"This is the action permit order issued by the official of Wusu city. This parasitic beast will be taken in by our Xinmu group and leave this area immediately, otherwise we will sue you for obstructing official action!"

Straighten the glasses on the bridge of the nose. The blonde youth raises the token in his hand to the people of the mobile contingent. A series of command codes are displayed on the embedded screen. Members of the mobile contingent only need to take a look, and the system built in the helmet will naturally give corresponding prompts.

Behind the youth, a team with even better equipment than the mobile task force has surrounded a scarred parasitic beast. While maintaining the offensive and continuously consuming the regenerative energy of the parasitic beast, several of the team members are also replacing special bullets for further capture.

you 're right.

They're here to take advantage.

This feeling that people have to pass paper when they shit on their heads is obviously uncomfortable. Several mobile task forces are about to come forward, but at the same time, they also received a warning from their immediate boss.

The order number on the token is officially recognized. If they do it here, the consequences will be like what the man said just now. They will face a lawsuit from the top consortium in Wusu city.

That's not something you can solve with an apology.

Naturally, the blonde youth would not consider the mood of those mobile contingent personnel, put away the token, turned around and began to plan for the next step.

Hovering in mid air, the empty boat threw out a large net with an end connected site and an arc jumping on the surface, wrapped the monster directly, and immediately began high-power current output.

In the face of this omni-directional suppression, the parasitic beast, which was originally the end of the crossbow, had no room to resist and was directly captured.

"Director Zheng Qi, the Institute requires to capture three to five samples of parasitic animals. Considering the two parasitic animals we previously captured in other places, this task has been completed. Do you want to close the team and return immediately?"

The helmet and mask were raised, and the fully armed operation captain, dressed in the uniform of Xinmu group, asked for instructions.

"It's just three of the worst parasitic animals. What's really valuable for research is there!"

Zheng Qi looked at the blood egg monster bound into zongzi by Deng Fei in the central area, rubbed the two dark green beads in his hand, and said in a deep voice,

"Those two colonels look quite average. Do you think I can grab them if I do it now?"

"For the time being, it's not suitable to conflict with the people of the different adjustment Bureau. That blood egg monster, they are bound to win..."

As soon as I heard that the director actually wanted to start with the people of the different adjustment Bureau, the action team leader hurriedly reminded me.

"Oh, I thought the monsters born in blood eggs were very strong, but they were only at this level. It's a pity that there were no monsters born in the second blood eggs in the stronghold, otherwise I could complete all the requirements of the Institute just this trip."

Finally, he looked at the blood egg monster that seemed to be completely suppressed at any time. Zheng Qi yawned, turned and walked to the empty boat that had put away the parasitic animals and dropped to the stronghold to take them away.

In his opinion, this action is too easy.

嘭 ~ 嘭~

When he reached the cabin door, Zheng Qi stopped and asked with a frown,

"What was that noise?"

"It seems to come from the other side of the empty boat."

The action captain walking behind Zheng Qi immediately moved two steps aside and looked in the direction of the sound.

At the other end of the street, the snow exploded like waves, and his face suddenly changed. Before he could speak, the empty boat in front of him was suddenly shocked.

With a loud bang, the action team leader raised his gun and hurriedly turned around. However, he saw a headless body falling back, and two dark green beads rolled to the ground.

The shrill alarm caused by the collapse of the top of the empty boat never stops!

The sudden accident stunned the action team leader who was still secretly happy to complete the task without effort. He looked at the bloody meat blade in front of him blankly, and caught a glimpse of the head stained with large snowflakes in the corner of his eyes.

The line of sight moved back, and I didn't know when it was full of cold sweat on the forehead. What the action captain saw in front of him was a majestic giant nearly three meters high.

The dark red muscles are embedded with gray bone armor. The outer edges of the strong arms and the spine are covered with uneven bone spines. The twisted face is covered with a bone mask covered with tusks. The scarlet light spots in the eyes have locked him!

Human survival instinct urged him to flee here immediately, but his body seemed to have been fixed. His legs could not move even one step, and even breathing became a luxury. He could only face the sharp claw and hold his head like an orange.

The blood mixed with minced meat overflowed between his fingers. The parasitic beast threw away the body, shrugged and bowed, and suddenly looked up and roared at the central area.

It's like a signal.

A second ago, the struggling blood egg parasitic beast under the energy line began to madly collide with the surrounding cages, and the silent flesh and blood fungus blanket scattered dozens of touch limbs again, all spilling towards Deng Fei.

"It finally appeared. There are still their backers in the stronghold. John, as long as you suppress it, don't worry about the people behind the scenes not coming out to save the scene!"

Seeing another ferocious parasitic beast, Deng Fei not only didn't lose his head, but added a bit of joy. She looked at her teammates and said in a deep voice.

"Finally, you're in charge of this one. I'll deal with that guy."

John picked up the heavy hammer and met the bone armor monster charging here. On the way of running, John's already strong body expanded twice again, and a large number of brown coarse hairs began to appear on both sides of his hands and cheeks.

He took off his allodyne uniform and revealed the battle suit with extremely obvious muscle lines under him. John raised the heavy hammer and smashed it at the bone armor monster in front of him. His fingers pressed the button in the middle of the hammer handle at the same time, and the arc covered the hammer surface.


The sharp claw wrapped in the bone armor met the hammer body. At the moment of collision, with John and the bone armor monster as the center, the ground snow and soil layer within more than ten meters suddenly burst and churned.

The harsh hum forced the surrounding mobile contingent personnel to withdraw as far as possible to avoid being affected.

The current surged into the arms of the bone armor monster, combined with a strong shock, and directly crushed half of the monster's palm, while Colonel John on the other side didn't have a relaxed look on his face.

His hands are shaking constantly because of the shock of the recoil, as if what he just hit was not a monster, but a solid piece of refined steel!

Deng Fei on the other side was facing the crazy blood egg monster. The original suppression situation was also delayed for a time, so it was difficult to expand the war results quickly.

In one corner of the battlefield, Vanessa still contacted Xu Jiu, who disappeared after killing the shadow monster, but spoke several times in succession, but the communication channel remained silent.

By the empty boat outside the two streets, Xu Jiu bent down to pick up the two dark green beads on the ground, looked at the headless corpse next to her eyes and turned his mouth.

He was attracted by the sound of the empty boat. He happened to see the blonde young man killed by one blow and found the two beads at the same time.

Although I don't know what it is, it must be unusual for the young man who is obviously the leader to love it so much.

He can't miss the things he picked up for nothing.

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