced by Madeleine and Albert is likely to be suppressed by the other side, and they will be forced to consider how to delay time.

Even if you rely on some means to win, the strange can recover quickly with strong evil energy.

This terrible endurance ability makes the key to determining the outcome of the war has long been separated from the battle itself, but lies in the progress of the expedition.

That's why.

Xu Jiu had to speed up as much as possible to prevent other strange obstacles.

After all, Zheng Yi himself is also a vessel for sealing evil deeds. He can't leave the team, otherwise the mystics can't complete the seal.

Similarly, as the highest combat power of the expedition, Xu Jiu must be prepared to deal with the hunting king who has not appeared until now!

Yes, although no one mentions the existence of the hunting King now, the mutation of bone colonizer Tang en and Yingwu Zhao Jingyue makes people have to think about where the apostle in Longmen is

In fact, one of the main reasons why Madeleine and Albert took the initiative is that they don't want Xu Jiu to spend too much energy here. They know very well that the latter is likely to face a more dangerous situation.

At this time, Xu Jiu didn't have much other thoughts in his heart. He only knew that there were probably crystal fragments in the temple.

For this reason alone, there is a tiger's den ahead. Xu Jiu has to break through!

After leaving the mountain wall and colliding in the thick fog for nearly half an hour, things finally turned for the better.

In front of the expedition, a silver glow suddenly lit up.

"I remember a statue in front of the temple, which naturally oppresses the evil energy. This light is sent by it. Our direction is right!"

Xu Shi's previous experience was too depressing. Zheng Yi was very excited when she saw the silver light, and warned loudly.

Xu Jiu didn't make a sound, but waved to everyone to follow.

The destination was close at hand. Everyone in the expedition burst out of potential, and the speed soared again for a while.

Sure enough, with the continuous progress of the team, the concentration of the fog gradually weakened, and the statue that guided them gradually appeared in front of the expedition.

To Xu Jiu's surprise, the statue standing in front of the temple is not an imaginary grotesque existence, but a God with a shape similar to human beings.

The statue of God looks like a strong old man with thick white long hair scattered behind his head. He is only dressed in a thin white robe, which can clearly see the muscle lines below.

His right hand held a blue purple spear, his left hand stretched forward, his index finger pointed far away, and his feet stepped on several overlapping waves.

The overall image looks more or less like Poseidon, the God of the sea in Xu Jiu's cognition, but in front of him, there are clearly carved several faceless monsters around the base at his feet, that is, the group of guys who are tracking the expedition all the way and constantly launching attacks at high altitude.

I don't know whether it was a coincidence or some other reason. When the expedition came here, those faceless monsters disappeared without a trace, as if they had never appeared.

In any case, the silvery white light released around the statue dispersed most of the fog, and Xu Jiu didn't find the strange ambush around, which relieved everyone in the expedition and immediately turned their eyes to the goal of this trip.

The temple behind the statue!

Limited by the environment of the sealed land, the scale of the temple built here is obviously not as large as that of the urban relics, but this does not mean that the temple in front of us is more dilapidated than the latter.

On the contrary, its appearance looks more exquisite and mysterious!

There are no auxiliary halls, corridors and other ancillary buildings. In front of the temple, there is only a bright silver main hall nearly three stories high. The architectural style is quite different from that in urban relics, and there are more very strange multilateral bodies.

Xu Jiu didn't know how to describe it. These buildings that should have been messy combined with this temple have a very special beauty, as if they should have been so natural.

One of the most remarkable is the gate of the whole temple, which is embedded in the bright silver wall. It itself presents a luxurious dark gold, which is dotted with a large number of gemstones.

These glittering gemstones seem to be connected into several Dharma arrays to defend against outsiders.

I cracked it once when I came here before. Now I close it again. I guess I have to find a way to break it again.

The dispersed fog gave the expedition people confidence and rushed to the temple. Xu Jiu, who was originally in front, became the last person at this time. After looking at the team, his eyes somehow turned back to the statue.

"Human gods... Can suppress evil energy. How can they do it?"

Xu Jiu looked at the brilliance around the statue. His eyes were full of confusion and murmured in a low voice.

He was not sure whether some special device was installed inside the statue to achieve this effect, or whether it was the belief energy of the statue itself that drove the evil energy out?

Xu Jiu didn't have much time to think. On the other side, the expedition arrived at the gate of the temple. He had to hurry over.

After approaching, Xu Jiu suddenly found that these mystics seemed to have a good understanding of the defense array at the front door of the temple and directly began to crack it, which made him determine that the secret society had organized a team to explore the crown level special area was not on a whim, but obtained relevant information from other places.

At other times, Xu Jiu might want to ask clearly, but now is obviously not a good time. We have to wait until we return to Wusu city to explore the origin of the temple.

Although they master the corresponding cracking techniques, these mystics are the first time to start, and the efficiency can only be said to be average.

Xu Jiu and Zheng Yi can only wait next to each other at this time.

Taking advantage of this vacancy, Xu Jiu looked at Zheng Yi in some confusion and asked,

"It's really strange. It's reasonable to say that the source of sneaky energy should be inside the temple. As a result, it looks like a ghost around. The inside and outside of the temple are very clean, like the forbidden area of sneaky energy. Does it mean that sneaky energy is not really sealed here?"

"Maybe the shock that occurred in the early morning of a week ago caused the large-scale escape of evil energy, but also triggered the resistance mechanism of the temple... In short, it is a good thing. At least give us time to break the defense array on the door."

"No, I always feel that the outbreak was not so simple. There must be internal reasons for the large-scale overflow of evil energy. There can be no problem for no reason. You may not have heard what the mysterious scholar named Desmond said just now. I remember it clearly."

Compared with Zheng Yi's optimism, Xu Jiu felt something was wrong. She frowned and recalled the contents mentioned in Desmond's words.

Xu Jiu clearly remembers the situation when Desmond's ribs pierced the flesh before his death, and he doesn't think that the bone grower can manipulate Desmond's bones without being noticed when he is faced.

There is only one possibility that Desmond's bones have been affected by extraordinary abilities before he opens the spell seal barrier and falls into a state of suspended death!

Because of the double effects of the curse seal barrier and false death, he barely survived.

This explains why the expedition didn't break out when it was close. It didn't trigger the "trap" until the mystic who came with the expedition untied the barrier, and then the bone colonizer appeared from the pool.

The names of the two people clearly mentioned in Desmond's words and the final "caution" reminder are enough to prove this.

In this way, Desmond had long known that he had no possibility of survival and forced to take a breath in order to probably just send a death message to remind the latecomers.


Why did he mention the moon?

According to common sense, death messages must be focused first to prevent accidents and choking in the mouth.

But Desmond said the moon above his head at the beginning.

Who has to describe the surrounding environment before saying the death message

Is there any special meaning here?

That's it.

Xu Jiu subconsciously looked up at the night sky. As a result, because of the diffuse fog, he could only see a fuzzy light mass in the end.

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