Xu Jiu's choice of residence has been idle for too long. The furniture inside has to be replaced naturally, and the cleaning work can't be left behind.

In addition, Xu Jiu has to purchase the furniture he needs. He doesn't move much from the mobile city. Digital products such as computers and televisions must be replaced.

After all, Wushan gathering point and Wusu city use the same network. If you continue to use the previous computer, many functions cannot be used.

Like a holographic projection game, it is no longer a rare thing in this era.

Don't get me wrong.

Xu Jiu didn't plan to buy a new computer just to play games.

"Do you want to learn?"

In front of the department store, Gloria looked back, winked, and finally choked out a sentence,

"You have that kind of house. Learn... And fart!"

"Why, can't I pursue the spirit?"

Xu Jiu nuzui to the nearby ID verifier and motioned to Gloria to verify her identity quickly. His citizen card is being processed. When it is completed, Vanessa will send it together with the reward for the first World War in Shiyuan city.

The gate is open, and the spacious interior of the mall is printed into the eye.

Although upward shopping has been extremely developed, there are still many physical shopping malls in Wushan gathering point. After all, many people prefer to choose on site rather than pay by looking at the data map.

The goods are subject to the real goods. This is no joke.

"What I want to learn is not general knowledge, but about the relics of special areas... It involves some privacy. I don't want to be involved too deeply with the official government of Wusu. It's the same way to take the lead core. It's simple to ask for a piece of information, but it's not easy to get such a favor."

Xu Jiu wants to know about the relics in the special area not only because he will participate in this activity in a week, but also because of his experience in Shiyuan city.

Although the plan of the black robed old sacrifice was stopped by Xu Jiu, his behavior undoubtedly once again showed Xu Jiu the close relationship between the spar and the refining array.

At the same time, Xu Jiu realized that the key to repairing the spar lies in the birthplace of the refining array, that is, the relics of the special area.

However, Xu Jiu has never been to even a specific site so far, and he doesn't know all kinds of information in these sites, and he can't run past the sites aimlessly, which is a meaningless waste of time.

Because of this, Xu Jiu has been thinking about systematically understanding the relics in the special area recently, exploring with his own actions, looking for clues about the spar buried in the relics.

"The information of special area relics is not the content that can be consulted publicly. You want to understand them, but you are not willing to use the power of the official and lead core... There is only one option left, private association."

Gloria's eyes wandered on the container and raised her hand and pressed the purchase button from time to time. At least she settled her residence in Wushan gathering point not long ago. She was familiar with the selection and purchase of some items.

In fact, this is one of the reasons why Xu Jiu specially asked her for help. Through the creation of tracing light long knife, the relationship between the two people is further from a simple collaborator.

I can't say how good it is, but it's OK to discuss some things.

"Private association?"

Xu Jiu totally ignored Goliath's surprised eyes and didn't press the button. He just took snacks from the shelf one by one and threw them into the shopping cart in front of him, and then said,

"If it's an underground organization similar to the lead core, forget it."

"No, you can think of the private association I mentioned as... A loose organization such as a social group or a friendship club. There are no mandatory rules and regulations. It is a place to exchange information, but it is more private. For example, the information of special area relics you mentioned can not be casually taken out for communication and evaluation."

"So where can this private association be found?"

I have to admit that Xu Jiu was moved.

"There should be... Well, the community I'm talking about is the online community of static City, not a chat room, but a real online community. You have to log in with a citizen's certificate."

"Isn't this the chat group?"

"After you buy the computer later, I'll help you log it on, and you'll understand."

Knowing that Xu Jiu, a man who wanders on the wasteland most of the time, has never been exposed to this content, and it is estimated that it is difficult to understand these terms, so Gloria doesn't intend to explain more, but wants to "beat" this self righteous man with reality at that time.


The information prompt sound starts from the lead intermediary.

"They are very satisfied with the hero video you shot. They even want to sign a separate contract with you. If you like, I'll contact you."

The hero video in the intermediary mouth is naturally the content shot by Xu Jiu near the signal tower in Shiyuan city. He used another identity at that time. In his subsequent communication with the different adjustment Bureau, he also deliberately mentioned that an unknown person solved the problem of the signal tower.

It doesn't matter whether the Bureau believes it or not. Anyway, Xu Jiu believes it. As long as he doesn't let go, the people on the other side won't reveal their secrets.

As a professional agent, Xu Jiu still has this professional ethics.

"Give them my contact information for an interview."

Xu Jiu suddenly took over the character, not because he suddenly wanted to be a hero or felt that he wanted to be bald with too much hair. The reason was the treatment of the super British alliance he saw on the Internet.

Strange things, rare treasures and other things. Xu Jiu values these things!

He is not interested in participating in the super British alliance, but it does not mean that he has no other way to earn those rewards. Anyway, what people want is all kinds of benefits brought by fame, and both sides just take what they need.

After a while, the intermediary didn't reply. Xu Jiu's thumb slid on the screen. He knew that the intermediary would never leave halfway when chatting with himself now. If there was something important, he would say it in advance.

Now, I'm afraid I'm worried about something in my heart. It's hard to say for a while.

Xu Jiu didn't intend to ask. He continued his procurement. After walking around the mall, the intermediary's information came late.

"Your movements on the wasteland have attracted the attention of the leaders of the lead core. This trip to the ruins of the special area is not only a reward for you, but also an investigation. This is the message they asked me to convey."

"Is this going to upgrade me?"

Xu Jiu knew that organizations like this could not allow people who could leave anytime and anywhere to enjoy their resources.

They may let Xu Jiu participate in the action according to their previous commitment, but after that, Xu Jiu has to consider his position.

"You can understand that your strength is enough to join the core department, which means more opportunities."

"Rest assured, after joining the core department, you can continue to take on tasks that are not different in nature from before but pay more. At the same time, you can only fulfill some obligations within the organization."

It is estimated that Xu Jiu is worried about bad associations. The intermediary continuously sends messages and explains.

"No problem, just talk about it in detail."

At this juncture when she is about to go to the unexplained relics in the special area, Xu Jiu naturally won't argue with the lead core organization, but answered perfunctorily.

The intermediary was originally a messenger. Seeing that Xu Jiu didn't understand deeply, he didn't intend to say anything more. Anyway, after this mission, the organization's senior management will naturally let special personnel contact the emerging undocumented walker.

Close the chat box, Xu Jiu looks at the time on the screen and resolutely turns a sum of money to Gloria to help deliver these things. As for Xu Jiu, he quickly leaves the department store and comes to the high-rise business district of Wushan gathering point.

Although Wushan gathering point itself is a steel fortress, this does not mean that it is airtight. In fact, a considerable part of the middle and high-rise areas of Wushan gathering point have "open-air" platforms, such as the restaurant Xu Jiu comes to now.

Follow the waiter out of the corridor.

The blue sky of the wasteland and the towering snow mountains in the distance are visible. The bright sunshine in the afternoon sprinkles on the platform full of green plants around. Xu Jiu takes back his sight, sweeps around the circle at will, finds Vanessa on the edge of the platform and is looking at this side.

It was still the beige long windbreaker. The light red high necked sweater was very suitable for her figure. She leaned against the bench with a cup of coffee in her hand. There was a silver gray suitcase on the table in front of her.

He said hello and sat down straight. Xu Jiu looked at Vanessa's state and said,

"It seems that the situation in Shiyuan city is OK."

"Well... It can only be said that it is better than expected. Most people have only suffered some mental damage and will recover themselves after a period of time, and the damage degree of cities and towns is within an acceptable range."

Vanessa, who was not involved in the battle, is naturally in good condition. She raised her hand and handed Xu Jiu the tablet with the menu in her hand,

"It's my treat this time. Thank you for helping us... Solve a big problem. Have you chosen a new residence?"

Vanessa glanced at the scattered guests around, still keeping her constant vigilance. When Xu Jiu roughly explained the situation of his residence, she was stunned for a moment. Seeing Xu Jiu's eyes turn from the menu to herself, she quickly restrained her already less obvious smile.

"Don't you feel tired with your face stretched all the time? Don't be concave if the iceberg beauty is set in front of me?"

Xu Jiu, who had just finished the order, noticed the change in Vanessa's expression and said a sentence with a smile. Before the latter was angry, he changed the topic again,

"As for my reward, this meal is a personal friendship, which can't be offset by anything else."

"Captain, let me thank you on behalf of the operation personnel. Here are two treasures and some certificates prepared according to your requirements. As for another requirement... We can't do anything for the time being. Alienated animals that can move freely and obey orders in most special areas can't be cultivated on a large scale, and the existing alienated animals basically have owners."

Vanessa first pushed the suitcase in front of Xu Jiu, and then said,

"But we will help you pay attention. Of course, you can change to other requirements. As long as you can meet them, we won't refuse."

There is no doubt about the importance of Xu Jiu in this Shiyuan city action. His strength and attitude of actively participating in the action make it impossible for the senior management of the bureau to ignore the value of making friends with him.

Even if Xu Jiu made it clear that he would not join the Bureau for the time being, it still did not prevent them from investing in the former.

Who knows if this suddenly emerged wasteland hunter will have this intention in the future, let alone he looks so young.

"There are no other conditions for the time being. I'm not in a hurry for the last condition. Just take your time."

Xu Jiu's eyes turned to the flocks of birds in the sky, and his willingness to want an alienated beast that can assist in action in the special area was put forward on a whim to some extent.

After all, for some time in the future, he should often go in and out of the different tune Bureau, and the flying mice he had seen in the special area of C16 really made Xu Jiu feel interesting.

Who doesn't want a giant pet who can only carry all kinds of things for himself and can walk instead?

"By the way, have you figured out the origin of those monsters?"

Because the insect and beast were shocked into pieces by someone's knife, the test work carried out by the foreign tune bureau also increased several difficulties out of thin air.

However, Xu Jiu also shared his known information with the Bureau, including the fact that those people in black robes are very likely to be tool people and the existence of the old sacrifice.

Of course, Xu Jiu must not mention anything about the spar fragments, focusing on the name mentioned by the old priest before his death.


"At present, it is certain that there are other people behind this incident. Through searching and verifying the bodies of the people in black robes on the scene and comparing the database, we can basically determine that they come from a cult organization that has been destroyed several years ago. As for the name you said... There are more than 2000 people with Douglas in their names at the Wushan gathering point alone, which is still a mystery On the premise of excluding codes. "

The emergence of insects and animals made wusucheng pay more attention to this event. Although the new year's day has only been two days, she has worked overtime to sort out some information. Vanessa, who was promoted to lieutenant colonel through this action, is naturally qualified to know,

"These black robed people seem to have been coerced or bewitched. They stayed in the B5 specific area for a long time and finally created several parasites we found through various experiments... Unfortunately, because there is no living mouth, it is very difficult to promote the clues. Maybe after a breakthrough in parasite research, we can trace the source through the technology contained therein."

"Ha ~ it seems that there is still some time. Don't talk about these disgusting things. Eat!"

Xu Jiu reached out to carry the suitcase to her feet. The table was soon filled with delicious dishes. Vanessa also stopped talking about parasites, and the two began to talk about other things.

When the golden sun was dyed orange, Vanessa put down her juice, looked at Xu Jiu opposite her eyes and began to tidy up her clothes.

The food on the table has long been removed, leaving only some dried fruits.


Xu Jiu drank up the drink in one gulp.

"I'm going back to the headquarters of the foreign exchange bureau to report on my work... I should stay in Wusu city for some time."

Vanessa doesn't belong to the permanent staff of the Bureau of foreign affairs at the gathering point of Wushan. Now that the parasitic animal incident is over, she naturally wants to return. She paused and said,

"Wushan gathering point will return to Wusu city for unloading in two months. See you then!"

"Of course, keep in touch."

Xu Jiu got up with a smile and leaned against the guardrail,

"Your empty boat is estimated to be in the military control zone, so I won't send you."

"Well, I'm glad to cooperate with you these days. Remember to contact me in the community... My friend of wilderness hunter!"

Vanessa moved two steps aside and looked at Xu Jiu who was throwing raisins into her mouth. Somehow, she suddenly pursed her mouth and smiled.

The orange sunset set off her implicit smile. In the end, the iceberg beauty couldn't hold it. Immediately, she didn't wait for Xu Jiu to speak. The orange color on her face was inexplicably deep. Vanessa turned and left.

"Good bye, my friend, Lieutenant Colonel of the board of dissidents."

Xu Jiu watched Vanessa leave until her figure disappeared at the end of the corridor.

The cool evening wind blew from the wasteland behind itself.

Unexpected comfort.

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