As a mobile city, the main task of Yu Sui town is to "patrol" between various resource points on the wasteland and other mobile cities, act as a material storage warehouse and complete the preliminary processing of specific resources.

The first stop after leaving Wushan gathering point is a coal mine.

According to the plan, Yu Sui town will stop at the mine and load a large amount of coal, of which a considerable part will be distributed to the other two mobile cities that will be met on the way for the operation of the core power plant at the bottom of the mobile city.

Because of this, Vanessa must ensure that this resource point can supply normally when parasitic animals keen to attack humans appear on the wilderness.

However, the problem is that Yu Sui town has lost contact with the coal mine since it separated from the Wushan gathering point.

The last time the communication with the coal mine was interrupted, the information received intermittently was that the communication equipment had some fault and needed to rest, so it was necessary to keep silent for a period of time.

Who ever thought this repair would be two days.

Vanessa chose to leave Wushan gathering point at noon on the third day to go to the coal mine to ensure that she could arrive at her destination to check the situation before dark that day, and keep a safe distance from Yu Sui town.

If the town is attacked by parasitic animals, we can help in time. Of course, the coal mine is important, but if yu Sui town is attacked because of the early departure of combat power, the consequences will be more serious.

"The goal of this trip is to confirm the situation of the coal mine. It is likely to encounter combat. I think you should all know the situation of parasitic animals and try to avoid close combat..."

At the entrance and exit of the dry port, wearing a helmet, Xu Jiu leaned against the motorcycle against the wind and snow. Looking at Vanessa, who was arranging tasks in front of the team and changing into tight combat clothes, the snow behind her, set off the exquisite face, which became colder and more beautiful.

Accompanied by seven team members, mostly young people, there was only a middle-aged man with two pistols at his waist and a mechanical prosthesis in his right arm. He should be an adjutant. He had been standing beside Vanessa with a cold face.

It's an old bodyguard at a glance.

When Vanessa's order was issued, six of the official team entered the SUV respectively, and the remaining two plus Xu Jiu rode the motorcycle.

"Friend, your motorcycle is good, dust series?"

As soon as Xu Jiu got on the motorcycle, there was a fancy motorcycle that was obviously closer than that of his teammates.

Sitting on the seat was a young man who looked like him, carrying a rifle and looking at Xu Jiu's motorcycle with great interest. He was obviously an enthusiast in this field. No wonder he could see the camouflaged motorcycle body at a glance,

"This kind of motorcycle is not very popular in the city, but it is quite practical in the wilderness."

"It's OK. You have to have something close to you when wandering on the wasteland."

Glancing at the cloth bag with shotgun hanging on the right side of the motorcycle, Xu Jiu replied with a smile.

Before the young man came up to talk, Xu Jiu could feel the rejection of the team. This is normal. After all, he is a stranger or a man on the wilderness. He is not in the same world with the worst people who were born at the gathering point.

Even now, Xu Jiu can detect the line of sight from the off-road vehicle, and immediately put it away when he looks back.

"This is my first time to participate in an operation on the wasteland... Well, it's actually my first time to participate in a combat operation. I heard that you are a very powerful wasteland hunter, and even the company commander is willing to make an exception for you..."

The young man spoke intermittently, and his expression on his face was somewhat stiff. He didn't want to talk to Xu Jiu, but more like trying to ease some emotion in this way.


Slowly start the motorcycle. Xu Jiu drives down the dry port behind the team. The young man next to him almost engraves these two words on his face.

"A little, hey, the first time, not to mention facing those parasitic animals."

"Someone told me that you are all elites."

"The elite can't have the first time?"

The young man's answer was straightforward.

"Ha ha ~ it's interesting. In that case, I'll give you a piece of advice. No matter what it is, it has weaknesses, and so do parasitic animals."

Xu Jiu didn't hate this straightforward man. He patted the young man on the back while talking. Before the latter asked what he meant, he twisted the handle of the motor car and galloped down.


Riding a motorcycle on the windy and snowy wasteland is a wrong decision!

After leaving Yu Sui town for an hour and a half, Xu Jiu affirmed his idea again.

Although the motorcycle helmet configured by the dust company has a special vision cleaning device, it is difficult to make people have any positive emotions when facing the seemingly endless wind and snow and listening to the howling cold wind that makes people feel numb even after a helmet.

"Southeast, convoy!"

Someone's report came from his ear. Xu Jiu immediately turned his head and looked at it. Sure enough, there was a fleet of medium-sized cars covered with white camouflage nets in the distance.

"Slow down, alert."

Vanessa's cool voice is quite recognizable.

In this bad weather, you still choose to move. You don't have to think about it and know it's not a good stubble.

Obviously, the other party also noticed the motorcade here. Then Xu Jiu saw that there were searchlights flashing repeatedly at a specific frequency. As a person who had been mixing on the wasteland for some time, he knew that this was the other party's meaning of "passing by, everyone is really good".

Even so, the teams of both sides still didn't accelerate, but kept in a state where they could stop at any time to attack or defend. Taking this opportunity, Xu Jiu also saw that there seemed to be a young sign on the body of those cars

Not from the wilderness.

Wasteland hunters or other organizations rarely display certain signs, let alone vehicles of this tonnage. If there is no accident, these people should belong to Wushan gathering point or an organization in Wusu city.

The two sides crossed without any accident. The team accelerated again and finally came to the area where the coal mine was located when it was getting dark.

"There is no security flag on the watchtower, trying to make radio contact... Failed, no response."

The information of the scout in front of the team came from the communication channel, and Xu Jiu's expression was dignified for a few minutes immediately.

Because exposure to the wasteland may lead to the attack of alienated animals, and the coal mine cannot move, the miners and their families collectively referred to as "wastepeople" here basically live inside the mine. In order to contact the outside world in time, they set up watchtowers or communication stations outside, and use flags to express the current state.

At present, there is only one explanation for this situation, that is, there is danger here!

"Mario, Jiang Le, you two go to the watchtower to check the situation and pay attention to safety."

After a brief silence, Vanessa's instructions came from her headset.

Apart from the investigators, they are the only ones riding mobile motorcycles.

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